Trump Takes Off the Gloves: Orders Official Investigation of Obama/FBI for Spying on Trump Campaign

This is it. Apparently, that leak to the NYT to get ahead of the story was the turning the point.


>I hereby demand, and will do so officially tomorrow, that the Department of Justice look into whether or not the FBI/DOJ infiltrated or surveilled the Trump Campaign for Political Purposes - and if any such demands or requests were made by people within the Obama Administration!

>10:37 AM - 20 May 2018

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So expect a happening over the next few days to distract everyone

It was a counter intelligence investigation by the FBI, there is nothing political about it. Maybe Trump should not have colluded with a hostile foreign power to hack the election.

>issues demands on twitter
embarrassing, honestly


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>tfw Trump causes so much chaos and damage to US intelligence services that they never recover

I really can't wait.

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Protip: Hillary never going to jail. You will watch the video of her peeling that little girl's face off and still she will not go to jail.

That's what's up.

they already tried that with the school shooting, it's not working

These false flags have diminishing returns and people are smarter than the Jews think. Just because the internet is censored doesn't mean peopel are asking questions and know that this shit is too fishy.

Hillary isn't going to jail. She's going to Guantanamo Bay before being executed for treaosn.

Pretty sure it worked, and they do it all the time.

the entire investigation was started under false pretenses, it is and has always been wholly political in nature, stop shilling for the deep state

It didn't work though. Are you dumb?

>we sent her to gitmo, goy
>we promise
>that's why you can't see here
>she's in gitmo
I assume gitmo is cabal code for "a new identity in Dubai"

>Protip: Hillary never going to jail. You will watch the video of her peeling that little girl's face off and still she will not go to jail.

>That's what's up.
Is that video going to actually surface in the crossfire between these soup spook niggers?

he wants it to make a lot of noise to throw a wrench into the fake news narratives, nothing like Twitter can do that

Anyone shilling for the deep state, being paid by israeli backed interests under the table or other shit is literally committing sedition and will probably be indicted.

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It did work. Just because it didn't work on you doesn't mean it didn't hijack the media and make every talking head devote their airtime to that instead of something important.

Are you retarded? Just because the MSM covers it, doesn't mean PEOPLE bought into it. Just because the internet bans anyone asking too many questions doesn't mean that people suddenly start believing the MSM narrative. You kikes are fucking stupid.

slaughter deep state spooks
i want alphabet blood on the streets

DOJ will ignore him.
Fire Sessions, fire rosen-jew.

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Hey shill, you know you're committing sedition right?

>i'm a kike now

>It didn't work though. Are you dumb?
barely anyone paid attention to it this time, diminishing returns is pretty on the mark

But that's literally what will happen.

Sessions won't recuse from this

or act, or do anything, he'll just meh and go back to whatever it is he does all day

He can't be ignored, he's the president. That's not how it works. If Sessions recuses himself again like a pussy, it will just go further down the chain.

Pretty much this, think of me too. First couple accusations had everyone in a fit, a couple more they stopped caring, even more came out and they got tired of hearing about it. Same thing is about to happen with these (((school shootings)))

> hand rubbing intensifies
> fuck you jidf

Guess what's further down the chain? More garbage.

Black pill shill needs a hug

Trump btfo

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Everyone's who's been authorized to view has been 'mysteriously' killed.

Recommend you watch, leaf.

fantasypill is high on wants


what a blowhard

total embarrassment for all americans

What you should expect is deep state glow in the dark defending unlimited and political use of the FBI and DOJ all week on """CNN""".

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Sounds pretty grim you better off yourself before it gets any worse for you

>making announcements of official actions on twitter means they aren't real
great counter-argument you have so far

There will be a happening between the 21st and 23rd of this month.

Screencap this post.

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And then the DoJ either finds no wrongdoing or finds wrongdoing but does nothing about it. Call me when people are actually being put on trial or assassinated.

>Trump has been posting on Twitter for 2 years
>still think crying about his tweets will mean anything

if the alleged deep state exists and they are able to run these crazy conspiracy ops... why on earth would they have allowed trump to become elected in the first place?

the entire premise is shot






>a vindictive pedophile is about to destroy the deep state

what.....................the fuck is going on

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oh... OHHHHH thats right the goal post just moved again

lol listen to yourselves

they tried to stop him obviously, if you don't realize that, you've been living in a fucking cave, the leftists also fucked up by getting high on their own supply with poll numbers that were purposely fucked with via selective sampling to make Hillary look good

I've invested too much time in life. Better to kill yourself in your 20's, before it becomes a competition of will and you're forced to get old out of spite. I'll remain alive just to consume resources so there are less for people I hate.

Oh shit, you are probably right.

Holy shit I can't wait till you seditious shills get fucked and indicted.

Shilling to the bitter end

do you mean Hillary Clinton?

>they tried

if this all powerful deep state you claim exists, they dont try and fail. they succeed. but yeah ok buddy you go on telling yourself what you have to to get (You)s

Anthony "have a seat" Weiner

Keep dreaming. This dickless cuck can't get anything done unless it supports his Zionist masters.

>everyone who doesnt nibble on trumps limp dick is a shill

i find that less than ironic coming from someone who spends 24/7 shilling for his master on a internet image board

You're projecting right now, as you Jews always do.

Have we started a fire?

even the fucking New York Times admits Trump was spied on, they know the gig is up, no one is stupid enough to believe otherwise, you come off as an Obama drone

Fuck user it's Jow Forums lighten the fuck up

oh right im a jew, you got me again user, i guess that makes you one of those goys you talk so much about?

how will i ever recover from this devastating reply

I don’t want to hear it. Drumpf is going to jail.

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But The Jew York Times said that Trump is the jew

How did we get this split where you aren't allowed to mention israel in r/the_donald, and anyone who doesn't suck trump's dick here is a jew? Boggles the mind, honestly.

Kek protects his chosen POTUS

thats not at all what the NYT story says though. you might want to try having someone read it to you since you are unable to comprend

The continuing appearance of this "just give up because the deep state is so powerful" argument makes it obvious that many people on here are all being given this as a talking point to come on here and push

Yeah they named the Jew it was Trump

dont sign your posts


literally no one is talking about this school shooting because nothing about it fit the narrative besides the fact that he apparently killed a woman who denied his romantic advances.

yes that shareblue thing are paying us to come here and counter argue your retarded points

YOU GOT US AGAIN. no need to reply im leaving now to go withdraw my shekels from the ATM at bank of shills

it's exactly what it said, you butthurt lib faggot, this was a tactical leak because they knew it would eventually get out, they thought it was better to do it early than to let someone else do it

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Oh my

The intent isn't that you give up, the intent is you lose the false hope that is deluding your thinking, and funnel it into useful anger. You keep waiting for as yet unidentified patriots in our government to fix something, and they just don't exist.

okay, thanks for coming clean, you didn't need to just spell it out for us though, it was already obvious

It's the weekend, and school violence and our access to firearms is very much being discussed instead of the criminals in our government stealing billions of dollars and doing whatever they want.

it's too late, Trump will probably do a press conference about this tomorrow, you can still try to cover that up as much as you want, but it's not going to work

>FBI shill says you need to fight with guns

The fuck?

You think he'd already done this his first fucking WEEK of his presidency?

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Sessions is liked more by main stream GOP then Trump. Trump's hand are tied, unless Session resigns.

You said that, so you're more likely a shill. I said useful anger. Anger compels one to action, hope sings you to sleep.

Sessions will probably be out after the midterms. He deserves it too honestly.

Grand jury Subpeona trump Monday morning

I hope he does. He should literally hi-jack the news cycle and start presenting evidence and signing EO's. He has every power needed to shine light on this mess. That he doesn't do anything is a bit disappointing, don't you think?

This is it guys. If they harm Trump now, it's civil war.

>deep state you claim exists
"deep state" just refers to those who stay in power regardless of who is president, such as the FBI. You think it's a conspiracy theory?

They tried to set him up, it didn't work. The Russia /collusion investigation must happen and continue so they can claim they are unable to release certain documents due to an open investigation and hide their set-up attempt. They are also still looking for something to get him on other than obstruction, as I'm sure that's a last resort.

K keep me posted

He did. The investigations have been ongoing since July 2017, just real quiet-like. The FBI Inspector General's report on the Clinton email coverup drops within 2 weeks, then there's the FISA/campaign spying report coming after, and then, since there's a secret grand jury empanelled in Little Rock, probably the Clinton Foundation.

There's been a wave of firings and resignations at the FBI ahead of the email investigation report's release, expect more of the same over the next year.

What's your opinion on the IG report
I suppose you think he shouldn't wait for that and just start shooting democrats?

also needed a tax-payer funded oppo research campaign in lieu of the DNCs bankruptcy

Expect something bigger than Santa Fe within the week. Something that cannot be ignored by normal people. Screencap this

I don't have one yet because I have not seen it. What we know is that referrals have been made for a criminal "investigation", not charges. The IG could have sited specific crimes and recommended charges, but didn't. As much as I wouldn't care if the DNC leadership were taken out back and shot, it would set a bad precedent and sort of mean an end to our system of government. Of course, a thorough investigation into this matter is sort of like shooting our system of government in the head and skipping the DNC. A real predicament. Too many crimes have been committed, the least of which are Hillary selling national secrets through a "serve yourself" file dispenser.

Thing to remember: Strozk stated "there is no there there" Strozk talked about an "insurance policy" if Trump won The actions of Brennan, Hepler, other foreign spooks certainly give the impression that Page and PapaD were loe level "marks" who may have been entrapped

The Russian attorney meeting with Trump Jr. Is highly suspicious, she was given special waivers to enter the US, set up meeting on false pretense, certainly could have been an attempy to entrap a neophyte.

The point being, just consider that the issue at hand is not political as much as it may be those in power, who over the years have enjoyed the benefits that power bring - not always legal - fear someone coming into power who is not a member and who professed to "drai the swamp Those in power, many behind the scenes, have enjoyed at least 16 years of no oversight as both Bush and Obama were hands off leaders. 16 years is a long time to accumulate and enjoy the trappings available. And if you understand human nature, nearly everyone, regardless of ideology, will succumb to greed if they think they can without getting caught....and they will rationalize they are entitled to it. This is basic human nature 101.

So, did Trump collude and Mueller is amazing at keeping this all secret? Perhaps, well find out Or, was there no there there, so Mueller moved on to obstruction and no there, so he moved onto accessing Cohen's records and no there, so he is now investigating an Israeli/UAE meeting, and if no there will he move onto something else until he can find a there there.

An expression in Washington is, "you are inocent until investigated". In other words, you look long and hard enough, you can find something on anyone. the bigger issue is the corruption of entrenched elites whose actions are contrary to the best interests of the general population.

The truth is that if ANYONE is actually investigated that there's some kind of dirt the person doesn't want getting out.

Screencap this

he tweeted wow so amazing

So.. more and more I’m starting to unironically believe in the Q.

I know everyone here likes to shit on it, but it really is starting to look legit.

>inb4 q predicted this.

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Part 2 of the DOJ OIG report was filed with the Special Prosecutor, John Huber, who will be indicting members of the FBI involved in pre-determining the outcome of the email investigation before a grand jury he has had empaneled since January of this year.

FBI: "No, we didn't."

w e l p