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You listen here Jow Forums
I am a White straight English-speaking Libertarian male who lives in Australia.
I oppose all collectives, collectivism and identity.

I want this answers!
Why are collectivists so stupid? Why can't they adopt individualism?

Attached: Collectivist worm destroyed by individualists ants..webm (714x476, 2.9M)

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Nazis put a man on the moon, in a government organization called NASA

Collectivism =/= hivemind.

Let's be real, collectivism is shit, but you would be fucked in an individualist society.

Individualism does not require refusing to work together for a common goal. Where did this idea even come from?

Attached: 1522682269688-pol.png (793x794, 273K)

So you come together as a collective to overcome obstacles? Why are you living in absolutes?

How does one oppose identity?

> I am a blank blank blank-speaking blank blank who lives in blank.

Acting collectively (group effort for a common goal) is not synonymous with Collectivism. I can't believe I even have to type these words...

Attached: 1523661613559-pol.jpg (510x383, 28K)

ants are not communist they are over mind they are but ONE and mostly FASCIST !

We are no match for for ants systemic marvel they will be here for AEON after not a single trace of human kind remains

Simply realize that we are all a mishmash of so many "identity" categories that it is beyond retarded to pick one axis from dozens and claim that this single feature defines us in totality. The worst categories are the superficial, like skin color. Ideology (or culture) is a much better predictor of behavior, but even that doesn't correlate 1:1.

Attached: 1521016692031-pol.png (700x1200, 454K)

Oh and Anarcho Capitalist is nonsensical ...

The worst categories are the superficial like skin color.

Attached: A white person. Not an African.jpg (480x360, 11K)

>skin color
Yeah it's about skin hatred you fucking retard, not the fact that niggers overwhelmingly vote left-wing in literally every single country on the globe.

Attached: bait 5.jpg (399x358, 35K)

I just want to live in a country that is a super majority "white" (ethnic groups that originated from western europe) and christian... preferably higher than 90% white christian but I'll settle for as low as 85%. Whatever is collectively required from individuals to make that happen, whether it reaches your threshold of what constitutes "collectivism" makes no difference to me. Basically I want a USA as our founding father intended it to be. I might be willing to negotiated little and not have it to be completely anglo-saxon.

>negotiated little
to negotiate a little

Ethno-Minarchism is the answer, mate.

I think you missed the point of what OP was saying.

out of curiosity, what am I saying?

not him, but I just assumed you were aussie shitposting as aussies tend to do.

Nah, I do have a point.
Would be nice if someone realised it.

lost lambs need guidance

and there are plenty that would exploit them

I assume you're mocking the fact that ancaps and the like will denounce identity markers while being the first to announce their own.

your OP seemed ironic and meta -esp if the webm was related.
Why not just state your point out-right?

Attached: Aristole - homogeneous ethnic groups.jpg (640x457, 147K)

that's my ants, anons! ants make great pets! you can skip hoovering cookie crumbs if you have ants, because the pets will take care of that. super ants!

fuck your meme ideology you dumbass teenager

individualism is great, but so are ambition and diligence. i met many anarchist squatters when i was a younger, but their squatting was filthy and depressing even by my standards. anarchists who could BUILD a house together and live in it for years would totally convince me. i have never seen that, however. i would join a factory of anarchists if i could contribute. perhaps monks are the ultimate anarchists.

If only apes like niggers worked like that and didn't try to beat the living shit of everyone while trying to steal the whole thing

Yeah pretty much.
These people fighting '''identity politics''' seem to be making the case against identity itself. Which is against human nature.
The irony is, these types are the very people to identity with a political ideology over and above a normal identity, and then they don't, their identity is likely a misinformed perversion. (furry, trans etc)

The same totalitarian thinking is also apparent in their fight against collectivism. The family is collectivist, a society is collectivist. It's not that collectivism is bad, because how could it be if it is hard of human nature, it's that collectivism can be taken to anti-human absurd, as seen with communism.

The aim should be not to suppress certain believes or human nature, but to channel them into positive outcomes. Part of our descend into degeneracy is due to traditions and institutions being destroyed and their previously good outcomes being channeled into bad outcomes.

Would you rather then block text above or my funny ironic OP?

The tragedy of Marxist socialism is that it is anti-social. It attracts people who are anti-social, who don't wish to be dependent on others, since this amounts to a lack of personal control.
It doesn't surprised me that anarchists would be even more extreme in this respect. If they wanted to clean the place, it should be a collective effort, rather then individuals been rewarded (socially or otherwise) for cleaning up. To praise someone who cleaned up would set up a hierarchy, in which they are popular. Hence anyone who cleaned up would be looked down upon as someone who was trying to gain social influence over the others.

*part of human nature

i hate le government but my stupid ideology cant work beyond a group of 100 people because they would all kill each other because there are no courts

To answer I first need to know what do you mean by collectivism and individualism, then tell me how are they different.