For fuck sakes Canada build a wall

For fuck sakes Canada build a wall.

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>casually crashes this thread train

>Be me watching Nigger Panther
>Sleep through most of movie
>Wake up just before Nigger Panther gets BTFO
>Hear Nigger behind me
>"ayo whyte boi, you alright"
>Hear Nigress next to Nigger
>"He cute"
>walk out of kinoplex, but not yelling "THE FIRE RISES!"

You know you guys only have all the cool stuff like universal healthcare because we protect your (((former))) ethno-state right?

Bad times are coming for you.

Don't do it. Don't be like that orange cheeto retard that wants a wall

Soon Canada will need to build a wall to keep their whites tax payers inside.

oh no nonono
is that real

you're welcome LEL
enjoy your poor oppresed POC fleeing the racist Drumpf regime!

you better do it quick, because there is going to be a FLOOD of dindus headed your way when Trump wins reelection in 2020.

truedow will probably be happy to have them though, so it might be easier to apply for american citizenship now. or just marry a roastie...

Thanks to global warming, even the most uninhabitable parts of the Canadian wilderness will become prime habitat for niggers in the upcoming years.


Um, racist much? Forwarding this to Justin STAT, prepare your anal

They're not even fleeing the USA anymore. I read a an article saying Nigerians are flying to NYC then bussing up to the border and claiming asylum. Canada has sent people to Nigeria to tell them to stop, and to Nigerian churches in the USA. Canada is going to be a victim of its own virtue signalling while Trump laughs. Pure pottery.

Enjoy Ahmed and his 7+ kids straining your oh-so-great socliaized healthcare system.

>Girl Strong

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you faggots are doing this to yourself its time you faggots do something about it.

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Not yet! I don't want those fucking parasites stuck in my country. Give them time to cross into Canada and then maybe we can build that wall for you.

They are being smuggled in with full knowledge and approval of the (((canadian government))). Why take action when the plan is going exactly
as desired? Good thing they now have a carbon tax so niggers can get free food and housing!

Yeah, we're getting American refugees at the Quebec border
It's really fucking weird

>prepare your diddely-hole

we will have to clean up the mess eventually though

How is this my fault and not the fault of the men in those photographs. Or maybe we can just agree to blame Quebec? They always claim to be sovereign.

>what the fuck did you say to me you little whore. Mom, get this bitch to put on her hijab.

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>How is this my fault and not the fault of the men in those photographs. Or maybe we can just agree to blame Quebec? They always claim to be sovereign.
I like to take the blame. I have been going on different islamadarky forums, and tell them how awesome some countries are in regards to refugees.
I ruined Sweden, and for the past 2 years I've been very vocal about Canada. HAHAHAHAHAHA

>blame Quebec?
how the fuck is it our fault? Reason they're coming here is because of geography. They bus and taxi from NY to a road crossing. We don't want them here. One political party wants a fence and to kick immigrants who don't pass a Quebecois value test while the party in power pressure the federal government to send a bunch of nigs to Toronto.

Attached: CANADAVSQUEBEC.jpg (612x637, 202K)

walls work.
add some heavy artillery with motion detector and forget about it.

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Probably heading for Quebec. Quebec has a large population of people from former French speaking colonies like Haiti and North Africa. It seems to have exploded since I lived there many years ago. My assumption has always been that the government, whenever it was PQ, did everything they could to stack the numbers in their own, French speaking, favour. The demographics weren't like that when I was a teen and young man.

Attached: pq.jpg (195x259, 8K)

Lmao I want this to be true

>when your plan to assimilate Quebecois and natives backfires and you end up culturally destroying all anglos first
Oooops Fuddle duddle

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I wish we could send all of our niggers to canda

.Lmao I want this to be true
Oh it fucking is.

Canada - where the white half of the country pays for the nonwhite half. Not much longer though, that shit will be bankrupt soon.


>Canadian housing bubble

I dont know why the government doesn't send them to the places that can be built up and settled. There are grants and tax breaks for some areas that need populating. Why not send them to build cities like the original immagrants did?

>walls work.
>maybe we should turn around

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>Just speak english and assimilate bro

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>Justin Trudeau constantly bitching about America wanting to build a wall.
>He's been in office for years and Americans still have to go through hoops for canadian immigration. Having a criminal conviction, even a dui, means you're fucking banned from mapleton for life.
Why's he so racist, maple bros? I just wanted to make moose burgers.

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>Having a criminal conviction, even a dui, means you're fucking banned from mapleton for life.
Not true you can claim assylum if your life is in danger, and today it is easy enough to "prove" that the "American justice system" had been "racially targeting" you for convictions, and they can not deport individuals whose lives may be in danger.

to add if you're not a "POC" then claim that you are lgbqt.



Sorry eh? Looks like we fucked your country culturally. Also you offer up your natural resources to the US for next to nothing and Americans exploit you liberal shitheads by planting "activists" in area you want to exploit to restrict profitability. You are probably one of the cheapest oil producers.

God yes. I can’t wait until feral niggers invade your country. It’s about time. Prepared to be BLACKED, guy.

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>tfw they are all crossing into Quebec and most don’t know French Canadian

I seriously hope the French Canadians virtue signal and let all those niggers and Muslims stay there, going from setting off bombs to protect their French heritage in the 1970s to just giving it away?

>build a wall

Fuck that shit. I don't want those pieces of shit in my country.

Oh plz these are your fellow compatriots. They just got some weird ideas in their heads thinking they can come to our country for free gibs because we have more gibs than your country.

>For fuck sakes Canada build a wall.
You mean a deadly electrified fence powered by Albertan oilsand?
That could work.

>girl strong


Those look like Germans so they are probably just tourists.

Diversity is our strength

>Built a wall to keep americans out
Im pretty sure we could get by just building a curb

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Enjoy your 59 IQ Hatians

5 years old and all ready pregnant

Go, i hate niggers