Why else would they need rituals and sacrifices?
>Inb4 go back to /x/
>politicians are doing magic
>Jow Forums + /x/
Are the elites part nephilim/fallen angels?
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You know too much. Delete this or expect something beyond your imagination.
They don't need them
They are evil so they seek solace in evil
Good people seek religions which have good morals and ethics
It's just psychology sorry
They are a race called "Ran" they have Nephilim DNA, have the need to drink blood and eat human flesh but can remain in their human forms... They are the ancient gods that roamed and tyranised the earth demanding sacrifices for food, and worship...
Brief history of the world:
>Humans are banished from heaven into earth
>Satan tricks the Elochim (race greater than angels) to come to earth and create a race of better humans
>201 of them actually come to earth and engineer the first "new age humans" the "Blue Giants"
>Lilith Lamasthu the first wife of Adam, a superbeing billions of years old, mates with the 201 elochim and creates a second race of giants the "Bachomeh"(vampires)
>Eventually the 2 races of giants take over the world and begin fighting one another
>Through great technology they create several new "impure races" that are to be used for war
>Some of them are the Cynocephali(werewolves) of whom Anubis was the most feared, and the worst butcher of mankind..
>The children of Lilith eventually win and subdue Cronos and the "Blue Giants"
>The Nephelim enslave humanity, demanding worship,human meat and blood(they feed on us). From 70.000 BC to 40.000 BC humanity is brutally enslaved/farmed like cattle
>Zeus is born, overthrows his father Cronos, frees his brethren from the center of the earth(Tartarus) and begins the Titanomachy against the Nephelim.
>The war spans the solar system resulting in the destruction of the dark side of the moon which remains dark to this day after the event..
>The Blue giants eventually win and subdue the Nephilim in the tartarus
>they allow some of them to remain hidden among us
>They breed with humans and create a race of "Ran"
>They amass wealth,influence,power over centuries shaping world events
>Shatan, Yaldabaoth or Yahweh promisses them they are the chosen people and shall rule the world once more
Does it matter? We will have to cleanse the xeno filth eventually.
the entities they worship do need them
Lol this common knowledge here
so what the fuck do we do
>jew tricks of the 16th century
pick both
No, absolutely not. God destroyed them with the great flood and they haven’t existed since then. Fallen angels no longer touch humans physically. They wage spiritual warfare.
This would be a great fantasy book, I would buy it.
>WWIII will happen
>The world will be in shambles
>Mass famine,sickness and despair will engulf the world
>The last remaining governments of the world will be united into one world government under the leadership of "the chosen one"
>A handsome,charismatic and capable man
>The Antichrist
>He will be the messiah the Jews are waiting for millenia
>He will end hunger and bring safety to the world but only to those that accept his mark and reject God
>Those that don't will not be able to buy anything,sell anything or own anything
>They will be banished from the cities and will be persecuted
>Then the Armageddon will begin
I think WWIII will play along as pic related
Those are not spaceships retard, that is the sun and moon
Nephilim is not a word found in the KJV Bible.
Sons of God referred to the line of Seth, daughters of man referred to the line of Cain. They were normal people.
Liakopoulos k etsi?
Doesn't sound that bad compared to what are we living now.
It exists. Though I don't know if it fantasy.
Ναι... Βασιkά αφού πιάσαμε έτσι "συνομοσιολογια" ειπα να μοιραστώ την εθνιkη μας γνώση
Where’d you learn this from?
name of game?
>God will send a solar flare that will destroy all modern technology(electric, through a permanent EMP)
>Then the "Ancient Gods" or the Nephilim will be freed and mankind will remember once again the terror it once endured
>Then after 5 years of suffering, God will appoint a humble man to lead 144.000 faithful warriors and cleanse the earth of the scourge once and for all
>After that lions will live next to lambs and all will be peaceful
Well it all ends well then.
Wouldn't the nephilim have died in the flood?
Try reptilian
What about Jesus? He was /ourguy/ right? The bible warns of the Synagogue of Satan as well.
Jesus through his sacrifice earned us the right to enter heaven and will return in the end times
>not knowing that the Elohim (no, not the jewish deity) created us, first because they wanted to keep us as some kind of slaves, after that they just wanted to study and see how we turned out
>not knowing that ET's helped us evolve much faster than naturally possible
>not knowing that reptilians were and still are the original earthlings who evolved from dinosaurs
step it up senpai
Christ the King! Praise Jesus glory to his name.
That's the Sun and the Moon you fucking retard, Do some research before posting dumb shit.
woke thread
I thought Elohim means God in hebrew? Beside I call the father by his holy name Yahweh what title can I say them imstead of Elohim? Adonai?
Btw wtf is this bs?
i think i overdosed on red pills
>a fucking medkit
ah sorry, couldn't hear you over the superb living conditions we have :^)
elites worship extra-planar demons, not aliens. I wish they worshiped aliens, aliens would be indifferent to human suffering rather than evilly demand it.
Your country is the size of a village
Can I have the longer version?
Do they have a Green Legend?
>Yeah, Gimme the full version
τι πινεις
Fuck off xeno scum.
They just worship them. Fallen angels/demons are simply rebellious angels, working with Satan to “overthrow” God. Human consciousness is tied directly to all of this, and worship is done via soul selling and human sacrifices.
>"The state of Israel"
>August 15th 1871
About that......