Why arent millennial men not growing up?

This is why you become incels and all women want you to kys

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He doesn't know

>This is why you become incels and all women want you to kys
Take this gay shit to reddit where the Rick and Morty fags actually are. Sage

Is this dare I say a subtle /PickleRick/ thread?

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Every time I do it, it seems to work.

how do i stop being beta virgin? had girl touching me, rather went asleep with friend to a tent then staying with her twice on same trip with different girl, couple months ago girl i like asked me if i go to her house, i pretended no to hear. hmmmmm, i know i am pathetic, but i just CANT DO IT


have a down vote.

This is pointless post to make, but men are actually much better now than they were in the past 20 years.
The internet was dominated by nihilistic leftist man-children up until a couple years ago. Give it time, things will correct themselves.

Nice way of wasting digits. It's because we are a generation of weaklings. They even fucking collect those small dolls with big heads...
God, how I hate to belong to this filthy generation. I have to admit, though, that millennials in Europe (at least in Norway) are nowhere near as sissy as those faggots you have running around in the US. We still don't have that stupid gender-crap here (thank God), even though I imagine I will see it rub off from the UK/US in the near future.

Done. Now will you stop trying to tell me about your cat on dates, and how yours is like totally not like most cats and actually cool

yeah bro just fuck every stupid teenage girl bro fuck are you gay bro lmao why dont you further throw our society down the hole right lmao

>fuck a girl you actually like, retard

She’s just upset because she doesn’t have a high enough IQ to understand it

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You're fooling yourself

wuba luba dub dub

>Is this dare I say a subtle /PickleRick/ thread?


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naa. It works every time. try it when your bread needs a jump start.

idk i am just insecure loser. mostly about looks and dick (only 16 cm)


I don't even understand the concept of "weak" mean in today's society. Sure, you've got a limp wristed fag or two, but most guys are genuinely just decent people. Given the chance most would serve in another WW. Are men not supposed to be gentlemen? Are we supposed to "alpha male" our way around all the time? fuck off op

>Thot sandwiches "Rick & Morty" in between "DUDE WINE AND ADVENTURES LMAO" and "No hookups unless Chad" in her bio
>Surprised when dumb nerds try to talk about a "common interest"

R*ddit and Morty aside, millennial men aren't growing up because there's zero reason to. People need incentives to do things and late modernity offers them nothing.

what kind of a fucking autist retard talks to woman about cartoons?
how dry do you want her to be?

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Maybe if you could communicate without sounding like you're actively having a stroke/smoking crack?

>implying this is the norm

Go back to dating Bull Dykes, or find a Boomer

>not being a misogynist on the first date
Females love it. Be 3/4 asshole and 1/4 nice, they always want to me bang within one hour. I'm 33 and got a really cute 19yr hiking gf.


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Not that anyone to defend anyone who likes Rick and Morty, but if all of her dates end up resorting to the scraping the bottom of the conversational barrel that is "what tv show you like?" Maybe the issue is with her, rather than all men.

just calm the fuck down dont think like an idiot, try to CALM DOWN be normal.

I feel for women. These days they essentially have to deal with a 90% manchild dating pool. No one has their shit together, no one is acting like men.

dont worry i dont talk to them in english

>drinks onions and watches cartoons
why are men not growing up!?!

You cannot self bump faggot
I remember talking about lotr to the first girl i dated didn't go too well

fuck roasties

this is clearly fake as rick and morty fans are neckbeards, incels or both.

First time I will agree with a leftist in a long time

Women, have something interesting to say on dates, and you won't be shocked when you hit the wall at 30 and realize that the only thing interesting about you was your young cunt.

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>a hiking GF

wow that type is rare, I have your run of the mill instagram gf. how do I upgrade?

taking out your dick literally results in it getting sucked 80% of the time

t. ugly guy who takes his dick out

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Agreed. Like bitches have any room to complain! Right now 99% of the female population is talking about a pointless wedding of a half nigger! Same bitches complaining probably gossip endlessly on some reality TV horseshit.

Fuck them for making me defend Rick and Morty I


I disregard poo posts.


cool story bro

I don't use that, found her on whisper. Luckily I live across the street from a college, so that's how I find them.

>[stupid meme shit that never got him laid]

>t. guy who rarely gets his dick sucked

You jelly? Just telling the tricks of the trade dude, girls don't like doormats.

why do u assume op is female? everyones hates incels. you triggered?

holy shit a real lotr nerd
how are people like you come to exist?
I tried to read localized version of the books but it was such a cringe.

hmm sure.

they literally think that acting the same way girls do makes girls want to fuck you

The dryest. Nothing quite like tearing in to a bone dry vagina. If it doesn't look like bloody ground beef when you're done, you've missed out.

>double negative

This is why no women wants to date Jow Forums faggots, they're all obsessed with cartoons, anime, and video games.


Men aren't "growing up" anymore because in times of yore a man grew up by marrying young and becoming a father and provider. Modern women aren't interested in relationships, marriage or kids until they're 40 and past it. Well unless it's black men, then they throw themselves at them, don't use protection, end up a single mother to a halfcast and blame White men.

>caring about how woman's vagina looks after you're done

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There's a reason girls want to fuck us Chad's other than our looks. We'll be fucking your future "wife" while you're using your own tears as lube. Kys

To jump into the social clusterfuck that we call jobs demands that you act like a faggot and "fit in with company culture" or you could absolutely be fired for not making any friends. You unironically have a better shot being NEET.

Tell women to stop talking about themselves all the time. Bitches never shut up about pointless shit that nobody cares about.

Omg i also wanna kill myself , we have so many things in common,so you should give up existing and do us both a favor and just die , reality does not demand your existence.

Well thats why the Birth rates are down all over the west, technology is a double edge sword. White women pursue their stressful feminist careers, while White men watch porn and rick and morty.

>im chad
>sounds triggered
sure, sure. btw hows the neckbeard coming along?

>talking about rick and morty

WTF is rick and morty and why do people keep talking about this cartoon shit?

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they are getting dating ideas from the jews. Their own fault

Why would I alter my personality for a date. I dont talk about rick and morty but I talk about what I want. Hate the ones who made out you wasted their time when they had no intention of fucking you anyway.

honestly the state of non native english speakers on this board
the only people who don't sound like an absolute immigrant are swedes and germans

But I'm not. Girls don't like beards or baby clean faces. I use a trimmer so I always have a 5 o clock shadow.

Chads don't give a shit about that man-child cartoon show.

Dear Women,
Stop listening to jews

>This is why you become incels and all women want you to kys
I'm honestly so sick and tired of these bullshit "anit incel" treads that keep trying to tell me what the fuck to do.
All women want me to kill myself?
you promise????
oh thank fuck
because this affords me yet another oppurtunity to prove once again THAT I DONT GIVE A FLYING FUCK WHAT ANY OF YOU FUCKS THINK
i really dont understand the mentally behinds
>D-dont do X user cause i dont like
well fuck you then
i'll do whatever the fuck i want
every person in this shitty fucking world who thinks that what they want means a rats ass to anyone else deserves to come up against the cold hard reality of this fucking world as soon as humanly possible
no one cares what you think
no one cares what you want
no one gives a fuck about you
get over yourself
grow up

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at least they can post without a banter license


Why is this show so popular? I've never seen it. Is it actually good? Every sperg, bugman, and incel seems to love this show.

It's reddit: the cartoon

>tfw haven't renewed my banter license for this month

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How does dating even work? I match with girls often and chat to them on dating apps but then what do you do? Do you arrange to meet them at a bar? Then what? Talk and flirt for a few hours? I completely missed the whole process growing up.

~Pull your panties down
~shit on the floor
~gettin' schwifty
~yeahhh, gettin' schwifty up in hur


My problem is I talk about hitler and how the holocaust is fake and the girls don’t talk to me after that lol

Don't be afraid that you will screw something up or make a fool of yourself. Everyone does, you also will.

That is how you get experience, so you don't do stupid shit after a while. Just chill out, and enjoy yourself.

Much wise, much intellect.
Must be big brained rick&morty viewer!
Science bitch.

Fuck, this was intended to reply to that post. Damn ant sized links on mobile.

Maybe if you include everyone from the rural areas. Most men from the city (the ones that go on dates with these dumb bloggers) are beta nu males or shitheads.

I talk to girls about the same thing and I have sex with them the majority of the time. You’re coming on too strong. I have converted several women into jew haters and people with decent price in being white. The emphasis is more about how jews are thieves. Most women are in credit card debt and dire financial circumstances so I simply explain how their debt and lack of wealth is a result of the jews looting America. It makes sense to them being able to blame their debt and lack of money on a group

How old can a millenial be now in 2018?

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uhuh, stay mad faggot.

When will women shut up about downton abbey?

you probably do relate with young girls.. you sound retarded

A message to all incels from a volcel. Sex is highly overrated and women are cancer. That is all.

Just ask them loads of questions then pretend to give a fuck about the answers. Don't over think it. Best liar gets the pussy

Yeah that's pretty smart my dude.

>missed the very first post.

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TBQH you have to have a high IQ to date these men. These women don't.

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Most of them already do hate them via Israel and feeling bad for the shitskins there. All you have to do is just make these retarded socialist bitches realize the 1% are Jews.

The ride never stops.

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To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existential catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a Rick & Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid

lmao is this real?

>Sure, you've got a limp wristed fag or two, but most guys are genuinely just decent people.
Have you gone outside in the last 10 years? All young men are a bunch of skinny, soft fags. Tall, though. Older women say they look like aliens.

>Are we supposed to "alpha male" our way around all the time?
Uh, yes?

She's tired of hearing about your cartoons,guys.

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