Why is Iceland so based?

Whitest country on earth.
High fertility rate.
Socialist polices work because they are a homogenous society - no mud people to take care of.
Lowest violent crime rate in the world.
Largely secular society.
Near 100% abortion rate of retards and detectable disabilities.
One of the most literate societies.
Immigration is very strict. They let very few people in and only those that they feel can assimilate. You have to learn the language.

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>Iceland is based
>Whitest country
Well you answered your own question

>he thinks nords are white
they are snow niggers.

This will change soon as they just got their first synagogue.

>you have to learn the language
probably why no one immigrates there, shit is like space japanese

Then what are you? Mutt.

Lol. Snow niggers. Ok.

Why do they have the closest to perfect country on the planet?

because it is far far away
there is not even much benefit for immigrants to move there

Unfortunately, I heard it's spreading to there

>>Whitest country
Think again

they're nothing but an island Sweden.

It's wased not based.

They have one of the highest GDP and purchase power per capita in the world, and one of the lowest poverty rates.

>Why is Iceland so based?
soon, goyim

Attached: iceland rabbi.jpg (1190x743, 139K)

That's odd considering 2 years ago they were going bankrupt.

Iceland is full of degenerate women that are Burning Man-tier. Like imagine Mouldylocks.

Study this in college. Icelandic is the most similar to Old Norse of all the Scandinavian languages. They are literally Vikings up there.

Still the whitest country on earth. One nog didn’t change the bloodline of an entire country.

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They turned it around quickly with tourism

>keeps posting a fake image
very american of you

its not

Attached: amerimutt.png (304x306, 7K)

Why would they need a rabbi? Are there really that many Jews there? This is what I don't get. They drone on about Israel being there homeland and yet the settle in other countries that are so culturally different. To do what? Preach at the citizens of those places to be more like (((them))). I truly despise these people.

But they have a population of less 400k. They're heavily reliant on tourism and fishing. Even some Caribbean countries with 90% black population can maintain a relatively high standard of living because of tourism and a small population.

Lol. Have you been there? I have. Hardly burning man tier. Low rate of obesity. Blond, blue eyes, fit. Higher rate of good looking women than any other country I’ve been to.

Post more

>Tried to implement circumcision ban
>Jews demanded iceland to cease and desist
>iceland does not implement circumcision ban
>iceland owned by jews confimed.

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>rabid feminist society
>NEET paradise


Been there too. Saw the same. Made me sick when I got back home.

All the women past 35 are fatties.

>can be found in seconds by googling the article titles
jump off a roof, shlomo

Attached: JIDF-articles.jpg (3668x3284, 1.08M)

You've never been there either. They're degenerate trash, 70% of the kids from the island are literal bastards

Attached: out of wedlock births OECD.jpg (934x1200, 173K)

I know that sick feeling user. Especially when i only saw one black tourist the entire time. Then came landed in Baltimore on my way back and saw hundreds of sheboons in 10 minutes

>get married goyim
>you'll never be a real man without a shackl- I mean ring on your finger

High white birth rate.

Who cares if they are married or not besides Christcucks?

Keep breeding those white babies.

Not fake


Its ok if you support dysgenic, low IQ fertility. Your country will look like Mexico in a few generations.

I’ve been to both Carabian islands and Iceland. If you think quality of life for those island nogs is remotely similar, fucking lol

They are one of the most literate and educated societies on earth, and their population has enough genetic diversity for them to be fine. They aren’t as small as the Amish.

I have never said they're the same you dumb fuck. I said its easier for a small country with, easy tourism and fishing income to be relatively wealthy. Bahamas has a higher gdp than many European countries, despite being 90% african,

>They are one of the most literate and educated societies on earth,
No amount of education will fix the fact that lowest dregs in their society have high fertility rates.

Bahamas aren’t a Carabian country FYI...

The thing though is that Iceland doesn’t have a “dregs of society” they have one of the lowest income inequality ratios in the world. There aren’t really shitty people there that are sucking off the teat of the successful. So take the service industry class for example, they are are highly educated and make a living wage because of tourism. There isn’t really povery there. It’s not that “only stupid people are breeding”.

Iceland is the only country in the world to have a population under two million yet still have a floating exchange rate and an independent monetary policy.

i've been there. the capital has its problems. their government tries to push through a lot of garbage policies BUT the government doesn't really function very well (a positive imo).

their quick recovery from economic collapse is a reoccurring thing in their history and a testament to their ability to adapt quickly and work together. that will fall apart first in the capital, which has the majority of the population.

if you look at their immigration policies, once someone is an EU citizen they can move their legally very quickly. getting a job is probably a pain in the ass, even in the city as your minimum wage is very high and taxes are also high enough to hold down job creation.

i would move there, but live on the east coast and rely on dividend income/ investments. cost of living is crazy high everywhere.

They are not a member of the EU, only of the Shengen treaty. They have their own immigration policies.

White ethnostate exists.
Is successful

>>Not good enough for Jow Forums

environment is hostile, they are isolated
in order to survive they had to get their shit together
they did and this led to a culture of not giving a fuck about stupid shit, doing what works and laughing in the face of adversity

Iceland is pozzed. Stop fantasizing.

Lol, you are just mad that your country is going to get cucked by the EU, and they are still independent nation.

Because there are low nigger numbers there obviously.

It’s okay. We understand.

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Not low, pretty much non existant...

refugees article doesn't exist, lying faggots

It's a Germanic language, it's not a peace of cake but Japanese is for sure harder for a indoeuropean speaker.

as i thought about moving there i looked at the immigration policies. EU path to citizenship is easiest outside of get married.

That doesn’t make sense you Amerimutt, but I acknowledge it was funny.

iceland has the population of a city
you retarded dumb mutt

I prefer Norway since it has a higher GDP per capita, though I must admit Iceland is one of the best countries on Earth.

because its such a small country the jews dont care about them.

Yeah, but they aren’t getting cucked by Mohammed...

you forgot about the bigest bank scandal in the world_
iceland doesn even belong to icelanders
give iceland 2milion people and watch it burn

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Inbred feminist degenerate hellhole
The women are such disgusting thots all the men start importing Asian wives so not as white as you think


Your country is literally hipster France

>Bahamas aren't a Caribbean country...
user wtf are you talking about
I'm starting to think burger education really is as bad as the memes say

They just got their first filthy, ferret-faced kike rabbi.
Watch the infection spread.

Whiter than you, Cletus

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it's a shithole

they live like communist animals because they are inbreds

Why does any parasite infect your bloodstream?
They can't live off themselves.

the whole population of Iceland is 350,710

so it's basically one small commune of inbreds

You don't need marriage for anything really.

My mistake, I was actually thinking of Bermuda.

Presidents wife is a Jew

>you forgot about the bigest bank scandal in the world_
Bullshit. The banks around the world fucked themselves over, and every country on Earth gave the Schlomos free cash so they could continue jewing...EXCEPT Iceland, whose government took over the banks and jailed the bankers.
It only SEEMED like they had a larger bank scandal because they actually did something about it.


I will probably end up moving here anyway..

Have any of these people calling Iceland a shithole actually been there. It’s a white paradise. Have you seen their women? They are hardly inbred. I think some of these eurocucks are a bit jealous.

Most feminist country in the world by self-admittance and proud of it. No thanks.

Eh, they are feminist in the American slut walk, purple hair and hairy armpits, triggered by everything sense. It’s just a pretty egalitarian society.

*They aren’t

I've been there, but many years ago. The people are great, but they have their problems, like alcoholism and a high suicide rate.
Still, if I had to decide between living there or living in a nog/Jew infested U.S. or European city, I would definitely pick Iceland & learn the lingo.
I'm lucky, here in the States, as I live in one of the regions that is close to 90% white, anyway.
The way it seems to me is, the easier it is to live in a region, the more likely it is you'll see nog infestation, and the poorer the region is, the less likely you'll see Jews.
So if you live in a cold, inhospitable, poor region, you could avoid Jews and nogs. Sadly, this tends to result in a more prosperous region, and then the infection occurs.

Don't they have like a lot of Thai and Filipina women to marry Icelandic men?

>hairy armpits

The only good point of feminism tbf, a woman has bodyhair, period.

Iceland is cucked.

44 % income tax

Says the hipster Frenchman

Little girls have no pubic hair, women have pubes.
Prove me wrong, shitdumpster.

Is every man who shaves his face a boy?

No pubic hair feels better on le cock, better to not have a mouth full of fur when eating pussy, you can see the vagina in all it’s glory, which is a turn on for a real man.

would worthless americans moving to iceland be good for icelanders, though?

Spoken like a true goblin.

>High fertility rate.
They got rid of the banks.

>High fertility rate.
Something like 40% kids are born from mothers who cheat.

They had a peaceful revolution with the occasion of the 2008 financial crisis and jailed or kicked out a lot of bankers.
And now mister schlomo and doctor shekel can`t buy and blackmail the politicians into imposing anti-white genocidal policies.