> "Derka Derka, let's go back home. I'm scared Papa." Your youngest son says to you > You all nod in agreement and start to go back home > The noise is getting Closer by the second > You start to run as the sound is booming behind you > The goats are all "baaaing" and shit > "PAPA!" > You turn around just in time to see your son get shot in the skull, his brain fragments onto your clothing > Complete shock overtakes you as your entire body goes stiff. > You look in front of you and see an American Chad lifting and pointing his M16A4 at you > "Get Some Mother Fucker!" Says the Chad, as he pumps two rounds into your chest > You fall to the ground and watch helplessly as your other son is run down and shot > "AHHH!!! MOHAMMAD HELP ME!" The shitskin calls out > Your body grows heavy, as you drown in a pool of your own blood as the sound of Metallica is the last thing you hear before you die
God Fucking Bless America
Fuck the Muslim mod faggot that deleted the other one. Hopefully your shitskin family gets hit with a MOAB sent by Emperor Trump
>be amerigoy stationed in afghanistan >get legs blown off by ied >go back to amerimuttland as cripple >become drug addict >can't pay bills anymore >hang self
Why does the song change every time in these threads?
Easton Mitchell
Holy shit based out of JBLM in Seattle area
Carter Stewart
What a dunce. You don't admit they were unarmed. You call them all suspected militants. Then when you're challenged on it you use the "fog of war" and "heat of combat" excuses until they give up and send you back to your unit so you can get back to killing more suspected militants.
Luke Howard
aye dios mio ese they are 100% bavarian holmes what are you saying
Eli Smith
>be american >get flesh charred and melted from IED explosion
Why are you being a dick? Killing innocent people for no reason isn't good, shitskin or not, you faggot. You'll probably end up in hell for even writing this stupid garbage since it means that you find this abhorrent behavior amusing.
You're in their country as an invader and killing people trying to live their lives as best they can. Jew puppet fag.
I wonder what went through his head during the time between being shot in the chest then in the head
Parker Brooks
>Killing innocent people for no reason isn't good, shitskin or not, you faggot. muslims are not people, as even a """moderate""" muslim poses a legitimate threat to western civilization
Adam Price
Dude, that sounds bloody awesome! We need recreational killing to become a thing again!
Bentley Rivera
>Invade contries for nothing >Spend hell of taxpayer money >Favors (((Israel))) >Fuck up the situation and cause more trouble >Spend even more money >Race getting fucked up by mass immigration
And then you go REE against jew control and shiet. You doin gr8 goy
Jaxson Perry
He's a faggot ZOGbot who has made this thread every night. Waiting for the mods to filter his copypasta into an instaban.
Benjamin Ross
did you really just dehumanize someone in a thread about murder?
Adam Smith
i saw this clip in slayer's music video "eyes of the insane" pretty comfy senpai
Angel Roberts
Too bad this doesn't happen back home need to get rid off the shit skins here to
Connor Mitchell
A bullet.
Anthony Martin
i honestly already believed this. who the fuck is surprised?
Joseph Kelly
They were subhuman animals tho
Dominic Martin
All Muslims must die. All blacks must die. This world is for whites only.
John Gray
He's a Chad who killed shitskins. Keep crying Muslims boy.
Jose Lee
"Shit, hope I get to respawn as a white American..."
>Be amerimutt >be deployed in some shithole country >People want their homeland back >they blow up your lower body >come back to muttland >everybody despise you >you have no penis nor legs >End up as a begger
God bless Amerimuttland
Daniel Peterson
Combat fatigue user, he's just taking a nap is all.
Jaxson Bell
hes not the only one and its not just americans and afghans
Hudson Hughes
>be americhad >kill shitskins for sport >eurofags get pissed because you killed their based shit skin friends
honestly how many times are you going to post the exact same thread?
Charles Jones
Sometimes, the Hippocratic Oath shouldn't be upheld.
Nolan Johnson
How can you look at this and not get angry? I've seen the way the kikes treat the fucking poor bastards fighting in THEIR wars and I swear to god if there isn't an anti-Zog uprising soon I'm going to do something. I don't know what, but the anniversary of Kristallnacht is the 9th of this January and there are at least a couple of kike organizations around me are known to support the Zog.
Nathan Campbell
You tend to tan in the fucking desert.
Jack Rodriguez
There's hardly even a difference anymore
Dominic Diaz
díos mio...
Henry Young
>You have to go back They cant go back because you keep turning their countries into warzones Fucking mutt logic I swear
You'll get yours too when we need to discard you. You will notice your mental health decline when you get home. That will take care of things itself. They don't want you here, they want you there.
Jayden Cooper
Yeah, that's pretty metal
Xavier Miller
Xavier Collins
I am mentally ill, but the point I am trying to make is that they will not support you, a soldier, when you are about to kill yourself. More soldiers kill themselves than are actually killed in combat. I guess we don't want you guys back home if we do nothing about it.
Nicholas Adams
Thomas Gray
>I used to wonder about that myself. Thought it was a bunch of mumbo-jumbo. A magical power holding together good and evil, the dark side and the light. Crazy thing is... it's true. The Mutt... All of it... It's all true.
Ethan Russell
>that one retard conspirafaggot who fags up every thread by trying to sound "cryptic" and "in the know" despite being transparently stupid and fucking gay
Luis Hill
Not me, you're talking about another mentally ill user.
Justin Lopez
i like the mutt meme as much as any other guy but give those guys a break they dont even look that bad, you shouldnt call people mutts just because they're not 10/10 blonde blue-eyed aryan propaganda posters. mutt should not be a shorthand for someone who is ugly but still white
Logan White
Ethan Davis
There have never beeb goyer goyim than americans To them freedom is defined by jews
Sebastian Moore
American army is like 70% illegals who want army benefits
Jose Morales
Hunting animals for sport, kinda cruel, did he at least skin, debone and eat it?
Don't waste!
Brayden Barnes
get some mother fucker lmfao towel heads never stood a chance
Alexander Parker
>Afghanistan >desert Hardly desert, more mountainous, rock, and grassy regions. Even snow.