Islam is the fastest growing religion in Europe

Islam is the fastest growing religion in Europe.

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for you

you will lose

i'm losing you cunt

jews are not a race even if you change yor last name to STEIN

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Not all of it though

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no you will like you have done in all of your history
massacred across alll the middle east millions dead and much more displaced like dogs asking help to your enemy
you have no dignity no honour nothing at all
you have became in the new untochables the lowest caste of the society

No, with Islam everyone loses.

This is what Christians are like in secular nationalist Arab countries, before Americans and Anglos blow them up and create Islamic (((((democracies)))))

Attached: IMG_7840.jpg (321x500, 56K)

Feels like this photo alone is the real and sole thing that has triggered (((them))) to ruin Syria

1) we aren't going to lose
2) there are China and Latin America.

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Tanks’ can you post other image like this to show of for my leftist friend ?

American on a holiday here, I’m in Essex and I’ve seen mostly white people and moms and dads with white kids

Yep, if it's to remove kebab, Slavs are where it's at

Polacy i Rosjanie muszą się stać zjednoczoni, bo chodzi o tym czy zostaniemy Europejcami czy nie. Ale rozumiem że Polska jest więcej kosenrwatywna niż Rosja.

W Moskwie już są tyle migrantów

Moscow deserve it.


why are poles so based? i saw one fuck up a muslim boxer pretty bad, no one was expecting it either, stay strong lads.

Пoтoмy, чтo нepeзинoвaя - этo cpaный пapaзит, пьющий кpoвь вceй cтpaны.

Islam is a loss to everyone, both Muslims and non-Muslims. Too bad mankind is still at this level of stupidity that the spread of as retarded a belief system as Islam is even possible.

I so fucking want Assad to win, please Russia, nuke the shit out of america

The entire islamic world is being completely cucked by western soft power and international trade.

Every muzzie secretly wants to live like a white westerner, and it comes out in these bizzare ways such as the burkini, halal holidays etc. The biggest hippocrates on the planet are muslims, without a shadow of a doubt. They are the ones whose actions are furthest from what they tell everyone they believe. One look at rich people in Dubai, MENA whores in French nightclubs or just your average refugee familt submitting to western customs and way of life is explanation enough.

Modern day terrorism is more than anything else the last desparate spasms before islamic culture is quietly wiped out by the cultural hegemon that is the Western World.

Behind all this lies the fact that Islam is a young religion and its roots are shallow. And the people who call themselves muslims are in general the most spineless, opportunistic and gullible people on the planet.

So I guess, I understand why you are mad.

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> last desparate spasms before islamic culture is quietly wiped out

true, Islamic powerhouse Saudi Arabia is slowly getting cucked by Western degenerate liberalism, bahahahaha

Muslims will inevitably surrender their conservative values to globalists, their only hope will be a right wing revolution in Europe and USA

> Israeli psy op

kys op

Saudi Arabia's becoming a fascist socialist technologically tyrannical hell hole for some reason, probably because israel/US/UK owns it

Nature is against you muhammed (assuming you are a true muslim not a white cuck which you 99% are)They don't get the required sunlight they need, even if they are outside all day long with the melanin in their skin blocking what little northern sunlight they do get. African migrants nees 10 times the amount of sunlight to produce the same amount of vitamin D as a person with pale skin. You can't have a healthy life without vitamin D, it is a steroid, required for the immune system and muscles to grow. You are fucked

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Your image is misleading. You forgot to mention that the Christians at the bottom are part of an invading army, who promptly got humiliated by a group of freedom fighters..
Also, who the hell wears a thobe in a western country?

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White Europeans + Islamic conservatism. It will be a new dawn for Europa.

we'll build concentration camps in scale never seen before for this one.

All with modern ovens, robotics, production lines, you'll all be processed and recycled into more usefull materials in less then a year.

I would sooner worship Orcus from D&D then join pisslam.

You can't trick us the way you do with those accepting y people

>Orcus from D&D
What do you like about Orcus that Islam doesn't have?

Hopefully we can finally destroy liberalism with islam.

Necromancy and Lichdom.
If your book can offer me control of a horde of undead, and teach me how to make a phylactery, we can talk, otherwise go blow yourselves up in your containment zone.

You mean hypocrites?

Зaмкaдыш пopвaлcя.

>no jizya tax
Op let's see your flag


You muslims will be on the train even before you can get near beeing 25% of Europes population

Why control the undead when you can control the living? Virgins for laying with and children to serve you (not that way you pervert).
Why an imperfect immortality? Why not get Lichdom + flesh? Flesh is a weakness for mortals. If you become a true immortal, you'll get to keep the pleasures of the flesh.

We don't offer you necromancy and lichdom, we offer you better!

my dick is getting even bigger,imagine that

I would personally enlist in the military to make sure we slaughter every last one of you. Hunt you down down like savages.

Just get all the fucking rapists in this country and let them open in your country. Free to do whatever they choose under chaos.

We will make Unit 731 like a child's play

Big talk for a people that got crushed under us once already when we were naught but a few Arab tribes, and still struggles against what we left behind (Pakistan). How goes your Kashmir invasion?

>Big talk for a people that got crushed under us once already when we were naught but a few Arab tribes.

A thousand years and we are still here. You couldn't do your job right.

Kashmir is under occupation on all sides (Pakis/Chinks/Us)

We could defeat pakistan many years ago (in fact we did).

But what can you do with millions of dumb brainwashed cunts. You can't mass genocide them.
They became more of a responsibility then a reward. (Thanks to the cousin fucking)

Moreover look at you. A coward faggot who hides behind a meme flag.

But rest assured if shit goes down. We would surely half their country just like the last time.


based islam saving us from queers and sjws

Two hardcore muslim chicks wearing full blown hijabs started at my work, and they are flirting with every fucking Dane that looks average or above, including me.
Muslims fucking YEARN to live like westerners.

They are converting to our lifestyle in droves, yet there are some insecure faggots who want to make it look like their men are having babies with our women and converting them to Islam, while in reality it's the polar fucking opposite.

People are leaving Islam in droves in favor of Western values, face it Shitslams - your ideology is weak and based on fearmongering.

So this guy is fucking spot on, it's only a matter of a few generations before you are completely bleached.
In some cases not even generations, I see people here officially leaving Islam in droves - realizing it's a nasty lie, quote on quote.

Western lifestyle? You mean STD's and depression

Nigga for you too

I'm not Muslim but let's be honest, the cultures in Western Europe are so afraid to stick up for thier own worth Islamification is inevitable.

Welcome to Eurabia.

Even if it is STDs and depression, for some reason they still yearn for it.

Guess they hunger for nordic cock so much that they will jump on anything and then embrace the depression after being dumped for being a sandnigger slut.

Makeup your fucking mind either Islam will dominate europe or be engulfed in western culture.

Western europe is fucked up the only countrys who are still white and trust in tradition are in eastern europe

Define western culture. Because drinking, fucking, working can't be a culture.

It really doesn't matter what narrative you push, my point still stands no matter how much you try to slander the West.

>Islam is the fastest growing religion in Europe.
>Cranking out the most kids
>Kids are brainwashed in the religion from birth
>Any attempt to leave Islam is punishable by death.
Typical Abrahamic religion. So what's the problem, you're jealous?

New pope incoming.. should probably be worried my man

Keep up the good work Poland. Europe needs you

In uk around hundred thousand people convertad to Islam in pan of 10 years. Their Average age is 26 and average education is post graduate. They converted to Islam after reading comparative religion study for 6 years and most of them are Woman.
No brainwashing.
No forcefully conversion.

you left out the rest of that study

the overwhelming majority of euro converts usually leave it after 2 years approx

lol no one wants to stick to it,the ones that try are doing it to virtue signal just like being all spiritual and going to india was hip and cool in the 60s


This reads like a Russian porn thread title in English. Well done Jabril.


What do you think the left will do for votes when muslims realise there are enough of them to set up their own islamic political party, and they don't need Labour any more?

You do realize that once Europe becomes islamified, that it will become exactly like the desert shithole you came from, right? Except once you savages destroy Europe, you won’t have any more white nations to become refugees in. Our death is your death, and don’t ever forget it. You need us, but we DO NOT need you.

>A thousand years and we are still here. You couldn't do your job right.
Our job was to spread Islam. The fact that there are many Muslims among you, and that Pakistan exists, is proof enough that we did our job well-enough.
>We could defeat Pakistan many years ago
And yet here you are, declaring grandiose plans about how you'd crush us all, when your neighbors are too much for you.
>dumb brainwashed cunts
Remind me who is it that believes cow shit is sacred again? (correct me if I'm wrong)
>A coward faggot who hides behind a meme flag
How am I a coward? I flaunt what I am. If I showed you my real flag, you'd get the wrong idea.
W/E, here you go.

>Islam is the fastest growing religion in Europe.
Yea let's just see how much that helps it.

Islam gets btfo in the West when feminists back Muslim women. Plenty of them want to walk around like pic. It's the day all Muslim men fear.

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The Arab peoples are subjugated by Israel. Their so called royal families in complete autocratic control are all semites. looked what happened in Egypt when they tried democracy.
You fight for ISIS, you fight for Israel.

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Only through third world birth rates, not conversion. The rates of converting to and leaving Islam are a wash.

Hopefully moving to free Europe and away from Islamic oppression will give them an opportunity to accept the Lord. There are mass conversions to Christianity even within Muslim countries. You can't stop the truth no matter how hard you try to suppress Christ.

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>I showed you my real flag
So whats the difference between this flag and the one you had before?

I dont know much about islam other than rape = good and eating sometimes= bad
Do you guys like black people? i heard that your bible says they are dirty or some shit

We speak American here, Rooskies.

Muslims are still better than atheists.
Thats how low atheism is.

Europeans are waking up. There is a huge backlash against Islam in Europe,
right wingers are getting into power and you are fucked since you are the minority, the army is going to go from house to house and slaughter every Muslim they find.

If you hover your mouse over a flag, the country's name appears. Useful whenever you're not sure if the poster's from Argentina or Israel.

>rape = good
Depends on your definition of 'rape'. Some anons on Jow Forums believe that a husband always having the right to lay with their wife (or vice versa) is rape. We believe it is the duty of both spouses to provide for each other's needs, anytime anywhere (barring sickness, or if the wife can't because she's on her period).
>eating sometimes= bad
Fasting, you mean.

>Do you guys like black people?
Nothing for nor against. The only way you can be better than one, is if you worship Allah better/more than them, which is up to Allah to judge.

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>Depends on your definition of 'rape'
Sorry, i should have been specific
Using a random girl for your sexual pleasure because she was walking down the street with her hair our and with no male guardian = good

I dont really see the point in forcing girls who are 8 to cover their hair but i guess anything is fair game
>Fasting, you mean
Thats the one, yes

>Nothing for nor against
but doesnt your bible say they are dirty?
I heard it from an ex-muslim who was black, he also said he got death threats for leaving so im not sure if i can trust him

Thirty (30) Day Notice

the Apostle


Against the most inbred creatures to have ever walked the Earth.

The only reason you're having so much success is because the Jews are making it happen. How's it feel to know your worst enemy is setting you up?

The second anyone organizes against Muslims they will be mowed down like grass. Sure they'll play their usual game of IEDs and ambushes, but against a strategy of "if it's brown, it's down", you'd be mopped up in a matter of weeks.

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It will be also the fastest burning.

>Our job was to spread Islam
by killing people
>And yet here you are, declaring grandiose plans about how you'd crush us all,
india has more Muslim than pakis
>Remind me who is it that believes cow shit is sacred again?
it was used as fuel in ancient times
> I flaunt what I am

As you keep growing, so will our hate for you. Didn't you open a single fucking history book in your whole life? I wouldn't fuck with those who sparked 2 world wars you goat fucker.


dont give in

no one wants your gay god. I hope one day that someone creates a faction of anti-islam and by god i swear i will hunt you parasites down and skin you alive in front of your families, fucking scum

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t. mohammed

cant disagree with that, still doesnt make them any less of parasites

Well OP it's a good thing I don't believe in dessert peasant fables, or the muslims would cut my head off

>Using a random girl for your sexual pleasure because she was walking down the street with her hair our and with no male guardian = good
There is no good about that. That is rape, and its punishment is brutal (worse than stoning). Suffice to say, his arms and legs are coming off as an opener.

>I dont really see the point in forcing girls who are 8 to cover their hair
If they do it, it's just to prepare them for when they grow older. Kinda like you stop allowing your kids from walking around in their diapers at a certain age.
The ones who are actually required to wear it are those who've hit puberty.

>but doesnt your bible say they are dirty?
It's the Quran, not the bible.
Citation please, I know you have it and are trying to entrap me or something.
>death threats for leaving
Committing treason on your nation is punishable by death (worldwide). Defecting from your religion after accepting it as the truth instead of trying to learn more about what you found dissatisfying is tantamount to treason.

i read the quran, lived in the ME for a bit. i agree with some of the codes and traditions embedded, but a lot of it is ridiculous bullshit that makes even the bible sound more realistic. Tell me user, do you believe muhammed went to heaven on a winged horse? do clean your ass with rocks, and do you drink camel piss? those are included in islam as well and you cant deny it

>by killing people
No. We offered every nation three options:
Islam. No changes.
Jizya. The country pays taxes to us to keep them in check. Not much different from what western countries do to Muslim countries nowadays.
War. That's when we start killing. And even then, we are forbidden from harming the women, children, elderly, worshipers hiding in their places of worship, or trees. That's better ROE than what you claimed to prepare.
>it was used as fuel in ancient times
Neat. Didn't know that.
Could you explain to me what that is and how it differs from any other Sunni Muslim?

>It's the Quran, not the bible
its hadith ,not the quran

No, it's not.
Jewish (((faggotism))) is.

I salute all Muslim brothers who will help to clean the dirt out of Europe.

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Your a kike shill

>death penalty for apostasy

Allah sure sounds pretty thin-skinned and insecure vis-a-vis the god of the Bible.

>do you believe muhammed went to heaven on a winged horse
The 'Buraq'? It's more between a donkey and a mule. No sources I remember mentioned it to be a horse.
What's so unbelievable about that? You want to believe that there is a god that created all, can recreate it from scratch, yet you draw the line at his prophet riding to heaven on a Pegasus? You confuse me.
>do clean your ass with rocks
It is allowed, but not enforced or proposed. Our religion gave us rules for everything. When you're in the desert with nothing to wipe your behind with, you're allowed to use a stone, you aren't allowed to use bones or dried poop.
No I do not clean my behind with rocks, I use water and toilet paper when I go to the bathroom.
>do you drink camel piss
I don't. And the pic I know you were planning to send me states that the prophet told others to drink it to get better from an ailment they had, AND (here's the cincher) it worked. If you're going to believe he told people to drink camel piss, you'd have to believe the rest of the story that said they got well from it.
Can't cherry pick on this user.

Shitposting about terrorism and whatnot aside, I like discussing religion and theology in general and I found this video on youtube that claims to show that islam is a false religion. As someone who doesn't know much about Islamic theology, I wonder what the muslims ITT think about this video:

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>No. We offered every nation three options:
here are your three steps:
1.calling others kaffir(even if they are submitted to god)

and stop praising barbarians to killed people in the name of Islam and start seeing people rather than supporting any Muslim even if he is a murderer.

Both are followed. Your point?

>Sahl bin Sa'd narrated that the Messenger of >Allah (Peace be upon him) said:
>"If the world to Allah was equal to a mosquito's wing, then He would not allow the disbeliever to have a sip of water from it."
[Jami` at-Tirmidhi Book 34 Hadith 2320]

Remember that when next you drink water.

Citation needed,

Gotta go break my fast. Later