>a matter of time before cashless society
>a matter of time before "smart dust" in everything
>a matter of time before mandatory RFID chips in newborns
>a matter of time before mandatory DNA collection and archival
>a matter of time before that DNA becomes the property of some megakike
>megakikes having 100% access to your very life already in place
>mandatory holocaust classes already in place
>mandatory sex ed with kike agenda already in place
>mandatory/coerced blood collection at work already in place
>widespread faggotry and degeneracy basically on autopilot and spinning out of control
>global browning inevitable
>global uprising against (((them))) will never happen
>we are all, as a species, doomed to be the cash cows of 70 Satan-worshipping kikes
What's next for us aware of how fucked we are?
The future will be nothing but despair. Our children will have it worse than antebellum niggers, sometimes I regret having brought two into this manufactured reality. They deserved better.
God how I miss being an ignorant serf dronefag just happy to have a shitty job.