WTF is this human anal polyp even talking about? I'm guessing "civically" is some commie signal
WTF is this human anal polyp even talking about? I'm guessing "civically" is some commie signal
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Deep state on suicide watch
>respond civically
I think it means holding signs and crying outside the white house
This is clown world.
Hope Schiff gets treason charges.
What is this god damned bald Mormon spook up to this time?
The hypocrisy of (((her)))
remember that Jow Forums made the piss story who gave it to Rick Wilson who gave it to this CIA nigger?
LMFAO DRUMPF BTFO! good luck in jail bro
It's a who's who of rats involved in treason. Arrest and charge them.
I love how (((they))) try to roleplay that the (((USA government))) is this unwavering moralistic idealist entity when everyone with 10% of a brain knows its corrupt to the bone marrow
WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT!!!!!! Schiff's tweet mentions (((alliances))) are at risk. I WONDER IF DROPPING THIS SHIT WILL EXPOSE ISRAEL!
Wow, this tweet is like trying to read a dreidel in motion.
Is this still English?
This is shamelessly insane. Maybe they're counting on the difficulty in explaining the massive depth of their corruption in one breath so they think it will just go over people's heads.
They've literally been caught infiltrating presidential campaigns and baiting low level lackeys to trigger massive investigations to overturn the election. The scale of this is so far beyond any other public scandal, this is 3rd world levels of corruption. In the biggest, most powerful country in the world that acts as a stabilizing force for the rest of the civilized world. If ever there were a time where "literally shaking" would be appropriate, it would be now.
ahha preets curry ass is going fucking down
Did Senator Feinstein sleep though high school civics?
>Perform or supervise the performance of other duties required by statute or Executive Order.
This is the greatest happening of ALL TIME
Check these trips mothafuckas
It could not be more disturbing when senile elected officials don't appear to grasp how government works.
More like with Orwellian Bongland spy niggers. They have lost their goddamn minds over there
Never gonna happen, all these far-left establishment operatives are above the law since the institutions are packed with their lefty comrades.
No. Israel is the deep state.
That's why this is going to MILITARY TRIBUNALS
Oh it fucking will. Where did you think the real collusion leads to?
You're fucking retarded, OP. but
>anal polyp
Trump will win in the end. The revelations will hit hard, and the Untied States will change drastically
Things are going to get nasty. This is going to be a big shock to the already weakened state of geopolitical balance and international finance. Asteroids impacting earth and demons popping out of the ground nasty? Of course not, but I think we're in for a massive civilization hangover.
Why is literally everyone else involved here except Kikenstein a Catholic cuck + whatever the fuck Brennan is worshipping these days?
Every one of these kikes is going to be at the end of a rope soon. They know the end is near. Their choice is to either die after a tribunal finds them guilty of crimes against the American people, or they die after they are drug into the streets should they let their jewish masters pull the trigger and have the God Emperor JFK'd like they keep openly threatening.
Treason is a hanging offense.
well obviously I know israel is about to get BTFO, but I wasn't sure if these documents would do that.
do the world a favor and kill each other
These people are actively outing themselves as deep state.
Who are the ones who aren't this stupid? I want to know their names.
>ask the fbi if it was illegally subverted to use its law enforcement powers for political purposes
> you're the problem
What is with this bitch lately?
It's going to be bigger than that. Look at the sheer gumption they put into resisting Trump. That isn't 'well they fudged the election in a really deceitful way' tier.. The way they have been defending themselves against inquiry and justice is strongly indicative of much, much grander crimes. And, that is what is going to be very difficult. People are going to have a very hard time with what is about to come out. Many will literally be driven to suicide over it. Israel did 9/11. World wide elite pedo ring is real, and has been real, the human sacrifices of the ancients never ended they just went behind closed doors. And, most importantly, niggers are the result of a failed experiment that got out of hand and broke containment.
Looks like NGOs are fucked too.
Millions of dollars have been wasted confirming that Dems are lying scum gleefully stepping all the way over to (((Marxism))).
I was in the fifth grade when the Berlin Wall came down. I had never seen people so happy, and it told me everything need to know about what I later realized to be the jewish parasite.
>What is with this bitch lately?
She realizes her deepest fears are manifesting and is in complete denial.
That wasn't a hard sell, honestly.
What is wrong with investigating? This level of hand wringing seems appropriate if Trump arrested Muller or some shit but I don't actually see anything wrong with opening an investigation.
>Asteroids impacting earth and demons popping out of the ground nasty?
Hook us up with some AKs and Vampyrs homie.
That nigger glows so bright I can see him in UT all the way from my house in Vegas.
>muh American values
Every time Romney or some cuck politician says that I'm like those aren't my values
>"This isn't who we are!"
-Every liberal and neocon cuck
Regular people be like
>"No shit, faggots!"
He's right. The collusion investigation should have been dropped a long time ago.
>The president cannot ask to start an investigation over what he saw might be possible crime
Nope. Mueller is /ourguy/
They're shitting their pants. This is mom demanding to look under your mattress where you hide your weed and porn magazines. They're totally fucked unless they do something drastic.
She's a turbo kike. The truth is whatever suits her interest Her>Israel>Her campaign donors>Moon bears>the American people.
The actual physical truth is an obstacle to her kind. The truth is completely subjective to kikes.
Israel our "greatest" "ally" attacked us on Sept 11 2001. Could sandniggers make our defenses stand down and not engage? Assuming those planes were real in the first place.
they just dont have that spark any more. I mean wheres the pizzaz? Oh, shit thats right... the pizzaz is on weiners laptop... fuck.. Well atleast they could put a little spirit into it... They cooked the spirit? FUCK! What ever they do they need to figure out how they can get back their usual radiating ener--- FFFUCK!!
If there are alliances at risk over this maybe it is not a good alliance for the U.S. to be in.
The planes were real and remote controlled. They were military planes.
They're shitting themselves in fear.
Trump should order the military to oversee the investigations. Enough games.
Americans are too 'civic' on both sides to respond in any significant way. There are so few who actually want to ACTIVATE IT for the sake of revolution. I don't care what your ideal is or if you are my enemy, but if you at least take this shitstorm to the next step, then at worst you are on my level, and at best you are my fellow in arms.
It is the casuals that are disgusting cowards.
the (((DOJ))) and the (((Supreme Court))) no longer belong to you goy. resistance is futile
>(((They))) are the law. In their own minds.
>"his" conspiratorial fantasies
>literally immediately before saying muh Russia
Projection from this bitch, clear as day
you cant prove that. What you can prove is that Americans defenses were stood down and over 3,000 civilians were killed, we then invaded 2 countries under the guise of them being involved in it only to later find out they had nothing to do with it at all. That is all the information needed to point the blame directly at israel
all you need is 3% there has never been any war ever where those participating in fighting werent the extreme minority of the population.
Dude, the planes existed.
bet 5$ they will use BLM nigs and antifa scum for that
>Presidents can't do that!
[Citation needed]
Trump can not order the military to do that. We have a bureaucracy. There are literally no methods or channels for the military to do that. Even if some idiot O6 or up said "lets do it," there are dozens of other high ranking officers who could shit on him or her and say "nah." Even if the President said he wants it, there are all sorts of players in government that can step up and say "nah." The military can't outgun the FBI, either, if it came to that. FBI have access to the same arms and stations all over the country.
checks and balances nigga. welcome to usa.
It’s spookery to try to rattle the trump
They don’t realise that the tide has already turned
Even if they killed drlumpf another more ruthless, more emboldened hrugmf would emerge, an Octavian from his Caesar
>The comments
you cant prove that they were drone operated, numbnuts
>The military can't outgun the FBI, either, if it came to that. FBI have access to the same arms and stations all over the country.
put the blunt down
>potential traitors
what about ACTUAL TRAITORS, McMullin?
I can't wait to see your head on a fucking PIKE.
DOJ is run by a Israeli sucking neocon.
You're naive if you think Trump's circle isn't completely kiked. The Zionists stopped him and surrounded any hope of a nationalist movement before he even took the reins.
Call me when you are finished with your military takeover novel.
I'll even edit it for you.
the Dragonborn? A warrior with the body of a mortal and soul of a dragon, whose destiny it is to destroy the evil dragon Alduin?
this bald mormon is actually a muslim
He means civil war.
The checks and balances failed long ago. The FBI, CIA and potentially the NSA are implicit in treason. Congress is rife with traitors and the courts have been subverted. Drastic measures must be taken to remove every traitor amongst us before it's too late.
>The military can't outgun the FBI, either, if it came to that
lol the FBI would not stand a chance against the standing military, especially when the public don't support them.
No, a fucking Rabbi. Kek.
>civilization hangover
I like that a lot.
It’s both. Britain sent Obama up the chain. They were instrumental in getting him installed as President.
im loving how CNN's coverage just slips in little misleading statements
>Later Sunday, the Justice Department asked its inspector general to expand its review of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act application process to include whether there was any impropriety or political motivation in how the FBI conducted its counterintelligence investigation of persons suspected of involvement with the Russian agents who interfered in the 2016 presidential election, Justice Department spokesperson Sarah Isgur Flores said in a statement.
>the russian agents who interfered in the 2016 election
as if thats just a fact that they did interfere. despite there being 0 evidence that a few weird facebook ads had any effect whatsoever on the election
>Did Senator Feinstein sleep though high school civics?
Isn't she supposed to be a lawyer?
This is beyond parody level of pure stupid.
Hooooly shiiit
Shes a Jew
Sure. Ever heard of not being dumb? It doesn't matter what happened. It doesnt matter if the 'mininuke' theory is correct or if the 'there was thermite installed before hand' theory is accurate. What matters is that:
>there was an attack
>thousands died
>defenses were lowered completely, we were left vulnerable in a way that should have never organically occurred
>within hours we had people to be mad at "it was a bunch of sand niggers"
>a handful of stupid sand niggers managed to make the entire us look like fools and cause significant damage to buildings that just got insured for twice their value
>within weeks we had already invaded one country over this and within a year and a half we were invading another
>turns out the only thing either of those countries had to do with the attack was having their countries inside greater israel
That is the only shit that matters. They were remote piloted by a drone operator? Doesn't fucking matter. That is a very minor detail, which you can not even prove as a matter of fact, when compared to everything else. It could have actually been missiles instead of planes, DOESNT FUCKING MATTER. What matters is defenses were down, israel profits. period. End of story. Qui bono? the kikes. Now stop derailing.
this faggot needs to be executed. I can tell he fucks children
Even insinuating the planes weren't, like you did, real is degenerate and retarded
planes weren't real, like you did*
3% boys. Thats all it takes to revolt. How many white men would it take to make up 3% of the population? That’s all we need