From what I understand he is held highly but random Jow Forumsac's I know in person so I shall ask this board I. General
Is joe Rogan /ourguy/?
Cameron Phillips
Thomas Nguyen
Is this mutt white in Murga?
Jose Evans
He's a podcaster. The only real ourguy is Trump.
Connor Evans
absolutely not what are you stupid?
Brayden Edwards
Joe is a major pseud.
But he occasionally says based things. Hes like as based as a pseud manlet kike can be.
William Rivera
No one is /ourguy/. We are a conglomerate of users on an imageboard.
Hunter Ross
Kinda why else would I lurk on Jow Forums so often?
Anthony Hughes
I listen to his podcast in bed 'til I fall asleep. It's pretty good, but he isn't fully Jow Forums unless you're looking from the perspective of a SJW.
Christian Cruz
Hunter Williams