Me when talking to Christians about me being trans:
>god doesn't make mistakes
>but yet I am born as a male with gender dysphoria
>I hate being a male, but trying to become a female so that I wont feel like shit will get me punished by the "all loving god"
>oh and I cant kill myself either because then their god will punish me too
Wow makes perfect sense desu.
Why does God hate his own people so much?
Why do Christians worship a sadist?
Other urls found in this thread:
Maybe you should stop being such a faggot and just be a man.
>born with gender dysphoria
If tranny was genetic, their numbers wouldn't be doubling only in western nations every few years. It is a learned and encouraged mental illness.
Gender dysphoria is a fetish when you get aroused by imagining being the opposite gender.
you aren't born that way. It's a meme that plunges you into delusion and then after it has destroyed your body by making you take hormones and cut your genitals off you guys commit suicide out of regret and disgust
Gender dysphira is epigenetic, i.e. caused by hormonal imbalance in the mother's womb during pregnancy. God sure has a sick sense of humor.
Are you genuinely retarded?
Something like that can be proven, and you can bet your faggot ass they would have already if they could. The best appeal they have to con taxpayers into paying for their cosmetic procedure racket is that it's "lifesaving," and even that appeal to emotion is bullshit. Hence why they say "45% suicide attempt rate" and not "45% commit suicide."
Kill yourself faggot
>become a female
Let me stop you there, it's not currently possibly to do anything close to making someone switch biological sex, to try and pass cosmetic surgery and hormone therapy as a substitute for living out a public-display fetish LARP is just painful. It's like profane to the Chronenberg. Seek Jesus user.
>cant kill myself
Why? Do you even believe in any of it?
>why does god hat his own ppl
I'm pretty sure He's just an allegory for the nature of trying to categorize random chance and the unknown
you have a mental sickness.
maybe God made you broken so you could learn how to put yourself back together?
The mistake is yours, not Gods.
God is all things that are good, not only a perfect love but also justice, and truth.
You hate the truth, you hate who you were born as, and so you hate God.
Never met a faggot who wasn't also a narcissist. Your problem is rooted in thinking life's some giant ass ME amusement park, and you don't get to go on your favorite ride. Saged.
Your suffering isn't because you were supposed to be a girl. It's your false delusion that you aren't supposed to be a man. The world is not perfect, and Christ did not promise us a perfect life. He promised that in this world, we would each have our own cross to take up. Indeed the lives of countless Saints were marked by only two things, intense suffering and pious obedience to God in spite of it. The reward is not in this life.
Pray and keep your faith in God. In time everything will be made clear.
You're just mentally ill
>it's your fault you're mentally ill even though it's God that created you
You rejecting who you are is not gods fault you faggot, be a man quit bitching you are who you are. Don't believe fag lies that you can be what ever you want to be its just jews trying to sterilize you, freak.
>blames god instead of his mom
your mother ruined your life
>Muh suffering means God can't be "all loving"
>Muh ignoring good things in the world
>Muh ignoring the 3rd chapter of Genesis which explains via symbolism how the world is FALLEN - thus filled with bad
>Muh ignoring the Promise Plan of God linking Scripture through history (see the works of Walter Kaiser for more information)
>Muh Dawkins-tier application of human traits (sadism) to a Being who subsists above and beyond all human comprehension
Do you identify with your gender enough to have your dick cut off?
its not a mistake God just makes some people like this for a reason. Even if it doesn't make sense to us. This is part of Gods plan for your life. Just accept yourself for who you are and learn to love yourself and love God again.
>implying it's not the price of living in literal neo-babylon
It's almost like if we had kept the commandments, were directed by scripture, and weren't ruled by decadence and degeneracy this shit wouldn't be happening
>repent, faggot
user serves a warning to us what happens when we stray from His path. I think OP can truly get his life together and on a meaningful path if he seeks God despite his anger and feelings of betrayal.
Just read the scriptures. You don't have to believe. See where it takes you, OP
>gender dysphoria
God is not responsible for your made up bullshit.
You admit that you're a man. You admit God doesn't make mistakes. Everything else is on you. Take up your cross and be a man. We're all called to take up our own personal cross. Please stop your sinful behaviour.
Are you fucking retarded? You know that's made up bullshit right?
you are genuinely degenerate
>Whaaaaaaa I gonna blame God for my own problems
>Why does God hate his own people so much?
Being trans is just a fetish. Any fetish can be shoe horned into anyone if they're shown that fetish constantly when they're a kid.
Our society which praises being trans and continuously has been degrading our moral integrity is obviously going to have more people who have these fetishes. Another problem is that people who THINK they are secretly the other gender has becoming an increasingly autistic problem.
Here you go, you illiterate cunt
Christians deny race and are of no use to our movement.
not defending gender dysphoria but the numbers are increasing because people feel like they're safe to come out now
No,you hate yourself,you are the sadist,and because you reject God and remain wicked,He will also reject you
once you realize this you'll never want to be on imageboards again
Some people have fully capable minds born into vegetable bodies. This is just the cross God gave you to bare in life.
It's a mental illness, not hate applied to you.
the bible only condems you for bewing afaggot but you can be a chrsitain also but its a bit more complex
>>I hate being a male, but trying to become a female so that I wont feel like shit will get me punished by the "all loving god"
>oh and I cant kill myself either because then their god will punish me too
>Wow makes perfect sense desu.
>Why does God hate his own people so much?
No people faggots and the reason is your not breeding aka following his example.
god doesn't like murder for the same reason.
anything that doesn;t add life isn't what god likes at all.
taking away life and adding suffing in the world is the mark of satan.
sodomites mimic that of satan its both not natural and not creating life.
(yes i know some select animals do this) but it doesn't change the fact its evil.\ because of all the lies and deception that commonly comes with trans.
Just being trans isn't the sin, its the act of sodomy that is associated with that angers god.
A redeemable action could be ftm with mtf since god doesn't see that as sodomy and thus allowed.
again being trans isn't the sin.
what i alot of new chrsitains make the mistake is that clothes are not what god cares about
what he cares about is wether man is with a woman.
the nuance is that it don't matter weather or not both persons loo the opposite sex its the action of creation
I hope that covers all bases
also welcome OP.
I will not use gender pronouns as lying is a sin so i will reframe.
Pardon my actions.
>"Me being trans"
I stopped read there. Do yourself a favor and kys. You're a walking mental/genetic illness and a cancer upon human Civilization.
God doesn't make mistakes. It is Satan who perverts and corrupts Gods creation. You are a man and will always be one. You can never be a female. If you ask God to help you love yourself the way he created you, which is a man I'm sure he will help you. The transgender realm is one of Satans domains
I’m a sadist and I just like to inflict physical pain on people I like sexually. Stop trying to make this word sound evil
Trans should all get in a suicide circle
false being trans isn't the sin
back to the OP some summarizing what i said above.
its the deception and lies
also sodomite behaver (natal sex)
the only way top fight this would be to face your demons and be truthful no matter how much it hurts.
this is not about how you look
forever i know OP could be passing trans woman.
the point being is that your natal sex is what god cares about.
Yes , god is fussy about shit.
>suicide circle
go hates suicides
confirmed a fake larper
You have gender dysphoria, because of your unnatural, processed diet, and the degenerate things you saw on tv or porn in your younger years.
I didn't even know what sex was, nor was I into girls until I was 12-14.
God made you man, so you're a man. That's all there is too it. If you want to be a disgusting faggot and insert your penis in any hole you find, be my guest. You're only hurting yourself and making your mental illness worse. Your soul is already damned.