Why are cuckservatives so pro-Israel?

Why are cuckservatives so pro-Israel?

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We’re not.

Because they’ve been brainwashed by their Zionist churches. I’m not joking, every time I see that someone is a self-professed Christian they also are an avid Israel supporter. And half the time they’re also mixed race too.

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Though really its a remnant of ww2 propaganda.

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Because they are American.

It makes them feel like they have a higher moral ground like the left for defending the (((weaklings))).

Because the sand-niggers hate Israel, and it isn't waves of Jews flooding into your countries.

The immediate problem is the shitskins, muds, nigs, spics, and sand-apes coming in to the anglo world. Without them the Jew is powerless at the ballot box.

We need to eliminate the bigger threat first, then once the white man controls his homeland, we cut off Israel and let the Arabs wipe out the Kikes.

Can't fight everyone all at once. Knock down the close target first.

>Calling out Zionist Churches is anti-Christian shilling by faggot commies
If anything, I’m helping Christians since they should not support modern day Israel in any way, shape or form. So stop being a paranoid ass.

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The same reason the controlled op on all sides is "pro-(((SoS)))". Fuck establishment candidates/supporters.

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The Democrat party is funded by globalist politically progressive Jews, who constitute a majority of Jews in America. The Republican party is funded by nationalist Zionist Jews who care about Israel. Haim Saban, a Jewish megadonor, kept Trump's campaign alive at a point when other donors were abandoning ship. He described himself as a 'single-issue voter', and that single issue was Israel. They're just obeying their masters. They also feel vocally supporting Israel shows how not racist or anti-Semitic they are, like quoting MLK.

the white man will never control anything until the parasitic jew is dealt with. they'll always find some new wind-up golems.

because america was founded upon judeo-christian values.

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because of jewish-christian heritage

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May I suggest, Mr.reddit spacing....[pic related]

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Christian conservative here, never liked Israel, too many jews behind subversive policies since the 60s. I understand why they can be considered a 5th colonna.
Jerusalem should be Christian, after all.

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do you think this shill will get any attention if he didn't follow (((their))) agenda ? wake up (((they))) are using this fag to send subliminal toughs into your brain
>love our jewland goym.
a lot of the left,right dems,republicans liberals and conservatives have been bough by AIPAC.

>The things that matter in this country have been reduced in choice, there are two political parties, there are a handful insurance companies, there are six or seven information centers.. but if you want a bagel there are 23 flavors. Because you have the illusion of choice! -George Carlin

You're nowhere near as clever as you think you are kike. USA was 90%+ white, with most burgers having generations in the soil before 1965. That ended with the passing of the Hart-Celler immigration act. Hart & Celler were not muslims. Muslims are dumb herd beasts completely controlled by jews. Get gassed cunt.

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considered committing the 8th and ultimate satanic sacrament

You’re missing the proverbial forest for the trees.

The Jewish agenda is the locomotive behind the hostile mass immigrations into Europe and North America. The cancer needs to be cut out, at its source.

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It's a great country unlike the rest of the Middle east

Jews have huge control over christians and republican party is full of them.

is that the owen shrowyer from infowars
looks like he's gaining weight.

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Israel is the only country in that region of the world that's even remotely westernized, and the groups that oppose Israel are typically far worse.

You say that ss if it is a good thing
Ever looked at the current state of the west?

Here’s a wacky idea:

Fuck BOTH Israel AND all those other countries.

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its only gay ass shit like protestant, baptists that like jews

catholics hate jews

Protestantism. English and Dutch (((nationalists))) like Geert Wilders and Britain First are also heavily zionist

Well, it is an ethnostate. Don't we wan't a bunch of "Israels" but for our people?

I like your way of thinking.

You have a good point... still better than the Middle East though.

That's like how I view Republicans vs Democrats; I hate both parties, just hate the Democrats considerably more, and typically end up siding with Republicans just to keep Dems out of office.

>The gypsy is siding with sand people that destroy everything like niggers
Color me surprised

But someone is going to win, Who would you rather it be? Personally, I'm a little bit suspicious about how much Jow Forums loves muslims suddenly.

In america you can get arrested for being anti Israel now.

No you can't retard

I’d rather Euro-Westerners unite and kick both the Jews and the Muslims out on their asses.

I want US to win.

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>Muh second coming of Christ

And I'd rather have a smaller dick so my back doesn't always hurt from carrying it around. But you need to choose from realistic options. The west taking over all of the desert countries isn't realistic.

Between 1 Gif, the fact Satan wouldn't target Christians and real Jews and Satan most certainly isn't referred to as "The Father of Lies" who would ever be clever enough to get his "ruling class to be super transparently evil in the name of being "Jews" as we here at Jow Forums are too smart for that while Satan has a timeless perspective and in no way could manipulate history or anything to the point where JESUS CHRIST Himself points out that he has "deceived the whole world" nah a super basic reverse psych tactic that DONALD FUCKING TRUMP USES ON TWITTER EVERY SINGLE WEEKDAY to set the news agenda is FAR TOO COMPLICATED a tactic for silly billy ol' Satan to be capable of using, RIGHT? Gosh stop being so stupid you soi boys!!!

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because their whole existence consists of believing stuff that's retarded

all americans are cucks, you just need to pick a side. that's all.

also american churches spread the israel love all over the world. christianity is and was a big mistake.

I understand what you’re saying, but the West doesn’t need to take over anything. The West should keep to itself and leave Jews and Muslims to hash out their differences in their own. Unless there exist in foreign lands resources that we can yield ourselves, we should keep to ourselves.

Beyond that, I really couldn’t care less about the state of geopolitical affairs among North Africans.

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Because that's where the money is, and every single on of these faggots is a shekel-grubbing opportunist.

>spew basic conservative boomer rhetoric on youtube
>rake in mad dosh

why will stormkikes backstab people on their side just so they can hate a country that kills Muslims?
literally divide and conquer shill tactics




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If that were true then half of the democratic politicians on the hill would be arrested since a lot of them are pro-Palestine.

As for answering your question OP, have you tried asking them in the first place? Steven Crowder for example says he's pro-Israel because Hamas's charter effectively states that their only desire is to completley eradicate Israel and that they will take any and all viable means they can to do so, it also says that negotiation on this matter is futile and that Israel will be conquered.

If you haven't read through the charter, then I would sincerely recommend that you take a moment to do so. It's all laid out pretty clearly insofar as preaching that Israel should be destroyed so that Islam can conquer the world by any means nessary. avalon.law.yale.edu/20th_century/hamas.asp

Israel, meanwhile, regardless of whether or not they're in favor of the destruction of Palestine as a state, at the very least are verbally in favor of peace and try to posture for it when they can. So for him it's a question of "Well do I support the state that wants to kill the other state and everyone in it, no questions asked, full stop? Or do I support the state that at the very least says they want peace?" And after asking himself that question he comes to the conclusion that he would rather support Israel.

Really not that complicated if you ask me.

Syria was pretty nice before Israel had it fucked up.

KYS kike


>Why are cuckservatives so pro-Israel?
Trump is not a conservative but he sure is a cuck and extremely pro-Israel. Really sickening.

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>Hamas's charter effectively states that their only desire is to completley eradicate Israel and that they will take any and all viable means they can to do so, it also says that negotiation on this matter is futile and that Israel will be conquered.

how is this bad?

Steven Crowder glows in the dark

Because all Americans are crypto jews. Mutilated dicks and $$$ donations to their greatest ally

They unironically believe that by removing muslims, you solve the jews as well

Sheldon Adelson and co own American conservatives. Actually own, not like Soros memes.

Well considering the fact that the supreme court has defined hate speech as free speech I can't imagine that ruling standing if that were contested in higher courts.

That is to say that if someone is arrested for this that they should appeal any decision made against them and take it as high as they possibly can, becuase it's very clearly not constitutional.

Well if you agree with them and think that the entire world should become Islamic and that the first step to that is the irradiation of Isreal by any means necessary then it's perfectly understandable that you would side with them. You should just understand that there are a lot of people who think that is wholly and entirely barbaric and unjustifiable and as such would find such a charter abhorrent.

You get that there are a lot of people who have different opinions from you, right?

They're American.

Because they're kikes?
JIDF uses lot of american proxies.
Thought everyone knew this...

That's just Evangelicals or their another local sect

Old Testament is basically a non-stop mantra "pls be friends with Israel" and America is about the only country some wild preacher repeats this shit aloud.

They’re either Hapas or Jewish

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I'd have to agree but holy shit its a scary thought imagine someone arrested for being critical of the kikes who deserve it just as much or more than anyone.

Because they’re not controlled opposition. Every supposed “alt right” person is always pro faggot and pro Israel. It’s not a coincidence.

Which is hilarious because they are all versions of the same backwards ass sandnigger religion. Keep your shitty beliefs in the Middle East where they belong. Whites should return to our ancestral pagan ways.

its a hunger strike not a famin

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Because they are low-level two-dimensional thinkers. They think "Muslims bad" and therefore Israel good. If you point out anything bad Israel has done they will immediately accuse you of antisemitism and deflect with arguments about Palestinians. Their churches probably have a lot to do with it too.

your Pope is a Jew and the Vatican has absolutely been subverted.

Israel is the gayest country per capita on earth, so I guess it is the most jewish/westernized country in the middle east, it's true


A lot of Christian conservatists in the US and A are Evangelical Christians, who use the Scofield Bible. This is a bible written /edited by a corrupt lawyer paid by Zionist Jews.

Since it was first published in 1909, the Scofield Reference Bible has made uncompromising Zionists out of tens of millions of Americans. When John Hagee, the founder of Christians United for Israel (CUFI), said that “50 million evangelical bible-believing Christians unite with five million American Jews standing together on behalf of Israel,” it was the Scofield Bible that he was talking about.

Although the Scofield Reference Bible contains the text of the King James Authorized Version, it is not the traditional Protestant bible but Cyrus I. Scofield’s annotated commentary that is problematic. More than any other factor, it is Scofield’s notes that have induced generations of American evangelicals to believe that God demands their uncritical support for the modern State of Israel.


NO one nose!

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I wanna party with that dude.

People like Crowder and all the other cuckservative radio hosts are paid to be pro Israel. Anyone taking an anti Israel stance on (((conservative))) media will be immediately silenced

Because it’s pragmatic. The US needs bases in the Middle East, and as duplicitous as the Jews are, they don’t chimp out as much as the a-rabs.