Is race real?

Is race real?

Attached: Race-OpeningPostcard-v3-Front-jpg.jpg (737x1024, 187K)

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In what context?

Not really
It's the most real thing there is


How the hell is it not real genetically? Just because left wing academia claims that according to their subjective terms and cut offs it isn't. We have proven that races genetically cluster together, meaning the concept of race has a biological foundation. You don't even need to use the scientific method to know this, simply observe how black people consistently give birth to black children, this can be for no other reason, but genetic ones.

The Lefties are always trying to deceive us, I never fall for their BS.

but you fell for a charlatan landlord

I don't think so.
The only way political correctness gets on the way of science is when you try to study homosexuality on a neurological way.

I mean, of course there are human phenotypes related to your "race", but the truth is that thinking that you belong a 100% to only one race is dumb
You have two parents, four grandparents, eight grand-grandparents and so on. What in the hell would make you think that every single one of your ancestors share the same so called "race"

And even if you were so pure (genetically talking), you have a 100% chance of having shitty genes that are going to fuck your health up down the road

Basically, people who are "pure" genetically are a result of inbreed. Congratulations.

Do the world a favor and reproduce with people that doesn't look like they can be your lost sibling (or actually don't reproduce at all, thanks)

The difference between an average black person and average white person, controlling for education access etc. is less than the expected differences between individuals of the same race. Citing someone's blackness as the cause of low IQ is not correct. Places where race matters most are when looking at the very tip of the bell curve, eg % of jews with +150 IQ is probably much more significant than the average deviation of jews with other races.