Both dems and republican kikes are shitting their pants.
Do people believe now that Trump is indeed, /OUR FUCKING GUY/ and that he has always been playing 4d chess with the jews?
Both dems and republican kikes are shitting their pants.
Do people believe now that Trump is indeed, /OUR FUCKING GUY/ and that he has always been playing 4d chess with the jews?
Other urls found in this thread:
I never fucking doubted him for a second.
>The truth will irreparably damage our Republic
He's not wrong. The truth has nothing to do with Trump. Our government is basically a criminal syndicate. Their "democracy" will be destroyed, and we can get back to our Constitutional Republic.
If Trump does not destroy all the intel agencies and make everything open source.... hes just a satanic puppet whos throwing a bone
Trump is gonna wipe out the FBI and CIA and form a singular agency under the DOJ. You can't make intel agencies open source....
this, very much this
Guys I’m a huge trump supporter but it’s time to move on from him and start looking towards the future of our movement. He is going to get impeached soon and his presidency has been a huge disaster.
yes you can bitch boy....
>you can't make intel agencies open source
This actually really cracked me up.
He doth protest too much.
Please post more neocon and liberal salt
If you want to know why US intelligence was so shit during the Obama administration, this is why. He appointed zampolits like Brennan who were more concerned with listening to white men's phone calls to make sure they weren't saying anything anti-Semitic rather than trying to prevent imminent Islamic terrorist attacks
you know, for a supposed Irish bastard Brennan sure acts like a jew
Brennan is a patriot, who served our country with honor. Trump is a disgusting pervert with ties to multiple crime organizations.
I cannot wait until he’s impeached and then indicted.
more like literal Wahhabi Muslim convert.
Me either bro. We're going to need more rope.
You forgot the line about not letting him get the nuclear codes you fucking organ donor.
he's not a muslim or wahabbi. He's a zionist who asked his mossad buddies to assassinate Seth Rich.
Shill fucking responded 27 seconds after OP’s post.....
I love how this butthurt faggot keeps calling him Mr. Trump, instead of Mr. President.
>harm to our democracy
This is how you know trump is on the right path
like there's a difference
whenever I see the most disgusting, degenerate thing ever it's either a kike or a potato nigger behind it
every fucking time
>FBI gets caught spying on a political campaign is not harming democracy.
>The President demanding it be investigated is harming democracy.
I How do you get your head this far up your own ass?
They’re getting nervous....
Boomers eat that rhetoric up. He knows his audience
This is what we've been waiting for for so long. Criminals and traitors can feel actual Justice closing in on them, instead of the corrupt little men who have been put in positions of power in the DoJ to run interference and protect the criminals, keeping ((them)) beyond justice. The more they scream about DANGER TO OUR DEMOCRACY the closer you know the forces of good are coming to finally putting wicked, criminal men into jail cells.
>Stop it, don't look into it, that would be disastrous for the nation.
What did he mean by this?
"Harm to the Republican Party"...maybe a veiled threat?
>ex-cia director
>literally responsible for causing shadow wars in other countries
>talks about people doing disservices
According to Leftists and Democrats police are racist, corrupt and need multiple overisght agencies with the authority to fire and jail them. But its damaging to Law Enforcement to suggest the FBI and DOJ are a susceptible to poltical bias
Here's your you and junior gman badge
There’s bots on both sides to spread disinfo and try to keep this board confused. Certain keywords trigger them
Decades of practice
>that reaction
/our guy/ confirmed
>he's not a muslim or wahabbi. He's a zionist who asked his mossad buddies to assassinate Seth Rich.
There's been rumors for years that he converted to Islam. He isn't a Zionist. He hates Israel. He calls Jerusalem by the Arab name, Al Quds. He's a fucking Muslim and goddamn traitor to the US.
that's what they say
You mean from Zionist kikes like Alex Jones?
Hope Brennan gets gang raped on his prayer rug, when this piece of shit goes to the big house. They will serve up enough black dick in his ass he will not have time to tweet.
I wish I could personally lynch you once the civil war turns hot, but I'm sure someone will.
>Examining whether or not the FBI illegally surveilled somebody will harm our democracy.
Do these people hear themselves when they speak or do they really just blindly state that anything Trump is doing hurts America?
>open source intellegence agencies
I remember that meme. some dumb hoe in one of the black lives matter movement made that demand in like 2015...
>America fuck yea
Is Trump going to be JFK'd? He should say some shit on twitter like "I have contingency plans in place, don't kill me like you killed JFK, CIA."
I'm sure you'll be saying this as well when you are dying in Terhan from Israel faggot lover.
>Do these people hear themselves when they speak or do they really just blindly state anything
I can't figure out if they are shilling propaganda foolishly or legitimately insane
Keep your friends close and your enemies closer
Now is not the time for fear. That comes later!
>Is Trump going to be JFK'd?
JFK was a kike puppet and so was Trump. Not sure what you are getting at here considering all presidents are ZOG.
>Damage to our democracy
How so? By a bunch of the Dems and Repubs being exposed for what they are? Yeah I guess that really would be disastrous for the country to be forced to address the widespread corruption in DC.
Please, I'm a wavering trump supporter and I need clarification. He filled his cabinet with loads of Zionists from day one:
Is this a way of keeping enemies close?
Or was he never /ourguy/?
If Trump gets JFK'd we're either revolting or I'm getting the fuck out of this country. Not sure where I'll go, but still.
It always has been illogical and not normal and because the system is so rigged against truth and honesty and doing the right thing, YET, Trump against all odds has God on his side and Us, we slayed the Dragon, and keep doing it against all odds, that the main stream media and hollywood pedophiles keep telling us we are doomed and losing!
Never get tired of winning and never give up. Remember the cowards are the first to be thrown in the firey water, even before the muderers, pedos, etc, as the bible says! You dont speak up and speak out and defend and call out, your just as guilty! So fuck your nail appt, and NBA game!
Thia, the government knows their crimes will cause mass disillusion with the u.s fed. they think that's a good reason to let them cover up their wrong doing.
>If you expose us everyone will know we can't be trusted!
Never ever doubted the man though i was super pissed at siria bombing deal!
I certainly did
The fire risis
Bump this in every thread!
We are a Federal Constitutional Republic you lying communist slut. NOT a democracy.
Fuk u
Yeah, just call it an attack on democracy, that'll work.
Is this legit or sped up?
You homo liberals more and more sound like Freemasons everyday...
Brennan sounds worried.