Why are Humans superior?

Why are humans the only beings that invent new thechology to pass on to the next generations. Some animals like dolphins, crows and rats are considered very intelligent but they so not create new things to advance as a species. Why are humans so unique in this aspect when we all had the same origin?
This ist what the bible says:
"And God blessed them (the Humans), and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over every living thing that moveth upon the earth."

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Ants have more biomass and more land. Their societal structures are arguably more sane, too

Humans ate psilocybin mushrooms that helped with neurogenesis. Also for every 17 cunts that reproduced only one man did, and here we are.

But are they capable of invention? Will they advance and improve or are they hardcoded to build the same anthills (different dir the several antworten species) forever?

Who knows, none of us will be alive to see it at least

spotted the faggot phoneposter, your autocorrect is a dead giveaway

Humans did substancial progress in all kind of fields ober the last century which could easily bei observed by the people living in that time period.

Nice contribution to the discussion. Why does it matter?

I read that orcas have developed a technique for creating waves around a floating ice block, causing seals to fall off as easy prey. They show their young how to do it, and it passes on.

There are probably other better examples, but this is actual primitive technology.

We aren't we invented writing and culture which allowed its transmission. We were hunter gatherers for 200,000 years civilization is about 20,000 years.

Animals spend all their brain power on acquiring food and acquiring mates plus surviving.

Agriculture created food surpluses that allowed us to use a big brains in different ways.

We have nifty hands, and an extremely advanced vocal system. I'm sure if dolphins had arms and hands with nimble fingers, they'd be doing all sorts of underwater architecture.

....Or maybe they would just fap

They create new things to advance as a species, they are called societies.

Also humans more advanced creation.

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monkey see monkey do is not technology.

Heres a question for the thread. Lets say we find no evidence of alien life out there, nothing, the galaxy is a void of death. What do we do at that point? Should we create or uplift life?

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If it ain't human, I'm fumin'

Gas the quadrupeds, species war NOW

No, because it is so incredibly unlikely that we're the only life out there, it would be proof enough that a god exists and we are his creation.

Hands. They facilitate the use of tools, which we use to write shit down important enough to remember. How is this not obvious?

Shit pisses me off. People asking proofs for self-evident truths are all Jews.

Having hands and dexterity is a big advantage for humans. We gave up strength for it but it works for us.

Up to this point there is no proof for alien life. The existence of water in space ist mit enough

Opposable thumbs


how could a species ever learn to build anything useful if it has no digits with which to hold tools

They are finding rocky planets with water on them in habitable zones of stars, and as telescope technology progresses they will find more.

Unique complexity of brain and body gives humans the ability to manipulate their environments. Language is supposed to be the greatest invention by humans. (English is the most complex language. French is the next most. English and Spanish are the most widely spoken languages.)

Humans are a rare creature. Whether created or extraordinary luck, they are something special among the animals.

>English is the most complex language. French is the next most.


>the incredible senses and natural weapons of an animal
>the intelligence of a human
You have 10 seconds to explain why a real life furry wouldn't be the greatest creature on earth if they existed.

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>English is the most complex language
Kek, try to learn Greek then.

our tools fit the environment best, doesn't matter if grasshoppers have 500iq on average, they can only jump

Because it can't hold a gun.

We got there first and basically kill anything else that's a threat to our top spot to prevent competition, everything else becomes food, pets, points of study, or entertainment.
Humans are basically psychotically "racist" to other competitive species. that ensures our top spot, motherfucker. And we have saved a lot of time by eliminating the others(Erectus, Neanderthals).
By not having to compete with these other beings, we can focus more time toward getting better. THOUGH, we're still slaves to our bestiality and thus need war and fighting from time to time among ourselves to keep us from succumbing to full-on sociopathy.

That is the cold truth that leftists and most rightists seem to forget.

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What a monsters.

Not just that, but certain pods have learned to kill great white sharks by grabbing them in an inverted posture and then flipping over, putting the shark into tonic immobility.

Some fuckers have discovered agriculture too. Look it up. I would blame the ant life span, it's shorter so they have less passable information to give to future generations.

worst post i've seen in a while

Humans? Monsters? No. We're survivors. And for the first time in history, that we know of, we are the species on earth that has learned of his world, the elements composing it, the weather and energy binding and molding it, its place among the stars. We craft, we toil. We fight, breathe, sweat, think, think some more. We dream and sometimes do things to allow us to live a waking dream so we can push further, faster.
Humans, our good and our bad traits, are goddamn awesome. WE are our own gods, and WE will hold ourselves up, over time. We cast judgement on ourselves and grow, ever so slowly.
Even lower races such as negroids, arabians/semites, and those with native blood. GROW. It's slow to us who live here for less than 100 years, but time carries us on and WE GROW.

That's why the future is bright. Everything about EVERY HUMAN ALIVE is based on survival, winning, and moving forward, even when it doesn't seem that way. There are swings to the pendulum that ticks time away after all, but time still marches on, and we dominate it as a species.

Bad ass motherfucking shit.

I'll get to you in a sec...

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That and they're fucking arthropods you dumbass

We have proof of many species actually developing new techniques for hunting and the like, then teaching their pack/tribe/young these skills. There are examples of animals using tools.

Perhaps the animals, content doing animal things, are actually more advanced than you give credit to because they do not have jews telling them they must constantly be developing bigger TVs and working slave jobs in the jewish mines so they can afford to buy those TVs?

Writing really is a later addition to expression of language through imagery. The key is tradition, which basically started as generations of cause-effect obervations incorporated into oral tradition/mythology and carried on through storytelling. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." (created the civilised man) If you even slightly understand civilisation you instantly understand that the entire point of modernism is its destruction.


What's your answer, Finn?
Do you know where you live? The world on which you stand? You consume life to live. All developed animals do.
We take life in and make its chemical structures our own, for fuel and for substance. Life on earth is based solely on struggle, meeting a challenge, and overcoming it. That is the essence of adaptation.
Humans excel at this, by miles. We've gotten so goddamn good at survival we INVENT PROBLEMS to solve to take the place of problems we no longer have. This is called war and government.

Life on earth is honed by violence. Even plants struggle in this. The giant evergreens of California adapted to grow into the plentiful fog of the coast, where free water condensed. Their large trunks resist flame, their seeds drop and sprout from the violence of fire.
We honed fast, once the brain matter to think into the future began to activate. We migrated north, into areas where seasons changed drastically and food became scarce for almost half the year. We honed planning intelligence(forethought) by hunting in groups, planning tactics. We still have that hunter spirit. SEE: FPS gaming) Our women adapted toward foraging for food, water, and then valuables for the tribe. They STILL love to shop around, looking for things that tick those boxes in our minds.

Violence is a deep part of our lives. We crave it. The people of Europe want a fight so bad they're letting people into their countries that they are ASSURED to eventually fight.
They want a fight. We all do. When we fight, and win, we move up. The losers die off, the weak are culled to keep strength against the world's forces that work against our lives.

The essence of life is the fight. And humans fight best because we can see into the future, somewhat. The less you're able to visualize the future, the less overall chance you have to survive as a human. This is why niggers die a lot, why nature works against them. They lack forethought. Because they never had winter.

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Because man is made in the image of God.

All the rest are the product of evolution.