Hahahhah left-wing Mayor literally BTFO by NATIONALISTS

>be Greek Mayor of second largest city in Greece
>decide to attend event remembering Turks killing Greeks in WW1
>Greek Nationalists go nuts and BTFO of mayor.

This is what all Nationalists should be doing everywhere, if the 15million Burgers who visit Jow Forums a month decided to pick up arms and chimp out there is not a force in the world who could stop them. FUCK THEM!
Nationalism forever! There will one final war for the Nation-States of Westphalia against Globalism. Let's call it WW3. They are afraid, very afraid.
Right wing Death Squad Sound Track

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Q predicted this

Some fash-wave for my Brothers.

The event was to remember Greek killed by Turk, yes? Why would nationalist be against this? Do I not understand?

Thessonoliki is a dope place, special place in my heart since we were thre for a few days on honeymoon.

If you're ever going to Greece just skip Athens and head to Thessoloniki instead

Keep reading. The mayor is an SJW boomer

>Not posting the glorious vids
What are you doing koumpare?
Also this piece of shit not only had the great idea to attend the ceremony, but he also hosted a gay pride the day of remembrance of the Pontic genocide. He is lucky he didn't end up in a coma.

that's a funny way to spell Solun

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Sorry my bad, didnt explain properly, basically people some him as a traitor.

Bird's eye

Closer to the action

Having shit thrown at him car kicked and punched

Car rear window smashed.

This is him btw

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Day of the Nursing Home when?

or Day of the Pillow... whatever we're gonna call it

What's his stance on the mass immigration of migrants through Greece?

Presumably they see him as insincere, coming there for appearance's sake.

Fucking wew. He got off too easy.

You are not Bulgarian, fuck your father.

God this is so satisfying to watch.

good, nation-traitors politicians deserve to be punished

Absolutely based. I'd pay money to watch this guy get stabbed to death by a mob of Macedonians.

Damn nigga you goin so hard in the motherfuckin paint that this talk is almost illegal even in freedomland. Not quite, but close.

I imagine Nigels are being arrested just for reading it as we speak.

someone else thinks this looks aesthetic?

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One last final show down for the fate of the earth Nationalists vs Globalists. The ZIonists have got to have one last war to defeat Russia.
Get ready anons, it's coming.

Trump the Kike-in-Chief

Death to Traitors

Dead or Alive your coming with me

hello cia and fbi

I do not understand the relevance. Why beat the old man when he is not making offense?

Because for the visit to this ceremony? This is what I do not understand. It was genocide of Greek by Turkish, yes? Are this people angry the old man remembers this genocide?

I do not understand this anger.

as always, wogs cant do kino

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lul, that reminds me pic related. how did he even get elected?

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What is this shitskin tier behavior? Why do greeks behave like savages? No wonder your country is a banana republic.

At least they can protected their mothers, sisters and daughters from being savaged by subhumans.
Go give 1 year of jail to kiddie diddlers with a comfy cell television and internet.

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He has repeatedly expressed sentiments against ethnic Greeks and for mass immigration and replacement so people think it is shameful that he dares to show his face on a day of remembrance for the lives of ethnic Greeks lost by the people he wants to import into the country.

you're just too soft

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Kek, I knew you'd defend it. You're at the same level as the uncivilised shitskins and niggers.

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Here he's talking about Kemal
>I don't give a shit if he's killed Greeks

How do you reconcile being such a giant faggot? It's not social justice to expect law and order. I honestly didn't expect less from Mediterraneans, especially consider how they're such a giant fuck up of a country. If you think this sort of behaviour is acceptable but find it despicable when ANTIFA uses violence, you're a hypocrite.

Boutaris is a faggot and a leftist. He has express his appreciation for Kemal Ataturk many times, he has stated that he don't care if a bunch of Greeks died (his words) referring to the Pontic genocide. Not only that, he decided to give permission for a gay pride to take place in thessaloniki the same day of the genocide remembrance. It was a stupid idea to show up.

Boomers just need to be glassed

>poland almost as cucked as UK
so much for the poland meme

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>When the memes write themselves

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>Not an argument
>Not an argument
>Not an argument

based malakas

>Pontic genocide in WWI

What now?

Too bad he survived. Sounds like traitorous scum.

>I do not understand this anger.
he says he's proud to be greece and is in an event that is to remember when turks genocided greeks
but he'd sooner flood greece with more turks and let them kill more children

Nordcucks need meds to show them the proper way again. History repeats itself.

I don't even know how to reply to you.
I would beat you up if you were my son.

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Nice job Greeks

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Sometimes playing nice doesn't win user. If all Europeans had done this from the beginning I doubt we'd have many problems.

Is it solving problems with violence?

But at a certain point and Sweden's about to reach this point soon, if you don't get the SfD in power this election you will not be able to survive by using democracy. A future for the Swedish people will need to be secured some other way.

What are some examples of retarded leftist shit he's done?

The mayor was praising Ataturk and literally said in English, in an interview, "I don't give a shit if he killed, or not, Greeks or whatever." word for word. He's now in hospital

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Violence is fine what matters is the aim.
No shit we're still going to drag leftists through the mud whenever they commit acts of violence though, that's just smart.

All that matters is winning.

Greeks can be quite based.

remember remember the day of debt payments remember.

That's what he gets for talking out of both sides of his mouth. A smashed mouth.

It's not just a matter of right and wrong, leftists have inorganic perverse goals.
Without the left pushing harder and harder the far right wouldn't be palatable. There would be debates of proportionally small issues("progress" and progress), some would be happy and some would not, but violence would be condemned by both sides.

The days of peaceful patriotism and reasonable debate are soon to be over. It didn't have to be this way.

I mean they kind of want us dead... So unless they were idiots their masters new this was coming.

They openly call for our deaths on social media and are celebrated because of it. Meanwhile, if someone on the right posts a counter argument, they get instantly banned

Yep and they've tried their hardest to make organization either illegal or as undesirable as possible. But certain countries like Sweden and the U.K. especially (depending on how the next election in Sweden goes) are going to have to say fuck it and go for it. Of course they still have to be smart and calculating and build up an organization but they're soon reaching the point of they're finished unless they act through means outside of democracy. This was concluded by the Tory party recently in a document I don't have. It could be massive nationwide walkouts or mass civil disobedience or protests but in all likelihood it's going to be bloody very bloody.

>To boost Thessaloniki’s economy he visited Istanbul to encourage Turkish Airlines to set up flight routes between the two cities. Now 100,000 Turkish tourists visit the city a year. “The Turks are our brothers,” he says.
>Tourism has increased from Israel as well, helped by Boutaris speaking out about what he called “the darkest moment in its history” when 56,000 Jews from Thessaloniki (a quarter of the city’s population) were sent to concentration camps during the Nazi occupation, and the 450-year-old Jewish cemetery was destroyed. Boutaris even wore a Star of David at his re-election swearing-in ceremony in protest that the fascist Golden Dawn Party were taking a seat on the council.
>Boutaris visited Berlin to learn about effective municipal administration, particularly refuse collection. “Your city is clean, while ours is dirty,” he said. “We need your help.”
>Boutaris’ progressive attitude is further illustrated by his support for Thessaloniki’s gay pride parade. “In the society that we want to build, everyone has the right to express himself without feeling any kind of oppression,”
>In his youth he was associated with the Communist Party of Greece (KKE).
>“Enough with the Holocaust, enough with the mourning, although we will never forget,” he says. “We want to bring up the Jewish heritage, which should not stop with the Holocaust.”
>“No one knows what Thessaloniki could have been,” he says, “if it hadn’t lost 95 percent of its Jewish community.”
>Thessaloniki Mayor Boutaris Declares: ‘I Am Ashamed That I Am Greek’
>He said that displaying Greek pride was “ethnic populism,” and, in telling words, told the Journal that, “I feel closer to the Turks than to the Swedes. With the European Union, I feel like a partner.” he added, “With the Turks, I feel like a brother.”
>...Boutaris’s proposals to give streets their old Turkish names back and raise a statue of modern Turkey’s founder Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, who was born in the city.

Based Hellas

My mums side is Pontic Greek, dads side is Macedonian Greek.

Are you a faggot?

Good job Stavros.Ttaitors first.

but is the window ok?

The Greeks are pretty based

This is the mayor of the second largest city in Greece

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Good, daily reminder that lynching has been the best way to weed out degenerate leaders through history.

>"The people will detest them, they will hunt them down and chase them away and they will ask for the king to come back in their place"
St. Paisios the Athonite

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he was there to remember the turks killing the greeks, not the greeks getting killed by the turks.

Based Greece! Don't listen to EU homos calling you names. You guys are whitest in Europe judging by your actions.

The French would know

Sad dick Khan next please!

Next time fucking Hang em all.
Traitors most die

cuck mentality.
this is why you are Americans' bitch

As an Antifa I support the Greek Nationalists here, communities have a right to defend themselves because Ataturk was a fascist.

beating up a 75 year old is BASED XDDDD

The Sven-fag is right. Magnanimity is an ancient virtue for good reason.

you must be one of those shitskins from the dutch colonies

LMAO grandpa got OWNED xddddddd
communism and refugee problems are OVER xddddd
epic, epic for the win

They should of stabbed him to death instead.

>He's 75 so him being a traitor and in control of one of the most important cities in Greece doesn't matter!

Yeah thats whats bugging me

Solving your problems by beating up the elderly during a moment of reflection is literally bottom of the barrel fucking nigger tier. It is of no surprise Jow Forums cheers this on.

Real men educate themselves and work hard to solve the problems they face, but that’s nothing you neckbeard fucking faggots would know anything about.

Yeah, overthrowing the Ottomans was done purely with education. When the nigger refugee your mayor helped bring into your area rapes your mum or sister, make sure you're educated enough to solve the problem. You wouldn't want to look like a nigger after all

>Real men spend years educating themselves while the political elites solidify their stranglehold on the world so that no one can oppose them

Good goy

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Good. Now watch antifa condemn their "cowardly violence" while they do the exact same shit.

Overthrowing the Ottomans was done by organizing an army, havig superior firepower and arranging the logistics to support an army.

Not chimping out like a nigger in the street. You’re so fucking stupid you should stab your eyeballs out so you could stop typing retarted shit online.

>muh "real men" are pacifist cucks that do nothing in the face of evil
Your ancestors think you're a pussy.

Sometimes violence is the only solution. If a man is not capable of violence, he's not a real man at all.
Good luck organizing that army while your politicians are against you.

Captain Sweden to the rescue!
We should all follow his example and stay nice and docile when sandniggees rule you and destroy your historical artifacts to build social housing for the other sandniggers!

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I SPECIFICALLY said “work hard” you fucking cockmongling son of a whore.

Why does Jow Forums flip the fuck out when some antifa homo beats some alt-right neckbeard up but as soon as some white men degrade themselves into man-on-man violence you all think it’s BASED xd.

You fags all seem to think i am promoting pacifism, im promoting hard work. Hitler didn’t got rid of Jews by beating up every single Jew single handedly. He organized one of the biggest war machines ever.

Organized violence is efficient. Man on man violence in the street is Africa tier.

>Solving your problems by beating up the elderly during a moment of reflection is literally bottom of the barrel fucking nigger tier.
the mindset of wealthy westerners is weird
people like you would die in the first day of war
maybe you guys deserve your downfall
after all, it was you who allowed this

That was only a matter of time.
Similar things will also happen in spain and italy probably.
Thats how the meds roll.


Autistic screeching and violence won't change anything if he's still in power.


Also, how did a KKE even get a job as mayor?

The only problem we have with antifa is that they're the opposition and our side is too afraid to match their level of reckless violence
>why do they get so mad when their football team loses to another team???
Get a fucking clue man, we are WAY past the point of peaceful negotiation here, we don't hate the sport, we hate LOSING.

How's that working out in your neck of the woods m8? You reddit spacing pseudointellectual cunt, just this event has sparked so much nationalism and has fueled a fire. All the comments are Greeks saying that more should have happened to him, it's becoming slowly more acceptable to take violent measures to get rid of the seemingly endless horde of corrupt politicians. The more this sentiment grows, the more organized it will become. This was great for morale, how hard are you working by the way?

Fuck off, you fucking pussy.

Traitors like you will be first against the wall.

Maybe youre losing because youre a fat loser?

Because the mayor is anti-nationalist.