Hey user, why don't you get into Hinduism? It's better than Nazism

>hey user, why don't you get into Hinduism? It's better than Nazism.

wat do, Jow Forums?

Attached: whitebitch.jpg (1080x1327, 153K)

Why not both faggot

Hitler was a vegetarian

>Hitler was a vegetarian
he was, he also ate dairy.
not some vegan faggot

>wat do, Jow Forums?
Tell her anti-White and non-White religions along with the non-Whites that practice them don't belong in White countries.

Hey user, did your Hinduism cause you to be so malnourished and emaciated? Are you okay?


check out my new video user!!

Attached: kekek.png (889x537, 505K)

Attached: hmm.png (1144x623, 162K)

SO she's basically a mentally ill Freak?
