Are modern women irreparably broken at this point?
Are modern women irreparably broken at this point?
Modern day men and women are broken. Society has alienated themselves with hard edge politics, us vs them has grown out of control. Msm and social media can be to blame, but it also may just be another societal evolutionary stepping stone.
You know how you can tell they're American?
Meghan isn't one. Since Harry became Duke, she does NOT get the title of Princess - just like Kate didn't get it. Diana wasn't a princess either, and she commented on people calling her a princess at one point but the American media ignored her. Her name (yes, name) included the word "princess" but she was not a princess.
the fuck does that have to do with anything?
>image: she woudln't be a princess today
>me: she's not a princess today
>you: the fuck does that have to do with anything?
Found the retarded nigger.
>missing the point that much
jesus christ
>never had a point
I mean she has a point, but filling women's heads with that nonsense is retarded.
Want to know how I know you're a woman?
>she wouldn't be royalty or royalty