Who want to destroy a company?

I just saw this great ad for Oracle.

At 15 seconds: Shows some gorillas with the caption "Bringing gorillas from the mountains....".

At 18 seconds: Shows a very dark skinned girl with the caption "...to the classroom".

I bet we can get the company dragged for racism? Watch the video and see what I mean.


Attached: oracle-cloud-logo.png (770x578, 128K)

Other urls found in this thread:


You think you can mess with a multi trillion dollar company because their advertisement relates to the services they do?

Good luck.

Do it. That’s pretty funny actually. They probably didn’t even notice how bad that looks.

You know companies have done far less and seem a stock drop by billions overnight. Yeah it won't kill them but people need to learn to not make any mistake when it comes to race.

everything they touches turns to shit, when they buy a company you know it's doomed. Like ie look at what happened to java lol. At that time it was quite lit the most widespread """programming""" language in the world

how did they ruin java?

its still the top programming langauge

You guys remember this one right? I just love these kinda fug ups.

Attached: 76eea2b57f474d59b825de65d87ddce4.jpg (300x370, 763K)

>Bringing gorillas from the mountains
>To the classroom
>Shows a nigger

Attached: 4d246dfc1ae24f716c43da3c0247a74e5f581759537496071129bb5d9f1503f5.jpg (200x200, 16K)

java has always been shit

hmm how about each time they fix a security flaw they introduce 6 million new ones? They have been doing this since what 2008?

Java is dead man, you can't use it for shit. The only reason it is still used a lot is beause of google and they have their own jvm which is independent from oracle. Lit there are no desktop applications anymore, no servlets and most certainly not any applets.

It was pretty sour if you were coding in java like my self and 6 millio.. sorry millions and millions of people were doing back then. They ruined everything. If a customer even heard the j word they would just go
>ooh.. java right, I am afraid we can't... security

they are so incompetent it hurts 6 million times worse than the worst of the ms cancer

Just post it on black twitter and let them do the work

yeah it was, but at a time it was you know rather useful because it was cross platform and all you know and easy and fast to code compare to c++ which ofc is the best, not implying anything else

>beause of google

top fucking kek commercial

>Who want to destroy a company?
also your shit grammar outs you as being a darkie yourself whose salty over being rightly called a gorilla

What did Oracle mean by this?

Attached: oracle.png (986x1096, 1.69M)

I have mixed feelings about this. On the one hand, I hate Java and Oracle. On the other hand, you are just encouraging people to be overly sensitive about trivial things.

This probably is going to cause the regressive to freak out though, we should meme this

>how about each time they fix a security flaw they introduce 6 million new ones? They have been doing this since what 2008?

yes goyim never forget the six million security flaws

they are doing a great job with java. you're talking out of your ass. it is still the most widespread programming language inthe world

not only was it cross-platform, but we finally could move on with our lives and not have to worry about pointer manipulation and memory management. it was a fucking godsend.

also, we could tell microsoft to take their $1500/year msdn subscriptions and shove them up their ass.

Hahahaha fuck...

and despacito is the most widespread youtube video, doesn't mean it's good. java is popular because indians can't into memory management.

i do agree that oracle has made it less shitty though

Chlamydia is also widespread, and it's less painful than Java.

>your shit grammar outs you as being a darkie yourself whose salty over being rightly called a gorilla

>your shit grammar...whose salty over being rightly called a gorilla

>shit grammar...whose salty


oh dear I don't even know where to start man, I had to help my bank for years. I did pentests for them and it almost all the time due to security flaws in the jvm. They switched away their customer banking solution a couple of years ago now. One time it was a certificate fuckup all others java related. Since nobody uses java anymore I haven't even checked in lit years now. It was widely used everywhere just up until a couple of years ago

I wasn't the only one either, others started doing it to. They started granting people money for pointing out severe security flaws
Fucking saved lol, I laughed my ass off of this and was going to make one my self here

Hold up
>op wants to bring down company for racism
Fuck off, Jew.


Save this vid quick.

>On the other hand, you are just encouraging people to be overly sensitive about trivial things
Yeah that's the plan.

better cropped version

Attached: from the mountains to the classrooms.png (1020x1168, 1.93M)

Good luck trying to destroy Oracle loser white trash

it's true it was very convenient for the very reasons you say. The browser shit too was very good for it's time you could just code an applet that would werk on anything, something you could not achieve with c++ or any other thing for that matter
just check the fucking cves man... they speak for them selves. sun was not perfect but they didn't do this. They were also very slow on critical fixes. ms actually roll them out fast when they are severe, linux is are extremely fast

Top zozzle

Attached: 1522381702769.jpg (361x361, 99K)

I just emailed my Jewish friend who works at CNN.

It misses the logo and too big.

Let the fun begin

Attached: Cpd9IPNUAAIusVu.jpg (480x480, 35K)

Attached: images(4).jpg (300x168, 12K)

Anons. we can plant this memebomb in sjw or normie/neutral fags sites/threads .make it spread like a epedemic. look like you got offended. meme as a Tyrone. im gonna try


Attached: 1525260700266.jpg (812x810, 243K)

>meme as a Tyrone
or as a so᠌y

Just LOL at how actually OVER it is for Oracle. If this gets big mainstream media attention they won't be able to resist doing to Oracle what they did to H&M

One sec, I need to get 280k approved for a test Oracle lab. Also monkeys are evolving into black people right before our eyes!

Are Oracle kikes tho?

its gud either way.

Something like this would be better. Also a smaller picture size.

Attached: racism.jpg (1008x1153, 80K)

did you really need to ask?

Attached: Larry-Ellison-Quote.jpg (2025x1350, 409K)

you don't seem to understand how this stuff works. people can go apeshit over something and try to start a boycott and coerce a company into folding. but oracle isn't some dumb little consumer-facing company. they're b2b. they don't rely on advertising the way talk-show hosts do, they don't sell widgets at wal-mart that facebook and instagram morons buy. they build the stuff that makes the world go round. there's no movement out there that is going to hurt oracle in any way over this.

being this retarded

Hey newfag, you must not have been here for the Starcucks event.

Attached: 1523499543663.jpg (500x543, 65K)

Do you work for them?

>Larry Ellison was born in New York City, to an unwed Jewish mother
ayyy. let 'em burn

its still a huge inconvenience to their brand and will cause a dip in stocks

who knows, it could cause a dip in their stock and allow salesforce or another competitor to BTFO them

Why would you fuck over a company that makes a statement against niggers?

Is this tumblr?

The ((Oracles')))...

>Java is dead


I DO!!

But, honestly, we shouldn't aim so small; let's take out an ENTIRE INDUSTRY.
And by that I mean let's hold tech companies to account for their massive H1B fraud.

Attached: 54pprio3syx01[1].png (719x474, 157K)

Use of my Twitter sock in meme ops turns out to be even funnier than I had thought it would be.

>implying this is a bad thing

Oracle doesn't deal with common folk, they deal with multi billion dollar companies. This won't yield results just like Equifax didn't have much movement in stock price after the hack became public

>Java is dead man
God I wish dude

also this

NICE FIND. that niggers in everything meme can be exploited like this a lot id bet. as all lies are inherently weak and funny. like the clinton foundation.

>stock drop by billions overnight
Would be a good time to buy. I wonder what Jow Forums thinks of this.

nothing can replace Java, that's why it still exists. it is platform independent, can be compiled and debugged, and also used for web development

Indeed. Most normies don't know who they are. BUT there are a significant number of absolute lunatics who see something like this and immediately want to see lives, careers and companies ruined.

Attached: too_intelligent_to_get_charged_with_murder.png (806x924, 949K)

They didn't do this intentionally they are just your typical SJW fag company in cali

The advert is racist like it or not.

Exactly my friend. Exactly.

>Nothing can replace Java, that's why it still exists. it is platform independent, can be compiled and debugged, and also used for web development
It's compiled, statically typed, offers Distributed systems [Annex E], offers the parallelism via the Task construct [and a Parallel-block in Ada 2020], and the fairly lightweight Gnoga library/framework can be used for web.

(And, as an added bonus, it's not a C-like language; meaning Indian 'programmers' can't just cut-n-paste shit.)

>be me
>be white; 100%, not a 56% mongrel
>mom calls me monkey all the time
>sitting on the porch on a nice summer evening; porch monkey
>helping dad fix the cars; grease monkey
>all of a sudden at the ripe old age of 25 I'm told monkey is a racial slur and porch monkey or grease monkey are uber racist
>my dad is from the ghetto he had to have known this
>my whole life I've basically been called a nigger by my family
So do I seek reperations from someone now or what?

not sure if sarcastic or not, but ada was the most useless programming language i ever used. wait, maybe prolog or lisp were. but ada's definitely in the top 3.

Any other neat meme languages you want to share? I'm only being half condescending, genuinely interested

grease monkey is racist? it's not just a term for mechanic (white, black, whatever)? are you sure about that?

>Who want to destroy a company?
(((google/chrome))) do not support Java - coincidence?

Hm; well, it's a bit outdated but BLISS is a interesting language to at least know about. (Extremely good low-level programming; much safer than C, used in the VMS OS.)
> cs.tufts.edu/~nr/cs257/archive/ronald-brender/bliss.pdf

For hardware there's VHDL, which is kind of a 'cousin' to Ada.
> insights.sigasi.com/opinion/jan/vhdls-crown-jewel.html

Ada's pretty nice in that out-of-the-box you get the equivalent of high-integrity C++ -- if you need more, there's the SPARK subset/provers.
> electronicdesign.com/industrial/rust-and-spark-software-reliability-everyone
> sworthodoxy.blogspot.com/2017/03/comparing-ada-and-high-integrity-c.html

Please continue, more non-Ada stuff

How did you come across these and what purpose did they serve you? Or is this just hobby tinkering?

>not sure if sarcastic or not, but ada was the most useless programming language i ever used
Not sarcastic; the Ada 2012 standard is really nice... and the Ada 2020 is [so far] shaping up to be great.

>How did you come across these and what purpose did they serve you? Or is this just hobby tinkering?
Self-motivated research; I'm interested in compilers, OSes, and languages.

>Please continue, more non-Ada stuff
Well, if you're interested in [small] micro-controllers, I would recommend Forth instead of C... actually, Forth would be great as the language to use for "architecture" because of how it's defined: a "word" [Forth subprogram] is either a list of words or a chunk of executable machine-code. (Thus you can start off fairly high-level and go lower and lower until the machine instructions; even nicer is that aside from these machine-code words things are fairly portable so you don't get as much problem when the school shifts from HC11 to ARM or somesuch.)

I always thought it just meant mechanic but an ex chided me when I called her one when I taught her to check her oil. Then the great chimpening of 2014 happened and I saw it mentioned on a CNN panel.

I don't have anything specific in mind to ask you but you seem very knowledgeable and I'm enjoying reading your posts

Please feel free to share more

You do realize Oracle is like the jews of tech right?

Destroy anything good, and bleed it dry

everything they make is free, how can they be Jews you fucking Jew

Thank you; it's hard to know where to even start.

Perhaps disappointments with the industry?
One of the things that's really frustrating about programming is how many "seat of the pants" types there are -- the sort that jump straight to their editor rather than think about the problem [JavaScript and PHP (and WebDev) seem to attract these especially hard.] To the point where decades-old known-solutions are forgotten and ignored/unknown in favor of half-/non-solutions. -- A good example of this with real-world impacts are "Buffer-overrun errors", which is where a buffer is allocated and read into but w/o checking for full (just assuming the buffer is "big enough")... Ada has a really good solution here: allow the size of the read to define the buffer size; ex:

> Declare
> Text : Constant String := Ada.Text_IO.Get_Line;
> Begin
> --...do stuff w/ Text.
(See also: ftp.fau.de/fosdem/2016/aw1124/memory-management-with-ada-2012.mp4 )

But that's just one little thing; a bigger thing would be Continuous Integration. The way it's done now is, essentially (1) Clear directory, (2) DL from repo, (3) Build, [3b] email if build error, (4) test-suite, [4b] email if test fail.

This is the stupid way to do it: you use a lot of bandwith w/ the repo, you constantly recompile what doesn't need it, and often you don't detect errors until fairly late.

The better way, developed in the mid/late `80s is to use a hierarchical DB; storing the source [after syntax/tokenization] and merging up when consistent [compilable] w/ siblings. Thus you never have a broken build at the root-node AND the history of that root IS the history of all compilable versions.
> citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=

See also:
> youtube.com/watch?v=8pTEmbeENF4&nohtml5=1