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go back to /sg/ no one wants to hear about your shitskins out here

Why don't Israel just take the ISIS pocket?

This is the part where SAA and IDF work together to pincer and terminate ISIS terrorists. It will truly be a great victory for the forces of good.
Two forces coming together and overcoming decade old hatreds to defeat their mutual enemy!

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why is part of israel painted blue and not the rest of it ?
whoever made that map is retarded
why the fuck would we attack isis ?

I have a better alternative.

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You don't have a large enough population to pull that off even if the entire diaspora migrated to Isreal.

Well, if you're not going to attack ISIS, harbingers of terror, and what with you being "our only friends and Democracy in the ME", it looks like
is the only other option!
We can't trust you with won't be able to protect yourself from the ISIS pockets. It's too dangerous.
It was a hard choice..

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The parts of Syria occupied by ISIS are colored blue and black.

what does population have to do with it ? israel's growing population needs lebenstraum and most of the territories in that map are empty
>not going to attack ISIS, harbingers of terror, and what with you being "our only friends and Democracy
what does not attacking ISIS have to do with us being democratic ? i mean we elected the person that dosnt attack an organization that never did anything wrong to us for no reason which is what you'd expect from any leader .
>you won't be able to protect yourself from the ISIS pockets. It's too dangerous.
we wont need to protect ourselves from isis pockets because we dont need isis in greater israel , there wont be isis or muslims .
blue on that map is israel senpai and only part of it for some reason thats why im asking

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The region of Syria you're referring to is the Golan Heights, which is occupied by ISIS

>israel's growing population needs lebenstraum

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The Golan isn't occupied by ISIS fellow mutt. Wrong terrorists.

>The Golan isn't occupied by ISIS

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Lol. I guess we're on the same page. My mistake.

>why is part of israel painted blue and not the rest of it ?
whoever made the map must consider the Golan Heights as occupied territory, rather than Israeli clay.

do it already fag

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golan heights is part of israel , not occupied by anyone . i've been there last week and everything is normal.
why do you think so many of germany's best soldiers in WW2 were jews ? zionism and naziism were allied from day 1 and hitler promised them greater israel for their contribution during the war .

not to imply that israeli intelligence is unrelated to ISIS but fucking ISIS is not a name for israeli intelligence you drumbass .
the israeli intelligence agency is named
>המוסד למודיעין ותפקידים מיוחדים
and that is its only name since 1949
but it's been annexed in the fucking 80s . why would they consider it occupied but not the rest of israel ?. fucking stupid
shit takes time to do property ,our german predecessors in similar endeavors got fucked because they rushed into it at the wrong time.

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its almost as if...

>we wont need to protect ourselves from isis pockets because we dont need isis in greater israel
So where DO you need them?

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In Syria, obviously.

in syria now because they fight against israel's enemies

> many of germany's best soldiers in WW2 were jews
yea sure schlomo

it's all serbia niggers

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why do you think poles hated and tried to genocide us ?

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>israel's growing population needs lebenstraum and most of the territories in that map are empty
>>the star will gorge itself on clay
come on if you are going to do it. do it already, i am tired of waiting for the end times

When did they work that in? In between rounds of being slaughtered by the Germans then being slaughtered by the soviets?

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well poles did actually turn on their jewish neighbors. not saying i agree with the retarded "jews fought with nazis"

Kikes try to push some retarded propaganda that we were responsible for the death camps so they can extort more money from us because they're rats like that. No biggie that thousands of our people risked their lives saving these roaches. Lesson learned never to show compassion to these subhumans.

It is universally accepted that the Golan Heights belong to Syria. Even the retarded SJWs at Wikipedia knew to stop you kikes from trying to change the narrative on there.

patience , it takes time to take over the planet .
theres no clay in stars, no chemical compounds at these temperatures .
only poles committed systematic genocide\war crimes
what does 'belong to syria' even mean ? its part of israel , israeli law applies there and israelis administer it , its part of israel .

also look at the fucking map dummy

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your are the one eating your governments propaganda. poles did rat on their jewish neighbors in many instances and polish citizens brought upon themselves to burn jews alive.

Looks like my Civ games lmao

ashkhenazi make up more than 90% of the baby blood drinking jews in the world and they're ancestrally related to Iranians with an 88% match.
They have no claims to any of the land and must die, all off them, because they are SHITSKINS TOO

Kurwa, I just remembered that we gassed 20 million of your people in Oświęcim alone. Sorry about that.

Who are you trying to fool, schlomo? These tricks could have worked with brits or whoever you managed to destroy national identity of, but it won't work here. We know our history and your pathetic lies won't work.
>poles did rat on their jewish neighbours in many instances
Yeah, these damn "poles", man, running jewish ghettos and such:
Lmaoing at you, cunt.

It's not part of Israel. It's Syrian land occupied by Israel.

it was once part of syria , it was conquered and annexed by israel and is now part of israel , its not complicated .

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>the jews!!!!11
are you brain dead? your just proving my point rofl. im not talking about ghettos im talking about the majority of jews which lived in the polish country side

Another alleged (((pole))) who turned on jews and ran a fucking ghetto:ów

Pathetic subhumans.

Yeah sure...

>United Nations Security Council resolution 497, adopted unanimously on 17 December 1981, declared that the Israeli Golan Heights Law, which effectively annexed the Golan Heights, is "null and void and without international legal effect" and further calls on Israel to rescind its action.
>n 2008, a plenary session of the United Nations General Assembly voted by 161–1 in favour of a motion on the "occupied Syrian Golan" that reaffirmed support for UN Resolution 497.
Try reading something outside of your brainwashed education system.

Who actually gives a fuck about what the UN says?


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>your proving my point
Yeah, okay. What's your point then? That the kikes sold their own people to survive and even ran fucking ghettos where your kind starved to death? Finally something I can agree with you on in your pitiful jidf ramblings.

golan heights is part of israel , not UNland . UN shit dosnt apply here while israeli law does .

Those that give enough of a fuck to provide it with a lot of funding.

Oh kurwa those poor, poor Jews who supported the advancing Red Army, and played a crucial part in post war secret police who rounded up Poles for wrong thing. Oy vey! How can we forget the 30 million? Are reparations ever going to be enough? Can you you find it in your heart to forgive us for gassing 40 million of your compatriots?

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spoken like a true villain. UN Mandate against Israel soon kikeboy.

Unironic boomer post

Oh you're the Arthas poster.
Doesn't he purge his OWN people, and later his OWN troops?
>he thinks the Madagasgar plan was for Greater Israel

Also, did you know the pioneers of terrorism (the Irgun) were a paramilitary force absorbed into the IDF?
Next time you go for conscription or see the emblem over your posting station, know that the people that literally formulated Al-queda's doctrine were some of your founders.
And there's Sayeret Matkal, nothing inherently wrong, but definite Irgun ideological offsprings. Leave civilians alone, YOU GAVE ARABS that idea!
Thanks for King David Hotel.
And I want you to ALWAYS remember, should you ever have to rely on us for intel (you will), that you once attacked and killed dozens from our most powerful intel branch.
Remember that when you have to relay through them what's going on in the field!

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Stealing land doesn't make it Israel's, it just makes Israel a thief and its supporters liars.

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My nation is the one that allows all of this to happen in the first place. Whatever the UN says has no weight unless the United States decides to act on it, which we haven't and won't in this scenario for obvious reasons.

ironic statement coming from an american who stole land from the indians and mexicans

that you hate jews blindly and dont have the capacity of critical thinking. lol i understand the poles position in this situation seeing europe culture crumble but there are better ways of dealing with this then blindly hating everybody you disagree with

You don't even have a choice in the matter. AIPAC controls you so that you aren't allowed to oppose Israel.
If Israel controls the Golan Heights how come 1000 UN peacekeepers are stationed there? Surely they wouldn't need to be there if that was legitimately Israel territory. It looks like UN shit does apply there. :^)

>obvious reasons
I'm aware

gas the kikes

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>hate jews blindly
Stopped reading after such shameless good ol' "ur an antisemite" but under a different coat of paint. Nigger, you're the one who started blaming poles for "turning on jews during the war", and when I provided you with evidence that it was actually the jews who turned on jews, you tell me I blindly hate you? Are you mentally handicapped? I don't know why I expected any kind of discussion from a literal rat. Pathetic.

Nice, I enjoyed his bits in that special.
Never thought an Israeli would watch that, or anyone really, cheers!
His bits in Ideas Man are the best he's done yet imo. But,
>Golan Heights is the East Prussia of the Six-Day War
Something like that.
But War trophies, in THIS day of age?
..Even though Kaliningrad is one of the safest areas in Europe atm.. huh..

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I don't hate you simply because you are a Jew. Your people are the definition of fair-weather friends none wants to have. Coincidentally you are over-represented among those who push for Europe's decline. Centuries of mutual interaction proved that trusting the Jew is a bad idea.

I legit wonder if they are making western countries mixed chaotic shitholes on purpose in order to mimic the current state their home country

>not reading the whole reply
>says im the reason the discussion doesnt hold
u are actually brain dead.

Tell that to China.

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You are believing Polish/Allied propaganda. True there was one massacre of Polish officers by Russians, but overall the Poles did not suffer much.

The Polish population declined only because they were only counting ethnic Poles after WWII. Germans, Ukranians, Lithuanians, Belorussians, and others were not counted in.

After WWII, while the allies were carrying out the Nuremberg trials and executing German leaders for killing gorillions of Jews, the Poles carried out a series of Pogroms or anti-Jewish riots which caused the local Jews to flee to Israel.

you're a fucking retard. Play for your own team. "Look people play this game called civilization durr, i'm just gonna spread my ass and not play" isn't a winning move.

i can't wait for iran to glass you filthy yids

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>why do you think poles hated and tried to genocide us ?


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It was an expression you fucking idiot. I've read it, but there was so little substance I might as well have omitted what you've written. I won't waste any more time on replying to a desert rat anymore anyway; see ya, jidf. Keep displaying as low level of a discussion as ever. Laughably easy to fuck you up in an argument

well yeah this is the mentality of the gola jews they are quite supremacist and tribal but the classic "you" is the whole reason shit happened. why not criticize everybody which oppose your ideals, that way it is more appealing to normies and less harmful for innocent people

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>needs lebenstraum
yeah, but one day you won't be able to sustain the ever increasing amounts of water needed to water crops in the desert

>which caused the local jews to flee to israel
Oh those poor, poor jews, and those evil, vile poles, starting the ww2 and all. You glow in the dark, idiot.

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Israel loves ISIS.

"Now they will know what it is like to live next to [Arabs]."
Who was it that said this following 9/11, again?

they've done shit against israel a million times , UN is just a forum for nations to fling shit at each other it has not authority .
every single nation on earth is on territory 'stolen' from someone at some point or another , yours is even fairly recent .
claiming israel's conquest is illegitimate while everyone else's is just because ours is recent is retarded .
they're not stationed in the israeli golan they're in the buffer zone between syria and israel (what was the no man's land between the armies during the ceasefire). they're there because they asked to be and both syria and israel agreed , israeli law still applies to these people when they cross into israeli territory .

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What's the story here, Pole? I know a few of those are some of the Reds that sold your folk out.
Any good docus or movies on Polish leadership through the war?
I feel it should garner more attention, as tumultous as it was.

we only destroyed a bunch of towers to make them go to war against someone who was already their enemy and probably they would go to war with later anyway . australia on the other hand is responsible for global jihad on all non australians and you guys get away with it .

i've seen 3 forest fires , 1 massive one all with casualties from australian terror attacks in just my country , who knows what the bodycount is worldwide .

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It's Syrian territory currently occupied by Israel, get it right.

lol, no, you and your German allies genocided Poles and Polish friendly Jews during the Holocaust.
>Stealing land doesn't make it Israel's, it just makes Israel a thief and its supporters liars.
Golan Heights belongs to Israel whether or not it should belong to Israel. Syria lost in a war and has no military or political power over the territory.
>every single nation on earth is on territory 'stolen' from someone at some point or another , yours is even fairly recent .
Yeah, this is very true. Right of conquest is the only right that matters. RIP Palestine.
>golan heights is part of israel , not occupied by anyone . i've been there last week and everything is normal.
It's occupied by Israel. Syria never formally recognized Israel's annexation of the territory and most countries in the world don't either.
>not to imply that israeli intelligence is unrelated to ISIS
Holy shit posting under Israeli flags makes you so honest I think you might cease being Jews at this point, and are just Israelis. How refreshing. Lub u greatest ally.
>but fucking ISIS is not a name for israeli intelligence you drumbass .
Watch the CSPAN video, it was the original English translation for the Mossad
>why do you think so many of germany's best soldiers in WW2 were jews ?
Because Jews are generally very smart and very competent and the Nazis and the Zionists were natural allies.

>He vass ein gut boy he dindu nuffin goin to art college gettin deutschland back on track need more raum fur das leben

>But War trophies, in THIS day of age?
how is this day and age any different then any other ?. nearly every country that criticizes us for this stands on conquered territory .

theres also the fact that we offered to give it back the moment a syria-israel peace agreement is signed but they were too assblasted over a war they initiated to even negotiate after it .

iran has no military force of any kind , they're fairly insignificant compared to israel .
water really isnt an issue these days senpai . besides you can engineer crops for water efficiency if it was .
'they're the enemies of our enemies' and 'love' are not the same thing . even if they weren't the enemies of our enemies we would just not care about them .

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>a war they initiated
Why is this lie so commonly believed? Israel struck first in the Six Day War.

im fine with you as long as you take back diaspora and make em stop opening western borders

you can call USA indian territory currently occupied by the rogue anglo colonies . dosnt make it not the USA . same for golan , it has been legally annexed .

>In February 2018, the Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu stated that "the Golan Heights will remain Israel's forever"

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These are the jews that tortured Poles after the war while we had a soviet-jewish puppet state installed called "PRL". Sorry, can't really suggest watching anything because I'm still learning about it all, but take a peek at the history of Witold Pilecki. The guy is a hero, but the kikes tortured him after the war, and the amount of suffering he had to endure from these fuck's hands caused his death. He said to his sister on his deathbed, that the concentration camps were a summer camp in comparison to the hell the jews caused in PRL's political prison after the war. And yet we don't hear shit about it, while the """holocaust""" is being railed non-stop. And I come here, and some fucking kike will tell me that Poles are responsible for the death camps. This lack of justice is infuriating, but people are slowly opening their eyes to how vile these roaches really are.

"Therefore be on your guard against the Jews, knowing that wherever they have their synagogues, nothing is found but a den of devils in which sheer self-glory, conceit, lies, blasphemy, and defaming of God and men are practiced most maliciously and veheming his eyes on them."
"Moreover, they are nothing but thieves and robbers who daily eat no morsel and wear no thread of clothing which they have not stolen and pilfered from us by means of their accursed usury. Thus they live from day to day, together with wife and child, by theft and robbery, as arch-thieves and robbers, in the most impenitent security."
However, they have not acquired a perfect mastery of the art of lying; they lie so clumsily and ineptly that anyone who is just a little observant can easily detect it. But for us Christians they stand as a terrifying example of God's wrath."
"If I had to refute all the other articles of the Jewish faith, I should be obliged to write against them as much and for as long a time as they have used for inventing their lies—that is, longer than two thousand years."

Martin Luther

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>Syria never formally recognized Israel's annexation of the territory and most countries in the world don't either.
why would israel need authorization from other countries for its own territories ?.
this whole discussion is fucking stupid , if you go there and you do some illegal shit you will go to trial in an israeli court , thats how you know you're inside israel .

>cease being Jews at this point, and are just Israelis.
i am 1/4 ethnically jewish still . but honestly most people here hate kikes because they live on welfare , dont contribute anything , dodge army service and are antinationalist .
>it was the original English translation for the Mossad
no it wasnt
>המוסד למודיעין ותפקידים מיוחדים
translated means
>the institute for intelligence and special roles
'mossad' means institute in hebrew . mossad being isis is just a retarded meme , if they made a terrorist organization they wouldnt fucking name it after themselves .

>Nazis and the Zionists were natural allies.
i mean yea fascism was huge among european jews in the 20s\30s .

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i said they initiated the war not made the first strike . they had a plan of a coordinated invasion into israel and were getting ready to execute it , at which point of course israel should strike .

and by the way i wasnt talking about the six day war .

they're not opening anything senpai western countries are liberal democracies and are free to vote however they desire . if you wanted borders closed you'd vote accordingly .
feel free to implement israel's ways of dealing with illegal migration .

>muh commie dindu quotes
thanks senpai

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>thanks senpai
you welcome
more from Martin Luther and Judensau?

>"I brief, dear princes and lords, those of you who have Jews under your rule—if my counsel does not please you, find better advice, so that you and we all can be rid of the unbearable, devilish burden of the Jews, lest we become guilty sharers before God in the lies, blasphemy, the defamation, and the curses which the mad Jews indulge in so freely and wantonly against the person of our Lord Jesus Christ, this dear mother, all Christians, all authority, and ourselves. Do not grant them protection, safe-conduct, or communion with us . . . With this faithful counsel and warning I wish to cleanse and exonerate my conscience."
"Let the government deal with them in this respect, as I have suggested. But whether the government acts or not, let everyone at least be guided by his own conscience and form for himself a definition or image of a Jew."
"However, we must avoid confirming them in their wanton lying, slandering, cursing, and defaming. Nor dare we make ourselves partners in their devilish ranting and raving by shielding and protecting them, by giving them food, drink, and shelter, or by other neighborly deeds."
"Therefore we Christians, in turn, are obliged not to tolerate their wanton and conscious blasphemy."
"Accordingly, it must and dare not be considered a trifling matter but a most serious one to seek counsel against this and to save our souls from the Jews, that is, from the devil and from eternal death."
"Therefore, away with them!"

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Why the change in growth rate at 1990? I assume the fall of the ussr.

He was just memeing, Polish death camps and all.
What's next, Japanese INSURGENT camps in the U.S.? (some Jew in this thread will have a book deal signed for that idea mere moments after I hit post)
Aside, I'm going to start studying that subject in depth, I believe it was TGSNT that brought to my attention the trickery of Reds to Polish Resistance. In one instance they called for a meeting of Polish government-in-exile, and most all were sent off to gulags/summarily executed. I don't recall the name of the incident, or if it was even given one. Such an enormous backstab could only be brought to you by Bolshevism.
The absolute deafening silence towards the atrocities faced by the Poles and Ukrainians under Bolshevism is resounding.

Ah, but I was merely being facetious, brother! Though some days I do grow somber..
Tell me, what do you think of the plight of the Poles?
What does the average Israeli care for the suffering inflicted upon ethnic goy Poles in the past?
Surely you wish to revere and emulate the evolving sovereign spirit of Poland as a nation.

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If jews continue there will be no other option left.

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Yes they will make Israel great again, bless their hearths.