If you truly know how politics works, you'd know this map is the sign of an incoming blue wave

If you truly know how politics works, you'd know this map is the sign of an incoming blue wave.

Attached: april 15th map.png (1230x1008, 839K)

False nigger

It doesn't matter. Trump isn't on our side, he's (((one of them))). Spend your time and efforts on candidates like Paul Nehlen.

Gee when have I heard and seen this before

Hi shill

RCP average has Democrats ahead +4. A poll released today has Republicans up +1 and was rated A+ by FiveThirtyEight. Check it out yourself.

The Blue Wave has been cancelled.

Why? There are more districts leaning red or solid red than blue

You are do god damned right. All that god damned blue wave shit is going to pop up right out of all that god damned red. I can't want to see that towering god damned blue wave crashing down on the god damned Republican party.

Attached: 938749573498579.gif (896x700, 3.69M)

Polls are meaningless at this point. What decided this election has yet to happen. Democrats are freaking out because they are slowly starting to realize what's coming and it's not a blue wave.

>if I color the map so that it looks like it favors the Democrats, that means blue wave!

You need 218 seats for a majority, according to even your retarded map the Republicans are getting 212

I also note that this map basically relies on Paul Ryans +10 Trump seat being in play and the two +20 seats in minnesota are also "in play" rather than solid Trump. Also polling out of California indicates that Denham's seat is solid Republican even in polls designed by Democrats to favor Democrats

>Kansas suburbs in play

I also like the liberties taken with Pennsylvania and New York, declaring that working class northeast PA or working class upstate NY is "in play".

Whoever drew this kind of just ignored the past 10 years of political developments, of the working class moving against the Democrats, of Democrats alienating white people etc. in favor of drawing the one scenario where Democrats MIGHT have a chance

This map is just completely randumb bullshit

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He's one of those retards that thinks that because Trump isn't hitler that means we should not support him. He is just another cancerous NEETsoc accelerationist.

The “Blue Wave” is going to be a shitshow for Democrats and there is no way to avoid it.

Look at every midterm from the 20th century. The minority party always wins seats that is a fact BUT Democrats and liberals have, like everything in this decade, have blown expectations way out of proportion. Reddit seems to think they will seize a super majority in the House and Senate. Even an idiot should be able to figure out that the expectations and results of the 2018 midterm are going to be way off. Liberal pundits are trying to sell this midterm as a big one but there is no genuine reason why anything asides from the trend of 30 congressional seat shifts to the minority but every “Dump Drumpf” liberal will see this shift as a failure and it should backfire on a spectacular level.

Trump even has the potential to negate this trend if he signs a genuine peace deal with North Korea or push the pain on the Democrats to 2020 if it takes place after the midterm. If Trump asks for the treaty to be ratified and a Democrat majority blocks it then they are the warmongers and they are responsible for continuing a 60 year war. If MSM doesn’t report that then their cover is blown and this house of cards the Democratic base is built on will collapse.

Except I'm right and you know it. Trump did not back up his promise to deport the caravan.

get a load of how scared the little racist retard is lol

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I enjoyed the graphic.

If the polls remain the same in November as they are today, the Republicans will hold both the House and the Senate. That said, they could change in either direction between now and November.

by importing refugees into populated red districts?
why isnt carson opening up public housing and refugee centers in rich democrat enclaves?

Attached: 1526780433206.jpg (1024x544, 60K)

Traditionally solid red states that stay heavily red in mid-terms are leaning light red. This is a huge problems for Repubs. Dems can easily target the most feeble of these red districts and take back the house, and not by a very small minority either. Dems know that by taking these in tangent with Paul Ryan retiring shows a sign that Repubs are already accepting a massive blow. The Dems will also hold the Senate at the very least, and will most likely gain it by a small margin too. Montana was won by Trump by 35% and now it's light red. This is unprecedented in modern mid-term elections. It's going to be a wave.

What Repubs should and will most likely do is try to hold and maybe gain Senate seats, the house will be slaughtered even with the gerrymandered districts. Keep in mind that Texas of all places will have a slight democratic leaning by 2024. Arizona also has more latino voters and guess which Senators have decided not to go for re-election?

It's gonna be a wave people, end of story.

Name one thing that Trump has done for white Americans

Became the first white president!!!!

>Oh never mind

But the state polls do not show that. Both Nelson and McCaskill are in deep shit already according to their state polls and even Heller has a slight lead in polling in Nevada. The generic is down to 4 points and it's estimated the Dems need a 6 point advantage to retake control. There will not be a wave unless something changes between now and November.

I made it a few months ago. Also, god damn.

what the fuck is that top map.
If you think those are all the counties that went Democrat, you're wrong.

just one example

Attached: Mississippi_Presidential_Election_Results_2016.svg.png (200x346, 38K)

I'm pretty sure you misread the map. the dark blue are the counties that went democrat. The population in those areas is so dense they actually represent half of the US population.

Where do you live? I'd like to start a movement to get 500 refugees settled ASAP for Syria. Know the local pastor or Rabbi?

not one illegal alien will get to vote without being deported. hows your blue wave now you antiamerican cheating fucks?

Attached: 1523823363714.png (640x300, 43K)

Red > blue > red > blue > red
It’s like there are two major political parties or something

the map is a sign of incoming RWDS

>the minority party wins seats

That in itself is a misunderstanding of the trend and implies that every midterm is a major loss for the ruling party. In reality the only times a party has had major losses was during the period when Democrats were still competitive in the South. Democrats are not competitive in the South, Democrats are banking on huge numbers of Republican voters switching sides for no reason despite all polling showing states like California about as behind Trump as they need to be in order for Republicans to keep most/all of their states there.

>Leaning red
It's as red as Alaska

College educated whites went Trump... something the media and shills try to bury.

"Muh suburban retards" is a shill myth. Urban areas went Hillary ONLY due to their black and hispanic populations. The college educated vote Hillary won was ONLY from blacks and hispanics. See pic related.

Hillary also only got 37% of the overall white vote.


We are basically at a point now where it's white people vs everyone else (immigrants, blacks, radicals etc.)

Just look at the demographics vs counties won.

It's time for any of that 37% out there to wake the fuck up as to what is really going on.

Time is short.




Attached: 37_percent.jpg (2020x1154, 664K)

What a coincidence.

Attached: 5474686889.jpg (2017x1154, 684K)

What a coincidence.

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Trump is revealing his trap cards now. Blue wave is falling apart

>doxxes you
Heh, nothing personal, kid