Unintentional Red Pills

Seriously what is the point of this movie?

I know what they were trying to do, make us feel sorry for the black man because it's just his environment. But literally every character in this film is awful. Just awful.

It opens with "O-dog" killing a guy because he says something he doesn't like. Then he takes the tape and shows it to all his friends throughout the film. He is meant to be "the funny one". Never gets caught. No repurcussions.

The main guy is also awful. Kills people, gets a girl pregnant then leaves her, an absolute thug. The description on netflix says "it's about a black youth trying to turn his life around". No it's not. It's about a thug being a thug and we're meant to feel sorry for him when he gets shot at the end.

There is one really notable scene. He gets pulled over by some cops who beat him up and leave him in gangland. The voiceover literally says "but the esses were cool and took us to hospital". Mexican gangs are cool, police are bad.

However, he was driving a stolen car. It makes a big deal about how cops pull over black youths, but he stole the damn car. He also robbed another black guy earlier in the day. The other guy is like "why are we robbing and killing each other" and he doesn't care, takes the money, beats "the brother" up.

This movie is an unintentional red pill.

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>it's just his environment.
One is a novelty, two is a ghetto.
- Archie Bunker

Attached: Chimpout.jpg (1023x681, 151K)

>1 post by this ID

The point of the film was to depict 90s street gang life. Being a gangsta was trendy in the 90s.

2 now dipshit

I think o dog gets arrested for the store robbery but I haven't seen this in a long time

nope. The main nog does, but he knows the cops got nothing, so gets set free. O-dog is the only one alive at the end.


yea in the end they only show a flashback of odog getting arrested and he takes off after the final shooting

it was directed by nogs though so that's why they make it seem like its not their fault the whole time

Attached: HughesbrothersCCJuly09.jpg (540x258, 151K)

remember when homeboy lets that bum suck his dick, all those niggers are gay, remember that.