Why does Jow Forums hate this guy?

Why does Jow Forums hate this guy?

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Fake conservative who pretends to have American interests at heart while simultaneously whoring out our country to foreign interests. The dude even wants to abolish the Jones Act and destroy what little remains of US shipping. What a fucking cunt.

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fuck man, I'd have to first explain to you what /new/ was

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because he fought for his country unlike trump who ran away to russia

biggest literal cuck in human history

more communist than the nigger

I wonder who could be behind this post

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just a dick sucking faggot who takes it up the ass from sand niggers.

Neocon. Pol hates neocons

Cadet Bone Spurs.

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Aside from all the legitimate reasons, after 40 years of his stupid face I think any normal person would hate him. I never got a chance to vote for him, but he's been there running his stupid fucking fucked up face my entire fucking life. Watch them try and shove his whore midget cunt of a daughter down our throats like this garbage is royalty. Fucking TRASH

Hồ Chí Minh was not a dictator.

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Because he hates America.

>Aside from all the legitimate reasons, after 40 years of his stupid face I think any normal person would hate him. I never got a chance to vote for him, but he's been there running his stupid fucking fucked up face my entire fucking life. Watch them try and shove his whore midget cunt of a daughter down our throats like this garbage is royalty. Fucking TRASH
What policies has he supported specifically that you disagree with?

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He's gone. I don't even hate him, just sad about it. Is he getting the firing squad or what? He picked his funeral guests like witnesses to an execution.


mccain is to the republican party as what hillary is to the democrat, establishment shill presidential losers that never go away like a bad case of herpes


McCain has seen the consequences of prostituting our people to fight unjust wars but chooses to promote those ears for money. He is trash

I’ll answer for him. Hi killed the repeal of Obamacare.

He's a traitor.

>What policies has he supported specifically that you disagree with?
He's as good on immigration as an open borders hippie/communist.
He sucks Israel's cock.
He's all about foreign wars and involvement which doesn't serve the interest of the American people.

Outside of that, I don't think there's anyway he could possibly redeem himself. So, we was captured somewhere fighting some stupid foreign war we should never have been involved in in the first place. That doesn't make him a patriot.

A republic should have representatives of the people, not foreign powers and multi-national corporations and that's exactly who Insane McCain represents.

I ran into this guy while in a Washington DC restroom once. We came face to face at the urinal.

Because he's an war hero.

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>Worst pilot in the academy
>Damaged more aircraft than anyone else
>Got to stay anyway because daddy was a politician
>Go to war
>Predictably crash aircraft like a retard
>Proceed to get captured
>Get treated with kid gloves because I'm a high value hostage
>Give out movements of my allies and make enemy propoganda for years
>Finally get free
>Announce political career
>Proceed to call for more wars with literally everyone I don't like and suck Jewish dick
>tfw war hero