Dear working class whites

Stop voting agaisnt your own economic interests

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Dear White people, stop voting against your race's interests, stop voting Democrat. Dear Americans, stop voting against your nation's interests, stop voting Democrat. Dear Christians, stop voting against your religion's interests, stop voting Democrat. Dear heterosexuals, stop voting against...

75 percent of Americans got a tax cut, average cut of 1600 dollars

>bbbut it’s a bad thing cause some rich dude also pays less tax

>Wanting to have the money I worked for is wrong
Can you get any dumber?

>75 percent of Americans got a tax cut,
You got sauce on this BS?

>...And start voting against your own social interests, bigot!

Extra $40/wk in my check. First time I've seen
direct results from a president.

>Can you get any dumber?
Tax cuts are the parasites bread and butter, dumbass.

>Having money taken from you and given to lazy niggers who sit on their asses all day is your economic interest

Nice try Shlomo

>Wanting the result of my labor is wrong

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>And start voting against your own social interests, bigot!

Sure! Cause there's no third option like organizing, or Populism!

Dear leftwing retards: stop claiming that giving welfare to niggers and promoting racism towards whites is in our economic interest. Stop claiming we should be lazy parasites like you who feel angry that our fellow whites have more money than us. Stop being ignorant sanctimonious cucks who have no idea what your opponents believe

>people vote for a president who promises jobs rather than making them dependent on a welfare state, making them vote-slaves to the party that pledges to protect it
>somehow this is a bad thing

You're rich? Prove it.

T. Parasitical leftwing retard who wants to leech off of others by taking their money in the form of taxes

>Sure! Cause there's no third option
Correct. there are no effective third options.

Hurr durr I subscribe to materialist thought and the only factor i consider in voting is economics. Besides, you're acting as if the democrats have not gone full neo liberal at this point anyway. The economic interests of working class whites resides in the Democrat party ship sailed last decade.

>Democrats trying to educate people on economics
>while their last candidate doubled the national debt in 8 years.
yeah ok mate

It’s actually 80 percent, and it’s from a lefty magazine

They would, if leftist parties would stop shilling for multiculturalism and gender lunacy. They have completely alienated working class who could not care less about social justice, prvileges and white guilt. It's a bit comical how even here many leftists politicians still larp laborer activists while their voterbase is full of urban academics and middle class women while the working men feel more comfortable voting those scary right wing racists.

>commies knowing economics

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>working class
>not voting to have their labour devalued by millions of immigrants coming here as a result of open borders
>somehow this means they're retards who are acting against their economic interests

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>belly button ring


>tfw there isn't a party for the white working class

If I vote democratic the prices of goods go up and it makes it harder to afford things. Then more people go on welfare so the prices of goods go up even more. How is voting republican going against my economic interests? Some people work hard and don't take handouts from the government.

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>Stop voting agaisnt your own economic interests
i did
i stopped voting for liberals that enacted racist policies that allow me to be dismissed from job application based on my skin color
now i only vote for conservatives

Most white working class people don't vote left anymore because the democrats have solidified themselves the party of degeneracy, anti-white rhetoric, "diversity" and more prohibitions

The right at least tries to appeal to the values of the white working class even though they are just a bunch of libertarian neo-cons

Post the damn clause and not a news article telling lies.


Not like organized religion at all!

I'm not rich. But taking money from someone else and giving it to someone who did not earn it is by definition "theft."

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People only vote in their economic interests when they can be sure that their social interests are secure.

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LOL. I keep seeing this but as the most reliable indicator of a Trump voter is having no college education I can't imagine it's true

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I don't want to vote for higher taxes for more sub par services I will never use

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Pure propaganda lies

What kind of faggot wears a “Donald Pump” tank?


>instead votes for tax cuts with no spending cuts that benefit you 300 dollars and cut 10000s off your retirement benefits and may one day implode the economy Greece style

Smart move Jethro

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These people were Democrats who saw their party sell out their interests for big business, the jews, and the globalists.

It's not black and white like that user. Taxes pay for the roads you drive on and the departments that keep you (relatively) safe. They also pay for if (heaven forbid) something bad happens to you like you get sick or dismembered. Or if something like that happens to your forefathers or offspring.

Maybe you still don't care about that and think tax is theft but you'd likely have a different opinion if you were born under different socioeconomic conditions so..

That's true though, ((companies)) rule the world. The problem is braindead retards who can't distinguish a criticism to corporate kikes and small entrepreneurs

taxes pay for alot of pork too
Democrats wanted more money headed towards big inner cities, LGBT programs, and other problems with the modern day urban life

Now that's some tasty sauce nigger!

This convinced me you are right... now how can I bluepill my family ?

Black Lung Returns To Coal Country

A deadly coal miners' disease is surging back despite rules created to control the disease.

college education doesn't mean anything.. All the kids entering college now already have their minds made up anyway from the internet.

Lawd have fucking mercy how much money were they planning on funneling to LGBT

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you don't work for billions. Jews get that by skimming off the margins of bulk trades and pretending that this sloshing around of money is somehow a service.

To be fair though both parties want tax cuts for kikes

I got a tax cut and so did my roommate who is a vegan lefty.
He stopped talking shit about trump and now is a supporter.
He is gay too and when he tried to talk about the decent things Trump has done he was called a bigot.
He is gay and black.
The left needs to die so we can have back a more sensible left party.

Vote Jim Webb

yeah I'm not going to argue that welfare money is spent well. Most of it goes to the private interests that welfare was sold out to as far back as the 80's (under Reagan).

I do, unironically, think the social safety net is one of civilization's greatest accomplishments, but that might only become evident once it's been fixed or completely redefined.

It's a reliable indicator of income


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extra $160 a month for me.

Why would they vorte for people that despise them?

>asks for proof of le Drumpft taxcuts
>gets proof
>loses argument
>deflects by being a total dumbass

Bold strategy.

Democrats are the party of the non-whites.

The leftists have utopian view where their ideology will be the happy end of history. They literally can't understand why any "good people" would disagree with them in anything.

You are so god damned right OP. How dare anyone not vote for god damned high taxing god damned Democrat. Nothing says "take money out of my check and give it to niggers" like voting for a god damned leftist.

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It is black and white like that. The amount of government incompetence with regards to my money is astounding.
>Constant welfare for corporations and niggers and spics
>Constantly funding wars for Israel
>Having to constantly expand the government, thus expanding taxes, just for more bureaucratic garbage
The income tax alone used to only be for the wealthy, there never was a federal department of education until the 70s. You all act as if all of this has helped but when test scores show we've failed and the government is a failure in taking care of the environment the solution is always "We just need more government and more tax revenue." when it hasn't worked once.
The roads they build are garbage and always filled with traffic, I, as a citizen of my own country, am a target for assassination from the (((PATRIOT))) Act, and not to mention that Social Security hasn't helped a single blasted person in this country nor has the government run health insurance that both sides seem to enjoy expanding.
Government is incompetent and you don't have to be rich or poor to see it.

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>They have to take our memes like they take our wealth

Taxes pay for old people welfare, poor people welfare, and interest on the debt