Christianity, a political movement invented by jews in the 1st century in order to subvert, overtake and destroy gentile societies, has been the most destructive force on the white race and white civilization. It singlehandedly destroyed the Roman empire, the mightiest civilization to ever exist. Christianity allowed the jews to defeat us in WW1 and WW2. Today, its influence is allowing Israel to thrive, causing race mixing, and flooding all white nations with nonwhite hordes of immigrants. Christianity freed the black slaves, made a pathway for communism/socialism, and gave women the vote. Christianity is allowing the white man to sit idly by waiting for the afterlife as his nations are turned to garbage and his children enslaved.
>* Teaches that all races are equal (Gal 3:28)
>* Teaches that it’s OK if you’re enslaved, it will earn you more rewards in the next life (Rom 6:15-18)
>* Teaches that you should obey the government no matter what, and “render unto Cesar” (Romans 13:1-5)
>* Teaches that the jews are God’s chosen people and you are to bless them and help them (Gen 12:2-3, Isaiah 60:12)
You cannot be pro-white and worship at the altar of a jewish-created desert religion.
This general is for discussion of Christianity and its dangers, and how to free the white race from the pox of Christianity through political movement and education.