Do Trannies hate themselves?

I saw a tranny post this on twitter without comment and I guess it's supposed to make some profound point but I dont get it.

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>look guise I used to think girls were icky but now I am one! Isn't life funny!?
I doubt it's anything deeper than that bs

Gender dysphoria kills with madness and insanity

>Not pictured, suicide at age 23

I think it's saying that he was jelly when he was younger

gets me how they always represent themselves with cartoons or characatures that give them the disdinguishing features of their preferred sex.
In reality it's some hairy manbeast in a dress.
Even after they change they live in their pretend world. It's a fucking mental illness.

I'm not suggesting we harm them or anything, quite the opposite, we should be helping them properly with medication and therapy, but this shit needs to stop. Its really fucking unhealthy to live in a fantasy world constantly.

) Ok, but first we have to deal with greater illness. It's called religion. And I am pretty sure, it will resolve many others ;)

its so easy to express trannys through drawn pictures like that but in reality its not anywhere "cute" as that,

If you like girls, you should lift until many girls like you, not chop off your dick and become an ugly abomination.

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