Take your SSRIs

Take your SSRIs

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Fuck no.

i hate having to fuck jewish women while on them, so no, never again.
They suck at blowjobs too, what a let down

I can't do it without my Adderall. I just can't concentrate with only the one.

I recently started taking antidepressants. Tell me, why should I be worried?


Jordan Peterson's primary stated goal is to prevent a right wing backlash to radical leftism. He goes about achieving this by telling young White men to improve their lives, while simultaneously telling them that any White people who want to unite as a race to stop radical leftism are morally reprehensible and dangerous people.

He is selling Holocaustianity to a new generation, with the twist being that he packages it with the atrocities of the Soviet Union and Marxism. The real horrors of the Soviet gulags are combined with the fairy tales about the Holohoax, and used as the trauma based mind control portion of the Holocaustianity brainwashing program. The trauma is induced with the stories and images of the Holohoax and Soviet gulags, then the subjects are imprinted with the concept: White people must never again see themselves as a race or collectivize based on their shared blood and heritage, otherwise it will cause Holocaust 2.0 and/or gulags.

Peterson then reveals that he has the answers to changing the world: Adopt his ideology of radical individualism, where each individual has no heritage, ethnicity, or race, then clean your room and takes your SSRI pills.

This is an extremely carefully engineered mind control program that is being marketed squarely to young White males, with the openly stated intent of stopping them from organizing a revolution to stop the Marxist globalist machine. It is perfectly in line with the globalist NWO document Peterson helped write with George Soros' partner Jim Balsillie: Sacrifice your people on the altar of radical individualism and work hard to contribute as much as you can to the new globalist multicultural Utopia.

I should, I was supposed to go the gym today but instead, I'm being a bitch covering in my home.

>mfw SSRI's make me not care that my room is a mess

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I feel kind of sheltered staying indoors messing with my cad/cam stuff but calling yourself a bitch is just pathetic.

Back to your cuck-shed sven.

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I took them for a year and they definitely helped. I'm glad I don't need them anymore but when I did it was like walking through a door of "I suddenly care again"
I did get this weird brain twinge whenever I moved my eyes from left to right too quickly but other than that it helped me.

Jordan Peterson is very misunderstood.

He knows God is dead to most in Western Society. He doesn't know if people will ever come back to religion because they're too socially engineered. By encouraging you to be the best you can be, he's invoking Nietzsche's idea of the Übermensch. Nietzsche, through the concept of the Übermensch, was trying to reinvent God for the retarded masses who turned their back on a widely agreed upon set of Christian morals and ideals that benefited society.

Yes. They are not good for you. Trust me. I have been at rock bottom and bought into the chemical imbalance meme. I was on and off the meds for 12 years. They made me apathetic and nihilistic Now off everything for almost a year. Life is still tough but now I am in control of myself at least.

Uppity Nigger: 1
Peterson: 0

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>it was like walking through a door of "I suddenly care again"
Could you explain a little more about this one? I take mine because of psychological trauma. I've developed terrible anxiety because of it, to the point of not being able to work. I take mine to care less, not to care more.

>They made me apathetic and nihilistic
In what way? Did you lose touch with your feelings completely? What about the sexual side effects, did they wear off when you stopped taking the AD:s?

>took them
>dick stopped working
Yeah thanks you kike loving faggot


>peterson was a phamashill all along

ebin blackpill desu

I just didn't care that my life was shit. I convinced myself I was fine with my video games and computer. No, still not over the sexual side effects. My libido isn't what it was. Could be age too though.

No need. I started lifting a few months ago, total game changer. Get out of my head and into my body for an hour or two a day. Works wonders.
Conversely, sitting around all day, drinking, smoking, browsing Jow Forums can be quite draining.

Take the ironpill, dudes, not the jewpills.

I really don't want to eat this shit, I feel like I have to because I'll end up on the streets if I can't go back to work soon. I'll quit as soon as I feel I can, though.

What medicine did you take? Sertraline? Another SSRI?

Did your libido at least return a little bit upon quitting?

I'm currently on Clomipramine, it's a tricyclic one, not SSRI. Strong stuff, but I only feel worse now (fourth day in)

>t. Someone who read three pages of Thus Spoke Zarathustra last night

Brintellix here

SSRI have cured my homosexuality.

They can be helpful if you are suicidal and on the verge of destroying yourself, but in my experience it's best to just endure. They are absolute hell to quit. I have tried suicide and been homeless, jobless, but the meds never made anything better. Only you yourself can.

I have taken Effexor and Cipralex. Effexor really fucked me up. I was praying I didn't wake up in the morning when I quit Effexor.

Yes, the libido has gotten a little better after quitting. Still not what it was though.

Suppressed does not equal cured. Deep down you are still a fag and hiding that fact is nothing more than living a lie.

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I take Mirtazapine (Rameron) it isn't an SSRI. Doesn't really make me happier, but it makes the days go by so quickly, like a mushy blur. I don't really care about much and they stop me from having suicidal thoughts.

shabbos goy
>entire society degenerating into brown 3rd world tier shithole
>it's all just a blur brah

Yeah meds weren't my first thought either. I've tried to endure this anxiety for 10 months, but I got fired because of it recently so I started taking these meds.

For how many years did you take Effexor? And for how long did you feel terrible when you quit 'em?

>lose your job at Harvard
>start taking SSRIs

And he thinks he can give advice to real losers like Jow Forums people.

It's good that you have tried to endure. I know it's not easy when you feel like your whole life is crashing down. Have you tried therapy? Can be helpful with the right therapist who doesn't coddle you.

It's so long, don't quite remember. About half a year I think. Never quit cold turkey.

I've seen a therapist a dozen times, starting many months before I started taking meds. I'm thinking about trying another one.

But when I went to the psychiatrist they found I was neurotypical, and not crazy with no personality disorder at all.

Then I came home and stared at my model of Auschwitz for three hours and stabbed a jewish captive in my basement

In my experience ta good therapist is one who challenges your unhelpful beliefs whilst being empathetic at the same time.

For me they made me feel numb and apathetic, which when I was at rock bottom was probably a better place to be in. However don't get stuck as a zombie. Look inward, find God, look up and stumble forward towards heaven one step at a time. Lean on Jesus in a world of darkness.


He is my brother feared by many understood by few

How can ones life come crashing down if there is nothing to crash

How would one go about finding such therapist? Just trial and error? Thanks for the tip though.

I know it might sound crazy for you, but I'd like to be numb and cold for just a little while. I've been having severe anxiety for over a year now, and all I can think about is the worry that got me into this position in the first place.. Thanks anyways for the tip. I'd like to believe in a higher power but it's hard, I just can't convince myself.

It was like walking out of a room that was filled with depressed alcoholic anguish into a room of normalcy.

they are retard pills that mong you out, stop you feeling emotions and cloud you brain with chemicals, they also lower your t levels and have a host of side effects

really just get a grip on life and look at more healthy outlets, 90% of depression cases are caused by shitty lifestyle choices people make, you can't cure it with a pill

It's not crazy, I get it. Just don't get too comfortable. Use your fear and pain to learn. What are you afraid of and why? It's reasonable to be afraid because are a lot of things to be afraid of in this world. You choose how to respond to your fears. Respond with courage. To be courageous is face your anxieties are fears. Do this slowly and incrementally. Hopefully you can find people (friends, family, therapists, etc.) to help you along the way, but if not go alone (knowing Jesus is with you). If you are having trouble with belief, and this is understandable, think of Jesus not as a literal being, but simply as the spirit of sacrifice and rebirth on your struggling journey to live (with you always). Hope life works out for you brother (I deal with these struggles too).