The red areas should be nuked, the light green areas must be colonized.
Only dark green areas should be allowed to exist in Europe
>tfw all my ancestors come from dark green
Always felt like I was superior, even above other whites.
I'm living in red zone and i'm still whiter than you
Fucking lol, basically slav/spaniard/moortugal tier
get of Jow Forums and clean my toilet
Yes, every region should be rich because wealth doesn't cause degeneracy and decadence and doesn't attract muslims here. I'd rather be once again destroyed and impoverished than experience a slow decline in the green regions
Dark green areas are dark green thanks to light green and red areas.
K, my people are on the way.
Fuck off, commie. Dark green percenters rule Europe. All others are our slaves!
Dark green masterrace.
Without the red and the light green there would be no dark green you moron.