Are Shia muslims actually better than the Sunnis?

Are Shia muslims actually better than the Sunnis?

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Other urls found in this thread: ashura celebration

Yes, they are
And a lot of better than Amerimutts

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Digits have spoken the truth

>muslim hiding flag - probably jordan
that's not how this works

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different color same shit

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More like Persians being better way than Arabs. While some "Persians" miscegenated with Arabs, Orginal Persians were still Aryans who when in clear leadership roles lead the "Islamic golden age" almost any Muslim accomplishment outside of warfare is a Persian one.

Persians just happen to be Shia's even though, Shia's were the side that thought only a direct descendant of Muhammad could be the Caliph, whereas the Sunnis were the multicultural fags of their generation saying any "pious person" could be the Caliph.

Yes, but that doesn't mean much in the long term

I dunno, you tell me.
t. babyraper

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I think Shia are mentally retarded. It’s the only explanation for pic related.

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you tell me
> ashura celebration

Shias are subhumans that believe in temporary marriages... Which defeats the purpose of a marriage you dumb subhuman shits.

shias are niggers of muzzies

If they're Persian yes. But overall, they're less fanatical than Sunni. The terrorists are Sunni.

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shite muslims are better

>every mystical, philosophical version of Islam is Shiite
>blockhead Sunnis hate them
Colour me surprised.


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Not really, it's just that it's mostly Sunnis who have been infected with the Wahhabi and Muslim brotherhood disease while The Shia are protected by Noble Iran.

Assad's army is 3/4 Sunni.

i'll be Sunni till i die


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What are the perks of Shia Islam? What are the cons?
Is there actual theological legitimacy for their beliefs inside Islam or are they just like Mormons calling themselves "christians"?

better at terrorism maybe

No perks.

Shias/Sunni is like the canada/US dynamic.

One group wants to disassociate itself from the other as much as possible. Aka heresy 101.

Yes, Nasrallah is better.

your teqqiya wont work on me you filthy hosain. These polfags will unironically believe your bullshit

Why do you hate Shia so much? I don't even understand. You should hate the Jews 10x more than Shia.


I hate jews more than shittes still want to purge our holy lands of their filth.
They dont worship Allah anymore.

Who do they worship then? Look at Iran and how they trigger the Jews with their economy, research, and weapons/technology production capabilities. You should look up to them as a good example to follow and ally with them. Do they not follow the 5 pillars of Islam? If so, then they are also Muslim and fighting them is forbidden.

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Jews are the worst

You must be new here,faggot.

They worship Husain and Pray to him instead of Allah. They let the imam of nearest mousqe take new brides hymans before their husbands. Thats enough to want to gas them.

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> take new brides hymans before their husbands.

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Both are heretics and go to hell.

You sound like southern Protestant Christians who say Catholics are “devil worshippers that pray to Mary”

Shia muslims are the 'Catholics' of Islam. Nothing based about them.

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>They worship Husain and Pray to him instead of Allah.
No c'mon, I'm pretty sure you know this isn't even true. This is a myth propagated to sow division and increase hatred. It's the Saudi family who benefit from it because Iran is the main threat to their illegitimate power hold on the country,

If anyone needs to be cleansed from the holy lands it is the Saudi family, I don't even have anything against the Saudi people themselves. I would like to see it become a republic similar to Iran; it would be one step up from an illegitimate monarchy.

>They let the imam of nearest mousqe take new brides hymans before their husbands.
This I never heard so I don't know but that sounds retarded.

>They let the imam of nearest mousqe take new brides hymans before their husbands
What the hell, source?

They’re not wrong.

Nice teqqyia hosain

Sauds are kike lovers but at least they’re Sunni

So is isis

Saudis are notoriously gay ,who the fuck are you to criticize anyone?

Wife must be "blessed" by the imam for a successful marriage. We will remove the jewish king soon, his time is running low with his retarded son. The whole family line will be purged women and childern included. The jews already plotting a regime change, it will blowup on their faces. The country is ripe for a war

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Not this time mutt

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Well they say shia islam has some in common with catholicism. Sunni islam is more strict.

T. Kaffir

>We will remove the jewish king soon, his time is running low with his retarded son.
It's funny because he looks like a massive degenerate low-IQ neckbeard. The Saudi family was put into power after WW1 precisely because they were the lowest bidder willing to sink low enough to throw Palestine under the bus and turn a blind eye to the British Zionist agenda in Palestine. That's literally the only reason they were put in power, not even the oil. I wish to see the Republic of Arabia someday.

>demanding proof is teqqyia

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They're all gay

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It doesn't matter what you hate or not, when Israel it self through US is using you as a proxy army to carry out their geopolitical plans, namely in funded and sponsored terrorist cells.

Which in it self is quite the irony since muslims should see Jews as their main religious enemy but in turn they are swayed into slaughtering each other. All that while Jews (invisible hand) are making that happen by organizing and funding different Imams as authority people will always adhere to, and manipulate them through religion into who to hate and for what reason (small differences in koran teachings)

So sunni and shia are kept in endless hegelian dialect and false dichotomy to carry on agenda which serves little to no purpose to muslims in first place.

Yes. The ones who believe in the global caliphate stuff are mostly Sunni, whereas the Shia's are a lot more nationalistic and defensive.

Perhaps Shiites adopted more European attributes as it became mostly popularized in Persia? Need to research more on this.

Look Indian to me.

>Yes. The ones who believe in the global caliphate stuff are mostly Sunni
Lol burgers. Shia have their own version of global caliphate lead by the Ayatollah.


Can we all stop fighting each other and just fuck the Jews instead?

Tell that to sunnis like them

>through US is using you as a proxy army to carry out their geopolitical plans, namely in funded and sponsored terrorist cells
They're called common interests. Which is also applied to every major power in the Middle East whether if it was Russia, Turkey, or the US.

Perk you believe in one God?

They're pretty far out there from Sunni Islam, they hate most of the original disciples of the Prophet and they beat themselves up crying about how Ali should've been the Caliph even though he himself agreed to not take it for unity between the people.

They're playing us as well. The Shia are waiting for their twelfth Imam, so they play the long game just like the Jews, and are also hell-bent on global apocalypse to bring about their Imam, just like the Jews their Messiah.

This guy gets it.

>even though he himself agreed to not take it for unity between the people.
Is this true?
I find it Ironic that Shia believe that Ali should have taken power through inheritance and Iran is a democratic republic while the Sunnis democratically chose a Caliph while most of their countries today are Monarchies.

Spreading Wahabbi militants throughout Europe, funding and arming Jihadist groups to destabilize countries are those “common interests”. You don’t have to sugar coat it.


Yeah, heard that Saddam Hussein saying until he got hanged for trusting the "common interests", if they won't betray you (wishful thinking), the opposite side might just as well.

Ever heard of WW2? It all sound so nice to plan and organize things thinking it will all go as expected.

Either way, muslim countries keep getting annihilated and people displaced in poverty and suffering. Instead of your religion uniting, making territories strong with confidence and conviction. Losing the possible religious ally's one by one and weakening your side at negotiating table into eventually rude awakening is never learned from past, every side always though of them self's as special.

That "plan" seems typical of pattern already observed in past. You're only a "equal" cooperating partner until your usefulness runs out.

they fuck boys

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>Yeah, heard that Saddam Hussein saying until he got hanged for trusting the "common interests"
Or maybe he brought it by himself for being an incompetent leader who made poor decisions.

The fact that this even needs to be asked is beyond me.

On one side you have Shias, on the other you have CIA/Mossad backed rebels, ISIS, Saudi Arabia, Israel.

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Yes Shia are based
The Safavid Empire of Iran was a fren of Christian Europe against the Ottoman Empire.
Shah Abbas had a big Nestorian Christian population and even allowed Christians to own pig farms.

Does wet dog shit taste better than dry?

Arent the Shia in general the more fanatics and the Sunni the more moderates ? (ofc this depends also on the person)

are slaves to arab

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That's like saying cat shit is better than dog shit

Narcissistic response is projecting doubt and cognitive dissonance.

Could've as well responded by "It's a risk but we're lobbied (bribed) with geo-political promises we hope to realize if we bend over to Jews". It would sound more reasonable.

Your princes were the same, thinking they are running things, then one day Trump came to visit and whola, so much of them got imprisoned and lost their wealth.

Having a backup plan is a good idea, but don't hope you'll get many allies in that scenario, as all possible one's you played a role into destroying. You're always be a tool of Jews, religion and ethnicity you people so much supposedly hate. You're betraying the sole promise of what Islam is supposed to accomplish.


they are arab slaves

they do man they are bunch of slaves

How do I convert to Islam and why should I?

Still better than Sufis.

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hezbollah and hamas are Shia

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Common goals doesn't equal being a pawn. Your obsession with the Jews is quite hilarious with these assumptions too.

>Reminder that this is a proxy Jew

pro: you can draw islamic figures without getting your head chopped off

Hezbollah is Shia.
Hamas is Sunni.

Hamas does terrorist attacks.
Hezbollah only targets military positions.

>Hezbollah only targets military positions.
t. underage kid
go learn about the lebanese civil war

in terms of jihadi terrorism, not so much anything else. still rape addicts

Military positions were targeted exclusively
>INB4 a military base with occupying amerimutts is not a military target

The fuck are you talking about?

(in b4 moving goal posts)

Fucking dumb Jew.

Al-Qaeda and ISIS are Sunni. Saudi Arabia, who secretly funds these groups, is Sunni. They're also funding radical Muslims all over Europe and are allies with Israel in a proxy war against Iran. Do you really have to ask?

Well Hezbollah did conduct suicide bombing missions during the war. However, they stopped doing that ever since the war ended. They take on a more "military" style approach.

Lol no

>is feces with peanuts in it actually better than feces with corn in it?

Papists unironically do that though

>suicide bombing missions


Nobody calls kamikaze pilots terrorists.

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What does the abbreviation 't.' stand for? I understand the finnish abbreviation 't.' that comes from 'terveisin' (engl. regards), but what does it mean for a french guy speaking English?

I couldn't care less about Jews, but simply observing and analysing state of things requires mentioning the sides in middle east and Israel is one them.

You're kinda exposed for not actually caring about religion based from your responses, and since you'd rather "cooperate" with your "enemy" and keep slaughtering your brothers in faith instead, you lost the plot of discussion.

Accomplishing selfish interests by powerful individuals using common people who follow different religions will never get old. Sheep needs a shepherds, and they will always milk their herd.