I was given this pin by a family member, can you tell me what it is /pol?
Can you tell me what this is?
Legendary branch of Buddhists in the German army
Swastika is hindu u twat
A war medal with an asian religious symbol.
Did (You) think that whatever I wrote was supposed to make sense?
Infantry assault badge or something similar
This is what I just found.
Towards the end of the Spanish civil war, several German soldiers were wounded prompted. This prompted Hitler to reinstitute an award dating back to WWI, the wound badge. The year was 1939, the design of the badge was very similar to that employed during the great war, the main difference being that the new badge sported a raised swastika on the helmet.
The Black wound badge was of metal construction with a hollowed back. very thin. A vertical pin is provided to secure the badge to the tunic of the owner. This was accomplished by putting the pin through a series of loops (two or more) that were sewn to the breast area of the jacket. The pin is hinged on one end and has a catch on the other.
The black wound badge was issued on a paper envelope.
It is hard to determine the exact number of Black wound badges that were produced. However, thanks to the record keeping maintained by the Wehrmacht, it is possible to estimate how many crosses were actually issued. The number stands well above 4 million.
The actual number of Black wound badges produced is greater than the number that was issue. It must be accounted that the armed forces would have a stock in hand so it could replace lost ones and issue new awards. In addition the factories were likely to have warehouses with inventory at hand. The Iron Cross was one of the awards most widely distributed during WWII.
Well..... I was close
No you tried to make a simple joke and failed
Like you on war ?
Very, I hope your aim is better.
It's the thought that counts.
Get rid of that cancer flag f a m
Are you serious mate? It took pretty much the combined armed forces of the entire world to defeat krautland. Didn’t they wipe the floor with you in six days?
I only have a hangover after yesterday's match...well it was kind of big happening in Poznań
You're fuckin retarded and your government's all fucked up and your people are slaves in their own country. Banning you from saluting your grandfathers in their own way is a perfect example of the state of your 'country' run by American jewry.
Poland is ok. eh fights jews and niggers and doesn't incorrect about anything.
In Buddhism the Swastika is often called the footsteps of the Buddha.
I expected this from the american...
dumb faggots like these are exactly why geo-flags were a mistake
Well...what do you expected ?
Poland did not exist for 123 years and then we had to fuck up with the Russians to protect the Germans from falling into communism.
The Germans paid back in a classic style for them.... They stabbed us in the back
To top it of im currently on vacation in germany....
That's a wound badge and for all the Nazi larpers on this board Im suprised it wasn't the first post
>vacation in Germany
You are american right ?
I was surprised also.
A nice salmiakki candy.
Apple doesn't fall from the tree
3 or 4 generations of nazis in the family
No, you were used by the British to get in to a war with Germany. There were no cultural or historical ties between Britain and Poland, they just wanted strategic treaties in order to box Germany in and trigger war if Germany ever left their borders again.
Then when you outlived your use, you were discarded, and handed over to Stalin. So much for the treaty.
What started as a local war between Nazism and Communism was blown out to a world-wide conflict by Britain. The USSR and communism was always Hitler's first objective. This is why it seems so strange that he would attack the USSR if you just believe the western narrative.
Pre January 20th plot wound badge in black (lowest) class.
July 20th, not January.