The Biggest Alpha ever was GAY!

>The Biggest Alpha ever was GAY!

Jow Forums btfo!!!!

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>making other men your bitch is not alpha

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Get thread of gayness

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Gays can be Sonderkommandos; there are queens out there that hate other gays and trans more than they hate wypipo.

Uhh I thought Roman’s were known to have male orgies?

He pitched, didn’t catch. That doesn’t make him gay.

>Fucks every chick he comes across
Alexander more or less broke with Greek civilization just to get some Persian pussy.

>American education

>married three times
>had two sons
>no ancient sources stated that Alexander had homosexual relationships
Alexander was gay lul

He was not gay you dipshit. Also he was Albanian

> Believing in the Alexander was a faggot meme


Cleitus the Black had to save his ass at the battle of Battle of the Granicus, if it wasn't for him he would be dead. He thanked him by killing him in a drunken rage.

>Not wanting the be a pederast
Pick one and only one

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Chengiz is the most alpha man in history, not some Gayreek.

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>man speaks fondly of other man

pick up a history book m8, the embarrassment level is outlandish

In Greek and Roman times the person doing the fucking was masculine and the person being fucked was feminine. They didn't give a shit about straight or gay.

That being said wtf is wrong with me?
>sexually attracted to women
>never attracted sexually to men
>start watching shemale porn and shit
>become attracted to the idea of dick
>fuck around with a guy to try and get my urge of dick
>can't get hard when I tried to fuck him, limp almost instantly
>regretted it bad afterwards
I know I'm a faggot but it's some kind of twisted shit way. I don't want anything to do with guys yet for some reason I have a fetishes involving dicks.


He would literally spear you through the chest if he saw this. He could back up his faggotry.

its your programming faggot, we are in a judeo christian culture as we base our morality from it.
the greeks didn't

Sounds based as fuck. Never let a moment when you can kill a rival past.

He was also a 5'6 turbo manlet. How will Jow Forums ever recover?

>the virgin loyal rescue
>the chad impulse murder