This is a thread for members of the coming United Anglo Empire only

This is a thread for members of the coming United Anglo Empire only

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Where will the capital be?

London of course, but only after we completely deshitskin the place

1. what will happen to the monarchy? america cant have it, uk cant lose it, what happen?
2. whats going to happen with none anglo america? is the anglo empire going to consist of old british empire and new england?

Enjoy your subjugation to the Mulatto Kang of the UK then poor Anglo fucks

Constitutional monarchy of course. We keep the royals around sans the new nigger for tradition but also guns, it could work. And what do you mean non-Anglo America? There would be no America without Anglos, we keep it all.

isn't your king married to women whos half Brazilian half plastic bag?

We thought of it first

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Gibraltar is ours though



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but i would consider Washgton D.C without the jews and freemasons

when you look at ethnic maps of America the majority of areas with white ancestry are germen, the only areas with majority British ancestry are north eastern areas of the US.
my question really should have been is the Anglo empire going to be on ethnic grounds or on a mix of ethnic and British liberalism (basically Victorian imperialism).

No it isn't

tri-capital state?
Washington for the Americas, London for great Britain and Canberra for Australasia.

Iranians, Greeks, Sicilians and Ashkenazi jews are not allowed in any positions of power, nor are their children if they're mixed mutts of any of those Khazar bloodlines

Get fucked.

that would work, could add one more for the four-corners of the pyramid

Youd be surprised, I live in bumfuck Indiana and were mainly British

Id be OK with this, and free travel for Anglos only

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We wuz duchess of sussex n shieeeet

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Hong Kong, Antarctic research base, port Stanley, north pole research base, cape town, moon base. take your pic but some effort is required with most of them

Were all in agreement that were going to annex Germany and subjugate her people right?

Which one of your neighboring white brothers will you instigate a war with first?

The eternal Kraut must be defeated, weve been through this

Annex your cholesterol levels fat fuck mutt

Good point.
tri-capitol it is

blessed check
a gut feeling is telling me the indigenous population (what's left of it) may help in the overthrow of the communist currently in power

((((( Anglos )))))

but only until the moon base?

(((royalty))) the people are fucked and that goes for all of us in the commonwealth

Nice fantasy. Too bad every country there is more cucked than the majority of white nations.

probably close to that nowadays, not that their government would release that information as it's racial
pretty much pakistan 2.0
chinese satellite with abbo niggers
chinese satellite with maori niggers

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Mashallah to black abo muslim Anglo Haliphate

>america included
uuuuhhhh idk if we really fit in at this point

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families family

I've had visions of standing on the moon looking back at Earth, there is a good possibility it will come true.
How about make it a stretch goal?
Once the rest is in order the final capstone will be a moon capitol looking over a united earth

Id like to propose our first order of business be completely retaking SA and Rhodesia, all in favor

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make it second order, first is uncucking ourselves.

sorry for bringing him up if anyone hates him but JP is right, sort your own house out first.

ITT: Larping (((Anglo))) losers who would rather brag about upcoming Imperiums while conveniently forgetting that they are irreversibly, unconditionally fucked. Good job guys, this is what will save the West for sure.

It goes without saying that the empire will be void of all shitskins, I thought it was simply understood wed genocide all shitskins and krauts first

his stance will always be anti-white organization and pro-ZOG world.
I hate to say it but he wouldn't support this cause and would be an opponent


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This! It's basically the UK with the 1st and 2nd amendments.

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we japanese are the anglos of asia

that's why I said sorry for bringing him up, like all people he's right on somethings and wrong on others.

The 56% Empire of Muttland
Also you have some nerves putting that gay button on german pepe, after all it's british police who throw a pride parade weekly and rather enforce speech laws on twitter than catch child raping muslim gangs.

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Mexican-Indian-Chinese Empire


Americans aren't Anglo.


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>he thinks they will ever surpass Germany
Your empire was only a thing because it gave merchants power kiddo

The truth stings a little when you look around your own home, doesnt it Hans?

We could have been allies too :((

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I understand your meaning, fix yourself before trying to fix others

>Mexican-Indian-Chinese Empire


Mexican-Indian-Chinese-Jew Empire

>We could have been allies too :((
you can't trust a servian


There are a lot of mixed between these "whites"

This would work. A great Asian alliance balanced against a Great Anglo alliance with Russia constantly at war with africa. Africa including the middle east and europe after the enrichment. Anglo and Asia get rich selling arms and goods to russia so they can kill africans and food to africa so the animals can breed.

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The average Japanese person is as Anglo as the average American..

Who let all these non-Anglo manlets in our thread? Looks like were gonna have to double the budget for border security

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You what, m8...

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You're cruzin for a bruzin

Enjoy the wedding Achmed?

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I mean... He isn't wrong... we need to do something about all these shit skins.

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We thought you were asleep...

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>tfw you wll never rape and pillage viking villages with your brethen

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Didn't watch it. Enjoying being Anglo, Jose?

nah, once the tri-capitol is in place then we build the moon base capitol

u wot m8, i swear by the queens teef ill wreck ur mum!

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m-may i be allowed in?

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Of course.

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I would say not in, but happy to share a beer, play a football match with and fuck over the Spanish with, because if old allies aren't used for that, I don't know what they are for.

Constitutional monarchy with Portugals drug policy to clean up the opiate epidemic? Sounds like a fucking plan to me, youre in friend

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fucking pooftas

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I prefer a Constitutional Republic instead of monarchy but I'd be curious to know who you'd pick for the royal bloodline

cheers lads

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Were all cool with this being official government attire right

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Don't mind me, I'm just here to remind you all that this is literally globalism and if you support it you can't be a nationalist.

>muslim mayor

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yeah and britain is globalist because it has scotland wales and england in it?
show your american flag

We prefer the term colonization thank you kindly

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globalsim = melting pot of diffrent cultures
anglosphere = countries with almost identical cultures

the reason why the anglo sphere is proposed by nationalists is that it has a far greater chance of succeding than a united earth simply because a cunt in newcastle england has more in common with a cunt in newcastle australia than he does with a frog in paris.

I have more in common with a frog in Paris than a Yank in Boston though.

not in how you think

there are no frogs in paris, only muzzies

We need to keep the race pure.

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You really dont

The Industrial Military Complex, who will own and operate it?

no idea, but the way in which the US currently runs it will have to go... unless they do time for dismantling the harriers.

Seriously? You threw perfectly good tea away and fought a war for independance and now you want become a colony again?

I mean America already has bases that cover the entire Anglo world, why change what already works?

Why is USA involved they are too far gone.

Canada provides the work for armor, and weapons production so seizing control of that industry gives a wealth of options to create and use immediately.
The industry is fantastic, the ownership are total and complete cunts that have made the mess of the world, I ask for a change in ownership.

Im so tired of this meme Nigel. We have more white people than any other country on earth, 200,000,000 and counting. We also have children at replacement rate mind you. We have unused arable land larger than most European countries and were currently in the process of deshitskinning the place, just the other day our AG announced he was going to prosecute 100% of illegal shitskins crossing the border. This meme that America is France-tier is forced and needs to die.

2/10 made me reply

Back to the empire, theres still the business of anthem to be discussed

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I dare say if you benefited from that mess as we do you might change your mind but I understand, Id be willing to discuss leadership once the empires forces are joined

Australia's the fallback point if shit goes south and everyone gets nuked we can pool our resources in bloody bendigo!

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non-anglos just don't understand

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There is no Anglo country on the American continent.

>200,000,000 and counting
and falling****

t. mohammed