This is what MKUltra looks like in real life

When you see these threads, don’t reply. Report these threads and sage them. Protect your mind and don’t fall for it. These threads are created to control and shape your mind and steer you toward negative thought patterns and trigger emotional answers. This is what MKUltra looks like in real life and it is happening here. This is what mind control looks like. Repetition is key to mind control and this is why you see these threads over and over. Be smart and learn to identify these threads and ignore them. If you contribute to these threads, you are falling into the trap that was set for you.

Learn more about mind control techniques here and educate yourself. Propagate this knowledge far and wide to everyone that you know that is visiting this board. These threads are very dangerous and toxic mental material. The threads are engineered to generate anger and make you feel isolated, outcast, and potentially turn you into mass shooters. Do not underestimate the power of these threads and their content. They create a powerful imprint on your subconscious. They attack your essence as males and your sexuality. These techniques are similar to the techniques that cults and terrorists use to recruit people. Demoralization techniques. Their latest program is about Incels.

These threads and their content are a concerted effort to shape your mind and influence you. The agenda behind them is built on mind control techniques that have been developed and perfected since the 50's.

"She explains that repetition is an integral part of brainwashing techniques because connections between neurons become stronger when exposed to incoming signals of frequency and intensity. She argues that people in their teenage years and early twenties are more susceptible to persuasion."

Don’t let anyone influence you with this mind control material. Fight back.

Attached: MKUltra.jpg (10000x7806, 3.86M)

Other urls found in this thread:


It's time to expose these threads and kill them. When you see one of these threads, post OP pic and shut down the discussion.

>inb4 OP is a retard and he can't tell the difference between memes and shill posting

These threads and their frequency are not created for lulz. They are created by bots or paid shills to influence you. Their repetitive nature points to well known mind control techniques used by governments and activists all around the world.

can’t read what’s in the pic >:!

Open in a new tab and zoom. Or save the file locally. There's no other way to put that much info in a single image. If you are phone fag, try zooming.

Protip: If you take anything on this board seriously, you should kys.

Bump for visibility

In some of their earlier attempts, you can even spot script errors in their posts. These threads are auto generated by Bots. So don't waste your time interacting with them and replying. This is the proof that they are not posted just to troll.

Attached: BotCodeErrors.png (989x227, 187K)

Some are more fragile than others. I feel compelled to expose this mind control bullshit in order to protect them. You should as well user. This material is putrid manipulation mental material that lead some people to snap. They are engineered for this. It's dangerous stuff. Not really funny.

"Psychic driving was a psychiatric procedure of the 1950s and 1960s in which patients were subjected to a continuously repeated audio message on a looped tape to alter their behaviour. In psychic driving, patients were often exposed to hundreds of thousands of repetitions of a single statement over the course of their treatment. They were also concurrently administered muscular paralytic drugs such as curare to subdue them for the purposes of exposure to the looped message(s). The procedure was pioneered by Dr. D. Ewen Cameron, and used and funded by the CIA's Project MKUltra program in Canada."

>patients were subjected to a continuously repeated audio message on a looped tape to alter their behaviour
>patients were subjected to a continuously repeated audio message on a looped tape to alter their behaviour
>patients were subjected to a continuously repeated audio message on a looped tape to alter their behaviour

Attached: CWO.png (1278x768, 682K)

"Can We Control Our Thoughts? Why Do Thoughts Pop into My Head as I'm Trying to Fall Asleep?"

"Although thoughts appear to “pop” into awareness before bedtime, their cognitive precursors have probably been simmering for a while. Once those preconscious thoughts gather sufficient strength, the full spotlight of consciousness beams down on them. The mind's freewheeling friskiness is only partly under our control, so shutting our mind off before we sleep is not possible."

How many of you have dreams about what you read here Jow Forums? My guess is many of you are influenced by what you read on this board. My guess is that many of you are having dreams about threads that are posted here. Now ask yourself this simple question: why?

Attached: SubconsciousMind.png (973x687, 958K)

The backbone of reactionary politics is conceptual framing. This is why "disgust" is such a persuasive argument to people who have been conditioned to trust reactions. You see them conditioning people on how to react to "Incels" all over the place right now. It's literally social conditioning

Attached: MSM Darkness messaging.png (1809x1495, 880K)

Remember, many shill threads will have other shills in them bumping the thread and agreeing with each other, to make it look like Jow Forums is on board with dumb ideas. They WANT to bait you into replying and arguing so they can go through their talking points. The best tactic is not to engage.

How can we educate people to acknowledge that it is happening? It seems that most people refuse to agree that it is a real phenomenon. It drives me nuts because I know that only a fraction of us are aware of the issue.

Each time a new propaganda agenda is being pushed, I can spot it easily in a couple of hours, browsing normie news websites. And yet on Faceburg, I only see Liberal bullshit being pushed. It's like most people can't even see what is going on. I feel like most humans have next to zero recognition pattern skills. If it is our job to expose it, how can we become more efficient in doing so?

But these threads have the exact opposite effect. They've harden me psychologically to resist such attempts at programming, because it's so obvious that they're bots and shills.

Like I've just said. It's not a universal trait. Most people fall for it. What separates these people from us, that actively fight back mentally and harden ourselves?

I'd love to see what you're talking about, but that image is too small and low-res to understand.

They need to be educated. Scared people are reactionary. I'm progressive. Not a phony fascist democrat "progressive," but a real one who believes that laws can be enacted and enforced to allow for real voting, to stop corruption, lobbying, nepotism, pollution, the fed, bring about sound money, etc. etc.

But the government has a pretty big racket going where they run false flags that scare everyone further to the right, until people get there, find nothing, and think, fuck wait and then go into other -ism traps they've set up, and it's a fucking matrix.

As for helping people, I dunno, I'm blackpilled. I spread truth, but I don't think people want to give up their illumimommy.

Why do people fall for this shit? At some level they have to realize it's herd mentality.
Also is the site's textboxes incredibly laggy for anyone else?

It's not obvious to everyone

Time for some old fashioned Hacktivism, hijack MSM airwaves and websites

Sometimes I wonder if that's the real objective behind this propaganda material. To trigger certain individuals and create a resistance movement. The same could be said with the refugees and no borders meme. It sometimes feels to me that they actually are creating all this to create the opposite of what it seems. Create an ultra resistance movement that will become extremely racist and violent. This could the end game when you think about it.

The image is ultra high res. You need to save it locally or open it in a new tab and zoom.

autism unironically


I think you are right.

Do the mods even realize whats going on? Do they hate Jow Forums so much they dont care?

Its pretty obvious these threads are automated (bots are posting them, as well as samefagging to bump them).

Even if it fails to genuinely create a mass shooter, some patsy could easily blame Jow Forums for his rampage and get the whole place shut down.

bump for fuck cia niggers and kikes


I can envision the PowerPoint presentation in some secret HQ where they present their talking points. These threads glow in the dark and it sucks because it seems that the mods don't care. They obviously know. Which is concerning.

so.. whats stopping someone with autism from writing their own bot to post awesome threads every few hours? asking for a friend.

Well it seems to be working perfectly since we are becoming more and more powerful and antagonistic to them every day. Do they honestly think they are changing anything?

genuine thank you mate. I'm addicted to this place and it has changed me. I will be more aware from now on.

Why do you need to on here? No amount of shit that they tries seems to do jack shit here. Maybe work on implementing it on reddit or something.

what tools would you like to see made to help solve this problem? anything you can link me to for ideas? Like maybe scan the board 1x per hour or something find posts by 1 poster. build a database of posts that are most common... then post a daily screen shot for people here to see what topics to ignore? Just thinking out loud..

Attached: mwtbdltr.gif (500x223, 481K)

i like this plae though. I never goto reddit. The only other place I spend time on is stack overflow.

Attached: Monarch-Butterfly-1.jpg (747x467, 37K)

Nothing. And this is how we should fight back. Ideally we would create bots that counter post inside these threads and shut them down. The goal shouldn't be to spam the board with more bot threads.

You schizos are taking this way out of proportion. I'm not generally denying that Jow Forums is constantly under "attack" by paid shills, viral marketing and probably even government programs.
But threads like "why are men checking out of soc..." or asking advice about prison etc. seem extremely harmless and might be constantly spawned by people who like to engage in such threads.

ok so write me a recipe and I will make it happen.

I also wonder how many actual people are on Jow Forums. It seems like a lot based on the quantity of threads/posts, but if this many are actually automated, it could be fairly small.

The amount of people actually responding to the daily bait may be miniscule, even though all of the threads make it to 300 replies.

Atleast I hope so. I cant imagine someone participating in one of those threads more than a few times before realizing something is off.

I also find a number of the generals suspicious. I think they are automated too, but not sure how they fit in to the larger shill campaign.

You're doing God's work user. You may have saved a few lives.

Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.

Attached: 1452411051813.gif (375x304, 790K)

did you screen cap all those or did you use selenium or similar?

It is addictive. Even when I am fed up with Jow Forums I find myself coming back just minutes later.

Unadulterated truth. They want straight white men catatonic, so let's encourage them to work on themselves.

Attached: 1511091535141.jpg (1000x1333, 815K)

Maybe. Maybe you thinking that is part of the plan to stop you from doing it.

A "race war" would definitely be in their interest, but a united front against them could get out of their hands very quickly

MKUltra doesn't work on the autistic.

Don't they know this? CIA I am disappoint

Attached: 1517892442956.png (993x812, 196K)

i got really stoned one night and though about that. I think when shit goes down that they want to bury they just fire up 100 virtual machines and make a thread.. would be interesting to work on a side project to analyze.

Former Trump supporter yet has a leaf?
Try fixing ur cuckfest if a country b4 butting in2 our shit

Just do a search on SourceForge. A couple of existing projects could be used as a starting point.

Again, don't fucking create bots that will spam this place. Be creative and target only shill threads and focus on automated replies (NOT CREATING THREADS), this shit will get you banned and won't be constructive.

A better alternative to us taking the matter in our own hands, would be for the Mods to simply delete these threads and work actively to prevent their creation. This is the option that I favor the most personally. I don't like the idea that we need to organize and fight on our own turf. It's potentially disruptive and might be their end goal, for us to tears us all apart.

Maybe an extension that highlights those types of threads a certain color.

A setting to hide them by default would make browsing the board more pleasant. But also would allow you too much power over which threads people see. So autohiding would have to be optional.

Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.

Attached: amerimutt4.png (348x336, 9K)

Attached: hahahaha.gif (628x402, 2.99M)

Read the thread, some of these earlier posts had script errors. Which is evidence that they are posted by bots. I don't care if you got excited and posted copy cat threads a couple of times thinking that you were clever. These threads are an order of magnitude something much more nefarious. This is not trolling. This is organized information warfare and mind control.

The illuminati love us BECAUSE no one else can appreciate their work. It's a love-hate relationship for sure, but luckily, they've got us all centralized into one forum with a very thin veniere of anonymity.
They'll never stop. For every 1 person that wakes up, 100,000 more think they've got life figured out and so they post the big secret on social media in an attempt to gain an artificial form of attention on the internet. They have no idea they are merely parroting an amalgamation of recent media approved narratives that mesh [barely] coherently with the current Zeitgeist of the current niche.
Just know that the people on the top are all that matter. Understand that every one of their founding documents, lexicons, rituals, and actions all point to the same STATED plan.
They consider themselves archons- the uberpredator.
They consider it their role to prey on us.
They have, are now, and will continue to limit the population of this species.
The next big one is always right around the corner.

Attached: 457d3645e0d0.png (300x416, 97K)

ok so no new threads. I think what I will do is build some analysis tool and run it for a week. basically look at the threads every 30 min. and add to a dbase. Then after a week look at data and share what I find. i.e. - what topics were most discussed, how fast they move to the top, etc. who knows what I will find. I will post a picture in some threads every once in a while and ask for feedback. Bottom line I need to get the data first. So thats my first objective.

Trump proves though there are multiple sectors of secret societies that are good and bad.

See I'm also worried that it just makes things more meta at that point. Dont want any tool I build to be abused.

>I cant imagine someone participating in one of those threads more than a few times before realizing something is off.

That's what prompted me to create this thread. I've never replied to these threads, but after a certain time seeing them, I've had enough.

Look for linguistic patterns, learn to spot key words. They are lazy and don't really bother updating the way they phrase their titles. Changing the language would also be counterproductive as it would neglect the effect of repetitive patterns and lessen the hypnotic effect of these threads. So in a way, the methods that they are using makes it easier for us to spot them.

it is. but.. I'm of the opinion that these people work in places where they hire stooge tier programmers.

The Snowden slides revealed a lot of this stuff. He didnt only expose the extent our government spies on us, many slides contained evidence of manipulation. They forced certain content to go viral. To get around laws about spying/shilling their own citizens, they enlist the help of British GCHQ.

Most of them can be found on

We discussed this quite a bit when it was being leaked but didn't make much progress in stopping them or even creating awareness that it was happening HERE.

Attached: Screen Shot 2014-04-05 at 1.31.06 AM.png (459x346, 96K)

yea it's aggravating. maybe thats one outcome they are going for as well. sucks this is the only place left for critical thought/discourse. what the fuck has the world come too.

Attached: 1508470042533.gif (250x170, 2.75M)

I've done it, made threads with really subversive content, and gotten forum slided by 40 or more new threads.

Yes, most of the generals are false flags. Patrick Little is a false flag. Trump was a false flag. the latter should tell you all you need to know about how manipulated this place is.

that Jow Forums frog was drawn by some famous comic artist. why didn't the girl from Hyouka become Jow Forums's mascot? I mean, just saying. ugly, colorful, LA comic-drawn frog, and a phony mythos called Kek. hm, what a joke.

seems like common knowledge to me.. not being a dick, it's just if they can do something, they will.

This. Those threads were straight bot shilled. I've had threads even today noticeably bot shilled.

It's common.

This board probably isn't as stupidly popular as some of you faggots think.

I encourage all Jow Forums autistic programmers to get on board and start working on this problem. I'm working on some tools right now, but it's too early to distribute. If you have an interest in the subject I recommend checking this site. It's a starting point. I like the cyberpunk flair that such projects could have.

Just let your imagination go wild and think of the possibilities (i.e dealing with the shill issue on this board and other social media sites). This is a white hat opportunity to do good in this world.

This is great user. Really happy to see some traction on the subject. We need to fight fire with fire.

What if its only like a few hundred of us.. and we're all part of some psyop.. (too paranoid?)

I think you are relating to this:
But I'm afraid that proofs absolutely nothing. The post could have been made by anyone just to make fun of those "Correct the Record" threads back in the meme wars time. And yes those people came on here to shill for hillary and they might even had bots, but who cares. Btw. the code seems extremely unlikely to have anything to do with a Jow Forums chat bot, it's just a bad troll thread.

And I'm not seeing what you think those other threads are meant to achieve. For example the MGTOW / NEET threads are about a legit thread to society. And it would be a bit ironic to come to Jow Forums of all places to shill that message. We are already NEETS and outcasts for the most part. I would find it pretty suspicious if those threads would be more about the opposite. Like if they would try to make proper members of society out of us.

Use a distance function to find threads that are more or less copies of one another and autogenerate a weekly shill report. I'm sure a few of us will grab up what we can to save and spread

machine learning is on my radar. I'm not a java programmer though. anything in python or javascript?

I can make this happen in like a week I will just write a script using beautiful soup and have it running on my raspi.


Ive got a scraper and sql database setup for Jow Forums. Currently working on haopening alert. What should I do next?

>This board probably isn't as stupidly popular as some of you faggots think.

I think that you are right. You only need to observe the frequency of the posted replies in popular threads or hot topics to observe that. If this board was frequented by millions of people at once, most threads would be filled with comments in a couple of minutes. The rhythm of the posted reply seems to indicate a much lower volume of users. There are other factors to take into account of course, but it is a good indicator.

thats what I'm thinking.

pol is the most popular board

How do you feel every time you see a thread about NEETS and Incels? It personally makes me feel angry. I'm happily married with children. I'm not even the target of these threads. But I can empathize. And for a moment I can feel what it would mean to me as a male and it always end up making me feel angry. Now think about all the people that aren't me or you and are Incels and unhappy with their life and think about how it makes them feel. It these threads makes me angry, I can only imagine what they are doing to people that aren't as fortunate as I am. This is what it's all about.

You are missing quite a few others as well.

maybe because it's still #1?

bump, fuck the kikes and shills

cool basically using same stack.. my thought is to scrape every hour, find repeat threads post list of themes and share it in a screencap.

not for machine learning


Just use Google user. Not sure if this is a quality link, but here you go.

Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.

Good to know people are interested. I'll try to get my project online soon.

There's thousands, and tens of thousands usually. It's not some like, 100 million person movement LOL

It's just a forum

Because Google.

Would MKUltra have enough resources behind it to target specific individuals?

Attached: 1481825438635.jpg (4032x3024, 2.48M)

why would you build around tensorflow.js when the original and most used tensorflow is python.

well.. now you got me thinking.. so if its an even smaller amount of anons that means it really doesnt take many to shift a narrative into the collective.. and with the freeflow of info here (think not as censored), would you then consider it a threat if you were the establishment? They might be throwing gobs of money at this place.. that or its just another GLP.. dunno.

Attached: busy-clap.gif (150x150, 57K)

Well I guess people react different to such things. I think I'm getting more excited because I think it's an interesting topic, but it's certainly not a positive message and doesn't make me more chill and happy. But if that is your argument, then you should avoid the whole fucking board. There isn't much positivity to find here in general.

And even if it were true what you are saying. Who might be behind it and why? This seems extremely far fetched and pointless.

Leaf members 2016


also note JAVA is not javaSCRIPT so I don't know what point you are trying to make here

#1 for people who are salaried.

Stop lying. I mean it. You dont even know what mkultra was. You are poison. Now stop posting this bullshit or the first chance i get i will have you outed and prosecuted.

Just ask Snowden about it. You haven't been really keeping up to date with what's been going on in the last couple of years haven't you? Entire data centers collecting absolutely everything. Your ISP spying on you, etc. The 5 eyes program is old school and it was already terrifying.

yea I did google and plan to do more research.. just didnt know if you swore by anything. All good ;)