Being German is suffering

We never created an empire like the Brits. As such we have no friends and nobody speaks our language. We have never won a war despite thinking we’re the master race. We don’t even have our own currency (Euro) let alone a border (Schengen). Now with Brexit we have to subsidise the rest of this shithole continent by ourselves. JUST

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I like your Zeiss lenses. Britcucks can't compete with your optics.

Lots of nations "almost" speak your language though. Namely the Scandinavian and Dutch languages.

Oy m8 you, got a loicense for that
Dumb britcuck

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>As such we have no friends and nobody speaks our language

In fact you are actually speaking our language

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what about the holy German empire?

You actually did create a lot including the British Empire because they are from Germany and you have done quite a bit for the US since the majority of it is German lineage, you really fucked up when you spread all over the west and did nothing for your own country. Now it's suffering for the lack of populism and the best Germans left decades ago...

And our language. Although I'm not sure we are friends.
But you are right, the two world wars left Germany with a self-chastisement complex. And after the Third Reich you as a nation adopted the feeling that it's bad to have national pride.
The open arms for refugees policy that Merkel pushed is only possible, because you Germans still feel guily for the Holocaust.

just move to straya mate

Americans are not German. Most of you are English but just say American. People LARP. Bud Tyrone Rodriguez is probably 50% Anglo 25% Spanish and 25% German and that is enough for him to say he is German American. Disgusting

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