Feminist Canadian deployment to Mali

White Canadian soldiers to get raped by sub 80 IQ Cro-Magnon's in the name of egalitarianism in Mali, the absolute state of these moose niggers


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Whatever works for them
The risk is part of the job

let them catch some bullets for a few decades


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I know those girls, they're usually cooks or interns

disregard this tho

Why is your already small military filled with fat fucks, stronk woyen, and SJW's?


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like I said, they're either cooks or interns, they either sit in the offices all day or cook all day. I'd say the only one in our military that actually do something are the mechanized units.

>Another unit that has paved the way for Canadian freedom and democracy is that of the Royal Canadian Regiment or the RCR. 1 and 3 RCR are posted to Petawawa, Ontario. 1RCR was a mechanized infantry unit until recently when it began training as a light infantry unit again. This was not a tactical decision but a budgetary one. The maintenance and upkeep of the LAVIII vehicles is too much for the unit and has caused their fleet to be grounded. If you go to the base you can see the LAVS sitting there under piles of snow. Recent wars have shown that mechanized infantry has been proven to be essential to modern warfare

>This was not a tactical decision but a budgetary one.

Or they probably realised like I did that mechas are the only ones still fits, top kek

>A soldier that serves in the Princess Patricia's Light Infantry (PPCLI), one of the most revered and respected infantry units of the past century, has told me that they are allocated only 49 rounds for the entire training year due to budget cuts. The PPCLI's service in World War I and II and Korea and thereafter is what legends are made of. Yet now they train with less than 50 bullets a year

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but we dont care, that's a fundamental difference between you and us. it's like making fun of someone's shoes when he's barefoot all the time. Why don't you make fun of mexico's military, that'd be the same, lmao

It's OK leaf bros, we'll take care of your defense so that you can give free health care to HIV possative 59 IQ Hatians khn.org/morning-breakout/dr00023718/

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did a maple stole your girlfriend or something?

Since Mali is jihadi islamist, maybe we could spread the word that the promised virgins have landed in whatever region they will patrol?
Allah is testing your will and dedication to seize angels by sending pure white virgin warriors to Gao. Would be interesting to see the outcome when half of all jihadists in Mali show up at the base.

Canadian chicks are sluts anyways, will probably come home early from deployment with little halfriicans

>deployment with little halfriicans
Hahahaha, the mission has to be aborted because the entire fighting force is pregnant.

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>sending feminists to die
At least we're doing something about this infection

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Seriously how autistic do these two look?

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oh no they are going to get our brave soldiers killed!

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Toppest of keks

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>Seriously how autistic do these two look?
Gay and tranny? Is the left one part of ZOG or does it say LOG?

Lea Enfield Rifle won us to world wars

Are there reports of female soldiers getting raped by 80 iq sandniggers? Almost has to be, I only see execution videos by ISIS, why not videos in which they rape US or whatever countries soldiers?

>The US and USSR won us two world wars
FTFY Nigel


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Ironically the Prarie Nigger Rangers are among Canada's best.