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0 none, they were all democrat liberals on ssri’s just like you OP

Spotted the Infowars watcher

Attached: FL shooter wearing MAGA Trump hat.jpg (606x760, 104K)

why would illegals and dreamers be in school?

The ones that didn't make national news.

It's interesting we blame guns, but not the psychiatric drugs that these people are on which is also common in other violent crimes involving other types of weapons. But I guess that hurts the gun grabber's narrative.

>last two shootings have been a direct result of years of bullying by students and teachers alike
>”ban guns!”
Had it been a nigger or a shitskin, bullying would be a felony by now.

did you just stumble upon this timeline coming from another one where the problem with illegal immigrants was that they shoot up schools?

Kek! My sides


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