Who lost, and why was it the moderator?

Who lost, and why was it the moderator?

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I'm a big Peterson fan, but he really disappointed me this debate; he didnt stay on topic at all and instead spent the entire debate attacking the radical left, rather than attacking political correctness. Dyson made barely any sense, and he got really angry and called Peterson a "mad white man", literal projection. After he cooled down, you could tell me regretted saying it, but rather than apologizing he just doubled down and said it was justified because black people have been called mean names before in the past. The woman, cant remember her name, didnt really say anything persuasive, and basically just danced around political correctness as a whole. Stephen Fry single handedly won the debate because he's the only one who stayed on topic.

Dyson came across as the dumb, insecure nigger that he is.

Dyson loves the sound of his own voice and can barely form a coherent (let alone convincing) argument. So painful to listen to.

The nigger was incredibly annoying but Peterson did not deliver and was just very passive. Came across as weak and defensive

Fry was on top of himself and seemed adult compared to the others. Peterson seemed like he was trying to keep his composure, but the opponents were really getting to him even if he tried not to show it.

Those other two schmucks were useless, I'd rather have had it Peterson vs. Fry, I feel as if that debate would have flourished much better.

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Stephen Fry won, without a doubt. I love how he tackled Dyson's obvious homophobia

Stephen Fry won, literally was the only adult in the room. Dyson just shouted racist. Female talked herself into circles. Peterson went off on a complete tangent to what the actual motion was.

Funny how a convicted criminal is actually the most adult.

because Jordan Peterson doesn't care about political correctness or anything he claims to. he wants an atheistic society without the collectivism of communism or fascism. all he does is walk around shilling his old book about how morals came from irreligious roots and you shouldn't believe in god

>nigger, kike, kike, kike
Who lost? White people.

2/10 made me reply

I watched the entire thing but missed the part where Fry tackled Dyson's gay remarks. At what point does he do this? I want to hear it.

Fry won because he carried the attitude that he explained at the end of the debate, his worry that people are more obsessed with being right than being effective. That want to find the closing of the gap did more good than all other three debators (even Peterson with his great articulation failed to compromise his argument in a way that can be applied to every day life.)



Dyson was infuriatingly bad. He had zero valid points except for pointing out that Peterson was mad, but that was completely irrelevant to the topic. He spent most of his time making fucking quips. Awful.
The girl and Peterson were both really forgettable.
Fry was surprisingly good and well-composed. He and the girl took the whole thing lightheartedly, which was nice.


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Stephen Fry was the most charming one and I like his rhetoric the most.
Dyson was just race baiting but had a couple of funny jokes
(((goldberg))) seemed like a stupid cunt
Peterson was solid although he spent too much time defending against attacks from the oppression squad. Not his fault but alas

Very intelligent


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I also want to see this if you have a time marker

Fry is a sophist

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>we must be individuals
Fat Nigger: white whited whitey white, blackity black blackness of black blackity blackness. Y'all canadians enslaved us!

Fuck you Peterson, you kike loving faggot

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Leftist arguments are literally just fucking quips and sarcasm, I thought it was only Colbert and John Oliver who did that.

Is going off on unrelated tangents a thing Peterson does often? Seems like he never gives a straight answer. Probably why he cries about being mischaracterized so often.

it's so easy to be a race huckster

you can look like a fat doughy jewish accountant with a tan and do a fake 90s speech pattern and people go "look at that soul brotha"

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>Who lost
We did. It was a shitshow with only Fry attempting to stay on track. I had never heard of the Dyson guy before but the way he speaks and debates is pretty sleazy. Fry put it best when I think he likened him to a snake oil salesmen. Everything Goldberg said made no fucking sense and she seemed completely out of her league. I honestly couldn't understand a thing she was on about. Nothing she said felt like it related to anything. Peterson didn't really address the topic in a satisfying way. Just his usual rhetoric on the slippery slope of word police and radical leftism, which I agree is a real concern but I wanted to hear about how 32 classifications of gender identity is fucking dumb not the bloody gulags.

>I'm a big Peterson fan

How's middle school treating you?

He's an expert at evasion. He's unironically a UN agent.

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Can we talk about how poorly Dave Rubin handled his college talk?

How is Fry and Peterson on the same team. Peterson is clearly a theist

They're both liberals against speech codes for protected classes

Oh my bad, I thought Fry only did religious debate

what is the point of this schizo piss?

I think he cries about being mischaracterized so often because if he didn't the entire MSM would label him as an alt-right type when he is literally just a classical liberal who leftists hate because he has convinced millions of people to take responsibility for their own lives instead of trying to blame external forces for their own failings.

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stormfags being schizos and leftypol using anything to discredit Peterson (peterson is a fag tho)

he's like a racist caricature a podcast comedian would do

it's a blatantly fake 'black' way to speak

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*smacks lips*


>real-time "debate"
>verbal instead of written, no less

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Just imagine all of them sitting in seperate cubicles with louad music playing and them "debating" on msn or discord for an hour on live tv


1:34:00 and forward

Fry grew in the era of fighting religious people saying you shouldnt talk x against their shit

Now he's fighting creepy people who think blacks are divine creatures, muslims are prophets and jews are God and you must never say anything against them

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>inserting /leftypol/ for a Jow Forums screencap
Now this is shadow projection

He's the black Russell Brand

>because he has convinced millions of people to take responsibility for their own lives

Then why is he advocating for enforced monogamy? Seems like he's calling for equal outcome rather than equal opportunity.

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its a fulchan cap, they are weirdoes sharing the same space 24-7

>fat nog, jew, ass cancer, and mr clean
yeah not watching that

Easy every time for /our guy/ Fry.

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your mom saying 'you should find a gf' is enforced monogamy too. it's not congressman saying women should be your wife

(but women should be sex slaves in harems since their teen years)

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It's literally the same thing, though. Real-time debate is literally just fucking shit-flinging for the sake of creating a big ruckus and making everyone angry.

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> Who won

Jee who do ya think.

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No, it's because he constantly argues about object level issues and then, when asked to clarify, falls back on broad, meta level arguments about how it's good to clean your room, etc. Everyone is left wondering what the latter has to do with the former, and he refuses to simply talk straight about his position on the issue that first prompted the discussion.

Not true btw. Seems like he's been caught being a hypocrite and is trying to weasel out of it the best he can.

Dyson and Goldberg were more interested in taking shots at the popular guy than debating the topic. Petterson couldn't stay on topic because of that. Fry hardly seemed involved. It was a shitty moderator.

imo, jp was too easy on him or not focused enough, cause he could've easily ripped apart 90% of what Dyson said, and humiliate him without even being rude about it, like he did with Cathy, but he didn't. He didn't really seem to care much at all.

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Like oil and water. Might as well say every part of Jow Forums is /a/

Jordan is a huge sexist pig. He's been caught on camera


you're really banging on about this as if we'll really believe you're that dumb to misunderstand a simple statement

no different from "omg trump said all mexicans are animals"

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But it is way more entertaining watching the faces they make while shouting at each other

This "debate" was a disaster. Dyson totally derailed the whole thing with racial nonsense like I expected. What I didn't expect was Peterson to actually take the bait. He also seemed tired and needlessly defensive. Fry was his usual pompous self, staying on topic but failing to add anything worthwhile. Goldberg might as well not even have been on stage.

An utter waste of everyone's time

What else was he supposed to do? Matt Christiansen put it pretty well. Dave gives people just enough rope to hang themselfs.

Always liked Fry, saw him do a talk about his recent book on Greek myths and he was incredibly witty off the cuff which helps in these sorts of things.
Also helps when the opponents resort to ad-hominem attacks I guess.

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>Seems like he's calling for equal outcome rather than equal opportunity.

You were trying to push this "sexual communism" bit in yesterday's thread, too. Enforced monogamy refers to a cultural attitude preferring monogamy to polyamory. It doesn't mean mandated or state-assigned romantic pairs. It doesn't even concern the quality of romantic relations between pairs, nor the degree of partner attractiveness individuals are entitled to. It doesn't mean that men or women are entitled to partners. It's simply an ethical stance encouraging "stable pair bonds" to impulsive, gratification-seeking sexual liaisons.


>Stephen Fry

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"race snake salesman pulpit talk" was somethiing i didnt expect from Fry desu

Don't waste your time, he's not listening


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PETERSON: We should be liberals

ALSO PETERSON: omg the children of liberalism are devouring me! I said we should go back to enlightenment values just before the guillotine hit the neck!

he is such an easy target and leftists hit him with "durr he said we're lobsters"

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Wut? Are you stupid or something?

The only people who will watch this debate, are the ones who agree with peterson and fry

Nobody else is interested

i'm not interested in debate i only want to hear my own opinions parroted back at me. bonus points if it's a cute girl and i can donate to her on patreon.

The modern world is a wonderous thing

Dyson needs to get lynched, complaining about identity politics while constantly treating whites as monogomous

You're clealy much smarter than him bro.


Literally most people are.

"Being a maoist cuckold larper is bad, we must be The Real Feminists, democrats are the true racists" isn't a brilliant take.

>treating whites as monogomous

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my sides

Peterson, like every conservative before him, is just a liberal who's too late for his own party. He simply doesn't want to follow the logical conclusion of his own nonsense. He is the socialist in the communist meeting who's too slow.

And like all conservatives, he will conserve nothing and worship jews forever.

And a new Peterson will come one day saying "look, putting hormones in children is fine, but MUST we put them in orgies?" and a new Peterson will go "Tranny kids in orgies is fine, but..."

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literally me, except I won't pay for shit

based Peterson tellin' it like it is.

*a monotony

you meant homogeneous

This. Stephen Fry was the only one who talked sense, and I fucking hate Stephen Fry.

>le slippery slope face

Fucking hell.

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yeah it's not like it's illegal for christians to not bake gay cakes now or as if canada isnt removing children from their parents if they dont 'respect' the gender delusions mass media imposes on them or as if vice isnt promoting drag cons where 5yo boys go dressed up as whores

slippery slope isnt real at all, it's just a argument fallacy on my wiki page

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Why do Peterhicks always sound like retards?

Has anyone ever given Peterson a good run for his money? Either the left really doesn't have good speakers or he's purposefully paired with fucking morons who can't keep a coherent thought at all.

how slow are you that you dont get i'm saying peterson is a useless faggot and he must be killed worse than the trannies

You sure showed him by proving the media isnt doing drag kids shit.

>just roll over and let it happen

Dyson tried to use the starbucks thing as some kind of slam dunk when most people see it as a tryumph of rudeness and antisocial behavior enabled by PC culture.