MartSharter school shootings

: mic drop :

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Other urls found in this thread:

they count nigger gang fights near a school as a shooting

So false flags confirmed?

I wonder why Jow Forums is, 24/7, flooded with threads that fit two criteria:

1)decidedly NON Jow Forums opinions
2)off board, provocative tone

Why is it this board and this board in particular that is endlessly and aggressively trolled. Do many of you have a hobby of lurking tumblr and provoking the userbase there? I doubt it. This is an organized effort to keep us upset and distracted

Oi m8tt, but do you have a reading liscence to read dat tweet?

No Dunblane?

Whoops 2000 - Today
My bad

you can always tell they are hiding a gem in their stats when they won't tell you the source

Now count knife, acid, bombings, truck and terrorist attacks.

This. Showing stats without any context from a narrow slice of possible violent crimes and acting as if they are comparable.

Also, the US number really activates those almonds. It's almost as if someone is organizing those.

> China on that list


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i wonder if this faggot would post black crime statistics or european immigrant crime rates on his twatter

>This is an organized effort to keep us upset and distracted
I hope you didn't just come to this conclusion today

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>decidedly NON Jow Forums opinions

Fuck off nigger, no one needs your safe space


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literally JIDF and the likes shitposting making this board unusable.
Talk about retaliation and get warned.
Really should make you go hmmm


>guns legal since 1776
>no school shooting problems until recently
>must be the guns fault

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Guns are illegal in Mexico so I doubt they had 4 shootings in a Mexican school.

Jow Forums isn't your safe space you gas fume huffing shitpig. We of the Ron Paul tribe were here long before your knuckle dragging ilk emerged from the ether and we shall retake our ancestral lands through provoking your childlike emotional immaturity. Surrender now and the happening will be swift.

>decidedly NON Jow Forums opinions

Delicate flower detected

>implying that drug cartel don't have military grade weapons and don't slaughter people all of the time

Canada school shootings don't count
It's abos who go into a their day care centre on reserves that shoot each other. Literally every school shooting in Canada.

Whites aren't harmed so it's not worth caring aboutt. Dead chugs means less of them abusig welfare and less of a then stealing and attacking whites .

More dead natives means a safer country with more welfare for whites

>South Africa
Oh yes. The crime rate is so low there.

And i mean by that , whites don't want to take government checks . There are some with broken bodies who can't work and they actually needs

Natives suck

Guns have existed and been legally purchasable for at least 80 years. Why are we only seeing an uptick in school shootings now? Could it possibly be something to do with the way the world is, and the way children feel at massive megaschools?

Incorrect stats. US stats considers two nogs killing shooting each other in a drug deal within 1000 ft of a school to be a "school shooting".

We're number one!

USA!!! USA!!! USA!!!
USA!!! USA!!! USA!!!
USA!!! USA!!! USA!!!

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Lol, we wouldn't have only 5 then.

>Literally crying about not having a safe space
Jow Forums isn't reddit they said

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>durr safe space
I could have seen that coming and should have called it.

You're missing the point. Do you go to facebook and spend all day posting opinions that are unacceptable there, or do you go someplace where you are with people who more generally agree with you? You would think that HALF of Jow Forums are people from tumblr, facebook, fresh out of class, etc. Why? Why so many? It just doesn't make sense

These types of posts are part of population control, to keep this board groomed into a particular state of mind: insecure, confrontational, upset, hostile, defensive, etc. We're just being tricked into wasting our own time arguing with Taybots and shills

True. The numbers are skewed. Who the fuck know how accurate the numbers are on say SA's school shootings and if they use the same criteria.
It's like POL is almost irrelevant at this point because the message has spread to other more mainstream routes like Twitter. The Jews are trying to drive the nail on to the coffin here


I'm just calling you lot out on being hypocrites is all, I do that any where

The definition of a mass shooting is five or more people have to die. They say 18 shooting have happened but they mostly were suicides with no children present one person being shot or accidental firings from off campus. What ever they can do to pad the numbers


Are you guys incapable of forming your own opinions or doing anything but parroting key terms?

>must be the guns fault

It's not the guns faults, it's the fault of muttoid subhuman americans

But the WAY you're doing it follows a very particular pattern that you did not conceive yourself. You're mimicking a very particular trend that has been established on this board


Who set this trend? It sure as hell wasn't the userbase here. This would be exactly the way that problematic thoughts would be controlled in modern society.

>uk 0
Feels good.

What? When did raiding get banned?

Because like most other platforms those who have valid opinions aren't so eager or arrogant to spout it and the loud stupid voices get heard or in this case read the most.

This. I hate free speach


ban assault schools

Does ANYONE actually believe that were 213 Columbine-style shootings since 2000? Lmoa.

This is gang-related violence, accidental shootings, shootings in dormitories, and random murders that take place in schools.

In the UK we have knife crime in schools and there are large public campaigns against it. If we had guns, they would use guns instead. But nothing would actually be better or worse aside from that.

kremlin shills and other shills

Most school shootings happen at public schools, which are basically juvenile detention centers.
If you send your kids to a place where niggers and spics go, what do you expect?

Ban schools.

They're not trying to push the narrative in your country. Actually, they're trying to do the opposite in yours. That yours is a paradise but America is a dystopia.

>Mexico: 4
No need to shoot up shools when you're shooting the entire city.

You are correct half the threads on Jow Forums are troll threads you just have to learn to ignore them. For example this thread:
> screencap of twitter
> emote instead of content
> 1 post by this id
It sets you up for defensive and leftypol fags will accuse you of wanting safespaces. You cant win.
The same is hapening with all the women hate threads lateley.
Sage, hide thread and rise above the shills.

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Australia hasn't had a mass shooting since they banned guns in the wake of the Port Arthur Massacre.

What about
It's also 12 times smaller than the US, so even if the rates are the same it would have 12 times fewer mass shootings.

>south africa

Russia had a bunch just recently

It's an epidemic in Russia now

Be honest, if you where a school teacher in America would you try to stop a shooting? Teachers don't get paid enough for that shit.

We didn't really have mass shootings before then either, sugar tits. Anyway, Port Arthur was a comically blatant false flag and makes no sense on paper due to some hilarious bullshit like the government buying a fucking modified body transport vehicle before the shooting and then selling it immediately after. Howard's hero figure was Menzies who helped dismantle Australia's very strong culture of independence and gun ownership after he realised what was intended to be an anti-communist armed populace could eventually turn on the state.

>muh sekrit club
>muh safe space

So does that mean the EU has 1.5x the amount of mass shootings then?

>Jow Forums helps Trump get elected
>Trump becomes the most pro Israeli president of all time

>r/the_donald misfits claim JIDF is attacking him somehow

Brainlet. You should go with safe adhoms like shareblue/CTR instead.
Also obligatory

If you only include white people, America's rate of general crime and gun crime is actually pretty fucking low. I am sure that's similar for school shootings, where a huge portion of """school shootings""" in America are Tyrone LaQuandus and his homeboys finna blasting a nigguh fo' stepping to his territory nigguh shiet, or overworked teachers who have to try and wrangle pavement apes blowing their brains out in the parking lot.


>if you exclude all the fatties, people are actually pretty skinny

He's defending the institutions, not saying that 'Americans' aren't violent.

That's not fair and you know it, you Danish cunt. Actually, if you cut out the spics and niggers, Americans aren't nearly as fat. What I am trying to say here is that the white American population isn't nearly as violent as the niggers, and until recently Europe was pretty devoid of niggers, hence lower rates of violence at crime.

Reminder: 50% of all crime in the USA is committed by 7% of the population, that being male niggers. On top of that, a huge portion of crime committed by """white""" Americans is actually committed by spics who claim to be white. Poor white regions in the USA have fewer school shootings and crime than rich black areas, despite having much higher firearms ownership rates. It really makes you think.

We're #1 at everything. USA, USA, USA!

There's been 1 "school" shooting in Australia since 2000

What a lying kike

Maybe not in SA, but they do here. They count people committing suicide in the school parking lot at night a school shooting.

>russia: 1

this guy is unironically shocked and complaining about people trying to stir up shit on Jow Forums
and most people actually support him and chime in with retarded conspiracy theories about foreign invasions. how new do you have to be?

man this board really is gone isnt it

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>America exists for 220 years with absolutely no school shooting issues despite loose gun laws
>then suddenly in the 90s through now theyve become a problem
its not the guns, MAYBE its the glorification of the shooter in the media
MAYBE it was the closure of the asylums, MAYBE its because the people who need help the most can no longer get it
MAYBE its the complete and utter demonization of young men at the hands of leftists
MAYBE its the glorification of gang and thug culture among minorities
MAYBE its the dumbass law Clinton passed making all schools "gun free zones"
Nope must just be the guns
Ignore countries with firearm laws similar to ours like Switzerland, Serbia or Czech Republic, ignore how they have NONE of our problems despite having plenty of guns
Fucking leftist subhumans

Europe is literally being soft-reverse-crusaded by muslims.
The price you pay for not being violent is, you're absolutely dead. I'll take all the school shootings in the world over what Europe is going through.

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>>America exists for 220 years with absolutely no school shooting issues

>school shootings
So school stabbings, school explosions etc. WITH lethal outcome for innocent civilians doesn’t count am I right?
Because only guns can kill..

Why not just say you don’t like guns instead off scewing results, filtering out other cases and then claim this incomplete statistic as facts.
Why are any other form of murder around schools discarded and insignificant?

pol you have to admit that assault rifle makes it much easier to get a top 10 score

Cause that shit happens ALL the time.

Eh, handguns and pistol-caliber carbines work better.

Come take them

America you can have your home raided by SWAT, lose your job and get you children taken away for marijuana but if you are crazy and threaten to use your firearms no one blinks an eye.

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I seriously can’t remember a school shooting ever taking place over, so I’m sure those numbers of OP are fudged. There was an incident a few years ago of some mall ninja kid that decapitated a groundskeeper with a katana, though.

'Yeah they aren;t mass shootings, they include dumb shit like pellet guns being found at schools.

honestly it's just this.

America has always had a culture of violence. it's ironic that people think the 50's were safer considering how widely available crime statistics are.

despite how easy it is to be a mass shooter, we're actually safer now than we've been in the entirety of US history. i think crime is going up a little, but it's statistically irrelevant without more data. (that is to say, crime could trend differently next year.)

pretty sure America used to have a serial killer problem before gun sprees, and i expect a lot of would-be serial killers have become some of the mass shooters that we've seen.

Santa f9r used a shot gun with nick shot and a six shot revolver killed 10 injured 13

freedom of speech
US 1
rest of world

kill yourself britbong
stay in your safe safe tyranny

Why do liberals think that is a mic drop moment? Half of those countries have looser gun laws then the US and even in the Ines that don't you could get an illegal gun and rampage if you really wanted to.

The problem is the government is training little psychos while mom and dad go to work for half the buying power.

And people will actually lap it up and believe it.

>mic drop
Bongs really think they have the ability to be this smug lmao

Forgive my autism


its true, mutts commit more shootings than anyone else.
Notice how all these white countries and non white countries alike have so few shootings.

But it shouldn’t be discarded if you want to make a complete statistical graph about what weapon of choice is most lethal when the assumption of the original twitter post is to trigger people to hate a specific tool used for murder.
The data is incomplete and scewed.
In terms of the more popular phrase used these days, it’s fake news.

I for one doubt a Mexican school exists to have a shooting at.

False. Around the time of the parkland shooting there were other shooters that were stopped from shooting up schools. Making any kind of threat like that is a terroristic threat and is a felony. It is also illegal to own fire arms as a felon.

Pssssstttt! Hey! Want a little secret?

They are all fake! Really! Look it up! And not with your local news or cnn, fox msm media or daily mail! Dig deeper dipshits and you tube hoax school shootings and see what comes up before the jews delete it!

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Or if you really wanted to you could just request the death certificates of all the people who got killed but of course you won't because that doesn't fit your narrative

Opinion discarded

>implying Wikipedia is accurate

>let's also throw every other country into us gun statistics

And they are far fewer than before the 90s

I tried shooting up my school in second grade no joke