So the peak viewership for this wedding was up to 18m in UK.
Kate middleton's wedding had 26m for comparison.
So was this wedding a huge flop?
So the peak viewership for this wedding was up to 18m in UK.
Kate middleton's wedding had 26m for comparison.
So was this wedding a huge flop?
The mystery is too black to see in the dark, except when it smiles.
Middletons wedding was declared a public holiday in the UK and the hype/run up was immense. It was almost like a national duty to watch it. People had street parties etc
Was the hype the same for this wedding?
That observation is racist and im reporting you to the police.
Kate's feet must smell incredible.
Nowhere even remotely near. All memes aside, most I talked to just took solace that Harry’s the spare, and now that William has produced three heirs, and likely on the way to more, harry has no more purpose than Charles’s siblings do, and no one even knows their names.
Nobody cares about the sixth in line marrying a washed-up 36 year old divorced mulatto has-been
The middleton wedding makes me so nostalgic. It was back before I became a worthless neet no hoper.
Prince William has to get a whiff of those every night.
>Future king marrying the future queen, state event, public holiday
>Fifth in line to the throne marrying his girlfriend in the backyard
Not really comparable.
Actually what I thought about that wedding was it showed how fucking vulgar all the state apparatus of pomp is in London. It was far nicer wasn't it.
He's not the crown prince.
I bet they're so stinky and ripe and pungent. I'd get hard instantly from smelling them.
Harry’s sixth now. Charles, William, George, Charlotte, Louis, and then Harry.
Should William have more children, which is highly likely considering that so far every time Kate gives birth William gets on with planting another, Harry will be pushed ever farther back.
>degenerate sheep fucker
Low test
I forgotten they'd changed the rules, you're right.
If you need the smell of dirty feet and sulphuric farts to get hard you've got bigger problems than having low test.
I don't even have a foot fetish but Holy Mother of God those look delicious.
Seriously who would you rather watch.
all that butthurt alone made it worth it
Low test memeflagger
>He doesn't like the natural musk of a woman
Keep sucking on that SΘY you estrogen laiden troglodyte
Even if they hadn't changed the rules Charlotte would still come before Harry.
>the prostitute is already balding
lmao what a disaster
I wonder how jealous harry is when they are all sitting at the dinner table and he looks over at Kate, Looking gorgeous while cooking dinner for her 2 healthy children.
Then looks back at his half nigger barron roastie 40 year old divorcee with troll feet
Quite right. Before Louis would ascend before Charlotte, and then Charlotte before Harry. He’s just a spare, in case William passed before siring an heir.
Also, can we discuss what a cretin harry is for going by a simplification of his name? It’d be like William going by bill.
>black priest
>black priestess
>black cellist
>black choir
>Arabic ululation noises
>doesn't want low public enthusiasm to be recorded on live tv
>loops applause track 100 times
But if something happens he will be.
3 mate. Louis was born last month. Hopefully, God willing, he will have many younger siblings.
You forgot the slum nigger war cries all the way through.
I was gonna say fucking 3!, i wasn't sure and google told me 2!
I believe a royaltys sex life is extremely booring.
Only missionary under the blanket in a pit dark room
seeing the slaves running the show must have really killed Phillip inside
Also, She pretty much has already lost all the baby weight, amazing
T-totally not racist. Was doing washing plz don't take muh knoife permit
People were unironically more excited about chelsea vs man united cup final than the wedding, also 0 street parties or fun atmosphere. Literally got married, watched a bit on the telly and moved on with the day.
Harry is hardly a huge departure from Henry, if he'd gone with Hank you might have an argument.
>the telly
oi wheres that license
this, people progressively stopped giving a fuck about harry ever since kate started shitting out royal heirs and she's been a busy girl. Nobody is really overjoyed or oversaddened that harry married a sheboon, people liked him because he always was a bit of a rebel and that probably wont change either. People will quickly hate the nog if she doesnt do the whole royal schtick though, I get the feeling she doesnt understand they literally get paid to LARP for our entertainment and fee-fees. If she refuses to go along with the act & royal duties, insisting instead she's too independent and stronk for it, then there will be a gigantic public chimpout and she will get sent back to africa/america.
Brits taste the BBC everyday when they pay their TV license
No wonder she's already pregnant 3 times. I would smash that so hard until my dick falls off.
Everyone was butthurt about her being a commoner but suddenly she seems a lot better than what we have now
Most royals just fuck children all day, straight up, and the Queen probably sits in a dusty room admiring porcelain dishes. Britain hasn't been Britain since Tony Blair, who single-handedly signed the UK's death warrant.
is this the bitch from the show suits?
no it was (((payback))) for brexit, expect a 40% increase in racemixing many brit girls were vowed. The royal psyop was a astounding success spreading far and wide
The hype was beyond credulity. The multicultural advertisments were astonishing. Britain is lost. Really
The only people I’ve talked to with strong feelings are those that recognise that, even if she were as white and pure as the unsullied snow, her divorces, salacious Hollywood activities, and her general demeanour, make her wholly unsuited to the duties of royalty.
At least Kate should produce more heirs, she’s been carrying almost without pause since her marriage. Three children in five years, a fine example to us all.
She fucks on telly and did backpage.
William unironically did pretty good. Nice looking country girl, quiet, fertile, knows her manners and can follow a routine. Basically the opposite of their mum. Meanwhile harry has gone full tard and picked the biggest roastie in the kingdom. Actually no he had to fly abroad to find her because /ourslags/ just werent disgusting enough for him. Fair enough I say, the man obviously knows his tastes.
> knows her manners
That's why she went topless at a beach and got caught fucking Ol Willy on a hotel balcony.
Some fucking manners mate.
kate and pippa were basically bred to be royal fuck toys by their mother. Their mother fucked everyone to get her daughters into parties where the royals were.
The American ring advert. What's that store called? That was hillarious
Private beach mate, and quite frankly, any moment that she’s not pregnant they should be working on rectifying the situation.
But if she does do that stuff, There is a risk she will disproportionately help nigs, which could also get some public backlash, Or she just comes across as phony which she already does
You know it got over 2 billion viewers worldwide? the real question is why the fuck the rest of the world is so obsessed with the royal family and this mutt marriage?
My house is private property. I still don't walk around with my knob hanging out.
>manufactured hype
ftfy, the pubs and streets were dead by 2pm. If you're a brit, you know this means the event was a popular flop. The last wedding and jubilees were crammed as fuck well into the night.
The rest of the world are just obsessed with us as a country. Jealousy and all that. Although I find it funny how the majority of the british public don't give a fuck about the royals, yet the rest of the world does. I guess they don't get to see the shit side that we do?
It's not a surprise a ginger would make a poor decision. Gingers are subhuman and I would be genuinely surprised if Harry's IS is one point over 80.
>got caught fucking Ol Willy on a hotel balcony.
pics / story ?
sounds like a fun girl, no wonder Willy keeps plowing her.
>6th of May 2018
>9.29 mil viewers
Lots of our papers ran the story a few years ago but I can't seem to find it now.
Basically, when they went on their honeymoon (I think) paps caught her bent over a balcony with William giving her one. They took photos and video but got arrested and made to turn them over.
of course why would a smoke show like Kate want to look at that bald headed jew husband.
Only the normies, britbong. Real niggers know that these royals are fake. There is one king and his name is Yujiro Hanma.
I hope Wakanda has paps when Duke of Ginger and Duchess of Mutt go there.
Good for him. Let's pray to God he continues to plug her full of that royal honey until she pops out at least 5 more.
why not?
>Actually no he had to fly abroad to find her because /ourslags/ just werent disgusting enough for him. Fair enough I say, the man obviously knows his tastes.
>That's why she went topless at a beach and got caught fucking Ol Willy on a hotel balcony.
>Some fucking manners mate
Those are exactly the right sorts of transgressions, you numpty. Keeping husband interested and getting on with making more heirs
Harry and Meghan isn't the equivalent of William and Kate. They are royals of much different importance, one is a future king and the other is not. Harry/Meghan is to William/Kate what Andrew/Sarah was to Charles/Diana
>paps caught her bent over a balcony with William giving her one
If Kate was mine, I'd fuck her on the balcony as well.
Good girl for having a spirit for her husband.
>only 30% of the country watched this wedding live! what a flop!
I'd say it glows
>Queen probably sits in a dusty room admiring porcelain dishes.
From what I've heard actually she sits around with her cute little shitting doggies drinking gin-and-tonics, and occasionally she takes them for a walk to shit outside, or rides a shitting horse somewhere in the rain. Pretty much.
Because the whole Arthurian legend and medieval idea is based on your now shithole muslim country and the royals use to be the shining reminder of that beautiful history.
The 2 billion figure was a extrapolated estimate done by some really bad math based on an app. They did it back then and are still repeating it now.
There are no actual figures to support such a large figure. Even the Olympics only maxed at 1 billion. Millions yes. Billions no. Just look at YouTube's streaming figures and realize why the math doesn't add up.
>commenting parasites weddings
Sage that bullshit threads.
Prince Harry is definitive proof that gingers need to be gassed.
>Britain hasn't been Britain since Tony Blair, who single-handedly signed the UK's death warrant.
spot on sadly, and getting worse, Tory Schmory that Theresa May is either a turncoat traitor or an autistic goober. Not sure which. Maybe both.
No, nowhere near. Mainly because William is the future king. This one was more pushed by the celeb culture media not the establishment. They had no parade in thr golden carriage, they were not at Westminster Abbey. Central London was literally shut down for Middletons wedding.
>beautiful history
Our country has always had sketchy history. It's always been shit.
please rectify that and post pics
Why would I want people to see my knob through the window? Some bloke could walk by.
Nobody with "manners" behaves like that was my point.
why are you scared of some random bloke seeing your knob through your window? either you're that ashamed of it, or are secretly a closet fag.
I bet he has a tiny and/or circumcised penis.
you are very astute, sadly
One less nigress in the USA. Thanks faggots
Absolutely this
Yea but it was at least British and not jigaboo and dune coon.
this is legit the most fagged out thread ive ever seen, kys
It's gay to have a bloke looking at your balls and cock.
Thankfully I'm not from America, so that's not the case.
keep yourself safe too lad
Mate I think you might be a raging homosexual in denial. No straight guy in the world is gonna care about another guy seeing his dick. Unless you're still in high school that is, are you?
You haven't seen many threads then.
ha, that's a pretty accurate parallel eh
Not sure Harry is actually as big of a pervert as Randy Andy though. Also not sure if the nogcess is as disgusting as Sarah Ferguson, and that's really saying something. Their children look like those weird little primates with huge buggy eyes from Madagascar
So you'd fancy seeing my meat and veg eh mate?
Sounds like a gay proposition.
Alright, weirdo. First thing I do when I get home from work is shower and I don't throw on any clothes after that.