Oe Rogan - Tim Kennedy Says Waterboarding Isn't Torture


Is he right /pol is waterboarding touture?

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Of course it's torture. It's physically painful and induces fears of death. Americans learned it from the Spanish when they took over Cuba and the Phillipines (concentration camps, too). Waterboarding was used during the Spanish Inquisition, the Spanish name for it translates to water truth because it makes people confess to shit. You know, like torture does. That is in fact the primary use of tortue.

It is, but there isn't anything wrong with it
The ends justify the means

But is it wrong?

Morality is subjective and malleable. Torture is effective. It's a tool, like a gun. Right and wrong is up to the people involved.

But muh John McCain said we shouldn't do it.

>Torture is effective.
It's effective at causing people pain. But not much else.

It's effective at breaking wills and garnering confessions, whether the tortured is guilty or not. That's useful. Don't be naive.

Finally, someone realizes moral clarity is indistinguishable from moral nihilism.

khalid sheikh mohammed says otherwise.

Who gives a fuck?

If a raghead captures one of our brave boys he'll probably cut off his head on film with a dull knife.

I'm 100% pro torture.

Torture them and then execute them.

>causing people pain has absolutely no functionality

You can't be this retarded.

Damn right. You can only get killed ONCE. What WE do to you HERE lasts forever.

>If a raghead captures one of our brave boys

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it fits the definition, so yes, it is torture
this isn't exactly up for debate

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there's no use for a false confession to an honest man

Morality should not be treated as a subjective malleable.

We must hold ourselves to an objective standard such that the rules of the game serve each person fairly and with the greatest reduction of suffering. Anything less is amoral.

>I'm 100% pro torture.
>Torture them and then execute them.
how pointless and primitive

But user, violence doesn't solve anything.
If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.

Honestly, you shouldn’t be allowed to serve in US armed forces if you can’t take a few minutes of water boarding.

>A fucking kike puppet

All of them must be killed. Even this closet-homo.

Violence is the end solution to all problems.

t.cultural marxist

>there's no use for a false confession to an honest man
Yes there it. This is a stupid statement. It's akin to saying lies can't be useful.
>should not
>We must
Says who? You?
>each person fairly
People aren't equal.
>greatest reduction of suffering
>Anything else is amoral.
You are extremely naive. If you hold people to rules and standards you've invented you're only going to be disappointed.
>t.cultural marxist
Not even close, flaggot. I'm merely smarter and more honest than you.

>chopping toes, destroying testicles, pulling out teeth, chinese water torture, rat cages

permanent damage to the brain and body, survive it and end being ignored by society...
there is a reason why Asia needs nuked.

t.cultural marxist

>Yes there it. This is a stupid statement. It's akin to saying lies can't be useful.
you're illiterate
I said that honest men have no use for them

Torture can ether be done through fear or physical damage. It seems to me water boarding is the humane choice.

McAmnesty got off light, he deserves an eternity of medieval cruelty for his treason against the United States.

>I said that honest men have no use for them
Fair enough, your previous post was in broken English. But honesty is subjective, too.

Please tell how a false confession is useful then.

yes, unless you want a war with somebody its wrong 100%

>what is a patsy
Ask a Jew.

>honesty is subjective
that's a dishonest statement

Almost anything can be used as torture. fuck off.

Dude I wanna cut off a head pack a bowl in the nose and light that shit up inhaling through the neck

To most people, the most horrifying aspect of torture is the permanent bodily disfigurement it causes. Waterboarding causes no lasting harm, so it doesn't seem as bad to people. That's it. I don't know why people get hung up on the words so bad that they can't wrap their minds around the substance.

No it isn't, because honesty isn't absolute thus nobody is absolutely honest. Everybody is cabale of lying to themselves to degrees, and a lie believed in earnest or ignorance is indistinguishable from truth. Anybody can kill and torture in violation of their principles given just cause.

now can't we just gas all the jews

whether an absolutely honest man exists doesn't matter
honesty is inherently objective because it is inherently tied to objectivity

Kill them all leave no surviving

what the fuk toothpaste? aren't you the contrarian

how is honesty subjective
either you're truthful or you're not
there's not really anything subjective about honesty

yes it is torture

tim kennedy is also the trihardiest faggot ever to be in the ufc. he never stops whining.

>Waterboarding causes no lasting harm
no wonder you're billy no mates over there lmao

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It's a word and concept humans apply to human behaviour. Stop hiding behind language, that's a human invention too. Honesty is a useful informer socially, culturally, psychologically, morally, but so too is dishonesty.

idiot, people are taught what truth is and is not. honesty is only what an individual perceives it to be. honesty is completely subjective to what one is taught to believe.

>how is honesty subjective
Because truth is subjective, if for no other reason than it is perceptive, and if I'm colourblind and you're not then is an apple red? It is to you, but you have only majority opinion to back you up, and the human definition of red.

Yes, it is torture.

language can be used to describe objective reality. or is the word objective also subjective

what you perceive truth to be is still an aspect of truth
if I tell you exactly what I perceive the world to be, I am being honest. this is a part of objective reality. now maybe you miss some things or maybe you perceive some things the wrong way. that doesn't matter. objectively speaking, this is how you perceived it.
if you describe your perception any different, you're not being honest

the objective reality is that you perceive the apple to be whatever color you perceive it to be
if you're honest, you describe what you perceive

that's still a part of objective reality

When he was first taken to Gitmo, khalid sheikh mohammed spent apx four hours being interrogated by the FBI. They were kind to him, offered him food and drink, cigerates and medical attention. Then they handed him over to the CIA, who proceeded to waterboard him 189 over the next 60 days! The FBI got four times as much information out of him in that four hours with basic kindness as the CIA managed in 60 days with waterboarding.

>now maybe you miss some things or maybe you perceive some things the wrong way. that doesn't matter.
This makes your perception of things subjective. Whether your recitation of what you see is honest or not is irrelevant, that only makes you honest according to you, if doesn't prove objective truth in reality.
>the objective reality is that you perceive the apple to be whatever color you perceive it to be
if you're honest
And I can honestly make use of a false confession from an "innocent" man as a means to an end, because I define all these terms, because they're subjective. I don't even have to lie to myself. I bet you think 2+2=4.

Tim Kennedy is the worst kind of zogbot.

I don't get why we use such pussy tactics, why waterboard terrorist when we can use A E S T H E T I C nukes?

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Language is a tool for describing concepts. YOU KNOW what concept he's describing with the word "honest". Stop playing dumb.

>This makes your perception of things subjective. Whether your recitation of what you see is honest or not is irrelevant, that only makes you honest according to you, if doesn't prove objective truth in reality.
when did i talk about proving objective truth?
if an honest man knows a confession is false, then he cannot both be an honest man and use this false confession as if it were a true one
it's inherently cotradictory

your ideological adherence to your subjectivist worldview makes you look like a real idiot here my man

>And I can honestly make use of a false confession from an "innocent" man as a means to an end
no you can't

>because I define all these terms
neither of us defined language, it was defined for us

>because they're subjective. I don't even have to lie to myself. I bet you think 2+2=4.
2+2=4 and that's objectively true

>did u take it?
>Take what?
>Ok I took everything!
The pressure of finding a perpetrator is stronger than the will for knowing the truth. If you're okay with that something's wrong with you.
But nowadays they don't even need torture.
>Don't like someone for some reason
>Plant cheese pizza
>Go to jail forever

kennedy is a fucking faggot and got BTFO by a Mexican gardener

Of course, if the asshole neocons chose to not start the Kuwait/Iraq war in 1991, this entire subject wouldn't even be an issue today

tell that crap to all the famlies that lost loved ones on 9/11. Terrorist animals deserve everything that they are subjected to once captured.

The issue with torture is, that people confess stuff that may not be true to end it.

they didn't torture the 911 perpetrators though they are still on the loose

>it makes people confess to shit. You know, like torture does

Problem with torture is people will confess to literally anything just to make it stop

they won't confess the TRUTH, they will just say something to get relief.
they send you on wild goose chases or even into ambushes, and you're really not in control or even making progess.

To obfuscate and hide crimes, so basically you are defending something that is only useful to criminals and scum

I’m for it as a punishment. I’m against it as an evidence gathering mechanism, because it leads to wrong evidence, intel and convictions will always be questionable.

What the fuck is a false confession useful for? Do you want actual criminals roaming freely?

>goat farmer A gets water boarded
>he rats out goat farmer B as being terrorist to get waterboaring to stop (and to use americans to get himself more land)
>americans drone farmer b
>farmer a gets more land, america gets to brag about killing terrorists.

if they think you have information they want, then they dont want you to die, they want to get information out of you.

you get them to stop by inhaling the water and forcing them to do cpr, or you die and they dont get what they want. it's a win/win and why waterboarding doesn't satisfy any goal but sadistry or book cooking in the intel department.

Your amerimutt ignorance is what lets jews lead you around by the nose and gets your boiz into these situations in the first place

For getting your way, and convincing legions of retards that you're right.

Here's a quick example: Take julian assange, put him in custody, waterboard him until he agrees to confess to helping the russians help trump, use that confession as evidence in a court so you can spy on trump. This is just an example of how a confession could be useful.

Stop being a naive fuckwit who can't even imagine people doing morally reprehensible acts to get their way. People do this kind of shit every single day and the naive suffer for it.

The most effective way to get information from someone is to manipulate/help them. Money and a prostitute works better than trying to drown someone to death. First, it gives them something to lose, second the information obtained from torture is inherently unreliable.

In other words, you only torture when you want confessions.

>Torture is effective.
Effective at getting them to say what you want to hear perhaps...


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When you return you burn an eyeball out with a cigar and ask again....better hope it is not a goose chase the second time

LOL he also said that Hitler died in South America in that podcast. gr8 stuff

Sometimes you dont need evidence for conviction,
you just need information.
As long as you're aware the info can be false, it benefits you.

>for getting your way
Or just don't do any of that shit and spy on Trump anyway like they already do because you have the power to do it. A confession obtained by torture is no better for getting public approval.

Torture should be outlawed.
Not because of morality, but because information given under duress cannot be relied upon. Waste of time and effort.

On the torture continuum, water boarding is like 1.5 with solitary confinement 1 and scaphism 11. When the fuse is lit and lives on the line, I’m ok with my government going to 2 or 3.

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There is literally nothing wrong with torture.
Besides, it's not like the intelligence agencies are going to stop doing it because a bunch of civvies cry, they are not politicians.

Do you have a single piece of evidence to back that up?
I'm unironically asking. I hear that a lot but it really really sounds like horseshit.

My friends and I did it to each other for a laugh, and it fucking sucks. Not having the option to tap out would indeed be torture.

No real reason to waterboard women but we should anyway

torturing is anything that leaves permanent irreversible badly harm. If you can 100% recover from water boarding then it is NOT torture

nice try libcucks

Ask yourself, would you tell your captors whatever they wanted to hear to stop from being tortured?
People in this business have said as much, and no one can hold out forever.

In America we're supposed to have higher standards. If you torture then you have no moral high ground for your soldiers if they are captured/tortured.
Although we usually outsource it.

But we don't waterboard Mossad

modern day

say something completely and ridiculously stupid

everyone talks about it because it's so stupid

get famous


>Do you have a single piece of evidence to back that up?
the holohoax

> how pointless and primitive
You're talking to an amerimutt after all

muh 911

This is such a fucking meme. Interrogators, especially CIA bigger level, know what to ask so they cant be lead on.

By this definition imprisonment could be torture, as it inflicts agony of mind. Literally anything unpleasant can be construed as torture.

The Japs used waterboarding on American prisoners in WWII, and were executed by the U.S. for doing so after the war. They probably thought the same thing.

Well, I would like him to experience it.
I would happily tie him up and pour the water.

Not him, but the English had Lord Mountbatten do a study on the effectiveness of torture using IRA prisoners. He determined it produced less reliable information than conventional interrogation according to sworn, public testimony before the House of Commons. Most effective torture method was sleep deprivation. The IRA killed him for these experiments, but did not torture him first.

holy fuck guys it's not difficult.
Does people getting water boarded make you feel good or bad? Do you bugs even have souls?

John McCain was tortured into making anti american propaganda (not that a slimebag like him probably needed much convincing to betray his country), hes living proof that torture works

>taliban cavemen are modern day nazis
what did he mean by this?

Pliers and fingernails seem to be more torturous than some stupid fucking water

Waterboarding Jihadi terrorist is fair. just to show them who is boss.