Anyone find it weird how most of the communist leaders were born into some kind of upper middle class background making...

Anyone find it weird how most of the communist leaders were born into some kind of upper middle class background making them way better off than most peasants but they still feel sorry for the lower classes and overthrow the people at the top?

Attached: leon trotsky.jpg (436x599, 35K)

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Nothing changes. Everyone I've ever know who has claimed to be a Communist or Socialist has been a rich kid or a college trustafarian. They're rebelling against their upbringing, which isn't uncommon, what's uncommon is to still be doing it at age 40.

Pretty funny how the poorer classes are still conservative like before, Russian peasants still loved the Tsar even though they were pretty much slaves

Being rebellious takes time and money. When you're grubbing in the fields all day you don't have the time or energy to start political shitstorms. You like a nice strong leader that keeps the barbarians from the gate.

x2 except they're not rebelling they have to fit in,they're weak.

I thought that was (((Robert Downey Jr))) for a second

funny how they were also jewish

That goes without saying. Either Jewish, or encouraged and funded by general Jewry.

>suggesting any of this shit is a narrative that explains what actually happened

The Bolsheviks were Jews who overthrew the Russian royals with military force in order to take control of the Russian nation. They were financed by other Jews using the wealth they’d plundered from their host nations. Any moral justification story for any of their actions is propaganda and most of it is post-hoc propaganda and rewriting history.

>Robert Downey Jr
Well this guy over here Trotsky is a jew too and a rich one if that needed to be said,Also If it wasnt for this faggot Russia wouldn't have been communist

>All the thing that would prove me right have been rewritten

Wowo I'm definitely convinced

>they still feel sorry for the lower classes
They don't care for the lower classes at all, they just want to use the lower classes to help them into power.

>still feel sorry
of course they never did, they only wanted to use the uprising of the plebs to gain control

lefties leaders are totalitarian elites, always, their supporters are useful idiots who get shafted in the end, since the totalitarian system mauls everyone

>intellectuals in last century and earlier were raised in not so poor families


You need to be a bourgois in order to have time to think and write, it's simple.
Also, fuck commies

there were actually 2 revolutions, the second one was a commie coup

explain 2 revolutions

To add, people tend to be far more envious of people near to them than they are of people far from them. You're more likely to be envious of your neighbour having a 9/10 gf than a hollywood star having a 10/10 gf. Commies, being from the upper classes, are exposed to people richer than them all the time, they envy them and want to bring them down and take their place.

No, they're commonly middle aged. Go to some socialist meeting and you'll see

The difference is that you have to be educated to know wtf a Trotskyist is in the first place. The workers who benefit ironically are not well educated so they don't know the political philosophies in depth.

do you expect anybody to write political theories after 12 hour rotating shifts in a factory?

And then Stalin came in and killed all the ones with political power and banished all the other Jews to Birobidzhan, on the border with China near Russia's pacific coast

This is a slide thread. The BBC threads are being ignored.

Trotsky was a total psycho, it's amazing to think that the Soviets were actually lucky that Stalin took over rather than Trotsky.

Funny how you didn't point out that, apart from being "upper class" (irrelevant as fuck) they were kike faggots, all of them.

The fag you posted is not Leon Trotsky.

It's Bronstein. Lenin was a jew as well. Filthy decrepit vile rats. But that's the ying/yang, the balance, equilibrium of life.

They infect and live their life obsessed with pain, agony, victimization, they're inbred, ugly, filthy looking, big nosed, bald, and they have to co-opt anything decent looking to up their pathetic averages.

We create beauty, they destroy it. I guess it's simbiotic?

But I'd rather life this "goy life" and enjoy it, let those possessed satanic rats claim "intelligence" when in actuality they steal patents from their workplace, let them live a life where the first worldly sensation is getting your dick chopped and then sucked by 70 year old man, "muh high IQ" meme and "muh qt military whores" lies...

Fuck em. Kikes LOL.

>but they still feel sorry for the lower classes

They found an avenue for power. They took it.

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Most commies want to "help the stupid workers start their revolution".
They're retarded

they we're all Jewish too and own the news.

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That's true in the case of some, but not others. Stalin was literally a georgian peaaant living in a mudhut til he was sent to the abbey and discovered revllutionary literature there. On the other hand for example, both Castro and Guevara were posh lads with one being a doctor with links to low-tier aristocracy and the other a sugarcane owners son and young member of the cuban assembly. Then going right back you have Mao who was a rural pleb with an overbearing mother and violent dad and wanted to get away from it all. Hell, even Marx despite being born in bottom-tier middleclass and being supported the mqjority of his life by Engels still lived in abject poverty, his youngest daughter dying from a cold in their london 1-bedroom apartment because he couldnt afford a doctor.

Honestly I love easy memes to attack the opposition but it's literally 50/50 here, probqbly the same as any other groups. It just feels more irritating because the posh ones claim to speak for the poor stick out like sore thumbs, and it's painful to watch.

Yes. 19th proletariat had no work ethic.

Dumping this

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fucking this

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communist revolutions are an excuse for the wealthy but not ruling class to try and trick the farmers into murdering the ruling class. as soon as the revolution is won "true communism" dies and very quickly natural human self interest takes over.

No. They are just enslaving the masses while installing themselves at the top of the pyramid. Typical kike racism at its most raw.

The majority of ardent commies, socialists and libs come from privileged backgrounds. Lower class people actually tend to skew conservative on most social issues but are lured the other way via gibs. Leftists parties tend to offer their pro healthcare, welfare etc policies with a side dish of pro fag, womens empowerment, pro tranny, pro third world immigration etc shit whether the plebs want it or not. Its bribery.


"There are only four ways in which a ruling group can fall from power. Either it is conquered from without, or it governs so inefficiently that the masses are stirred to revolt, or it allows a strong and discontented Middle group to come into being, or it loses its own self-confidence and willingness to govern. These causes do not operate singly, and as a rule all four of them are present in some degree. A ruling class which could guard against all of them would remain in power permanently. Ultimately the determining factor is the mental attitude of the ruling class itself. ... From the point of view of our present rulers, therefore, the only genuine dangers are the splitting-off of a new group of able, under-employed, power-hungry people, and the growth of liberalism and scepticism in their own ranks. The problem, that is to say, is educational. ... and ... the level of popular education is actually declining.

-- George Orwell, 1984

communism is about total resentment for the rich, not compassion for the poor.

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Politics are really only the consideration of the middle class. The poor are too busy with survival and too stupid, and the rich have no reason to change the current system. Read 1984.

It's because they were Jews. All communism ever was was a vehicle for Jewish supremacy.

except for the 'le based jewtin' part pretty good stuff
here, have a (you)

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Here we go. I can’t imagine that the average /polack is too retarded to understand this.

>Actually believing this

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>Lev Davidovich Bronstein
>wealthy farmers

Why were the Jews attracted to Communism in the first place? I'm aware that from the late 1800s, particularly in Germany, much of the socialist and communist left was disproportionately Jewish. I've never understood why though. Anyone care to explain?

Only because with the establishment of Israel, these seemingly true Bolsheviks surely embraced the antithesis of communism by embracing Jewish ethnic nationalism and pro-west capitalism. Also, the Jewish Mensheviks were pissed they didn't go with the jew Trotsky a leader of the Soviet Union.

The explanation is very simple. The jews first of all hated the current system of nobility as it put them at an disadvantage, and also many desired to assimilate to their host culture. That’s why many jewish communists called for the obliteration of jewish culture.

Most of the jewish bolsheviks were wiped out decades before israel was created.

It was only ever meant as a vehicle for Jewish supremacy.

Can you elaborate?

Which part?

When Golda Meir toured Israel in 1948 and commie Jews were waving the Israeli flag was the biggest event to cause suspicion about Jews with Stalin.

All of it, if you can. My knowledge of Jewish led Communism begins in Germany in the late 1800s, I really want to figure out the roots behind it as I'm not familiar with Jewish history prior to this.

Because they were all fucking Jews!

Loook at my number of truth

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they hate the poor they hate the rich more though,they want to be the top dogs,middle class isnt good enough for them.

the most smug classists are usually middle class lefties

I mean during the early 20th century there was a genuine movement of jews wanting to assimilate into western culture which could be seen in ww1 with quite a many ultra patriotic jews. Marx himself was not technically jewish as his father had converted to lutherianism and he shared this view that jews should cease to exist as a separate entity. That’s why communism which promised to eradicate cultural differences within nations presented a good opportunity for jews to achieve this goal.

The second large reason is that while nobody liked the remaining nobility in europe, jews especially hated it as it often discriminated against them and prevented them from rising in society.

Same with Napoleon, Cromwell and pretty much every revolutionary in history.

Raised to feel a sense of rich man's burden for the working class and an inferiority complex because of the upper class.

>but they still feel sorry for the lower classes
never happened, lol

If there ever appears another Trotsky in the world, no matter where, I will join his side.

damn why though?

Because he was correct

Aren't Lenin, Stalin, Mao etc. The better commies then?

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>feel sorry for lower classes
>systematically kill lower class off and kill the relatively sane people already in power
>assume power themselves
>Keep killing people they don't like

Seems like something ((they)) would do

No, because there is nothing weird about it, but on the contrary, very typical and natural. The leader of French revolution was a Royal advisor. The leader of American revolution was a British General.

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Checked. They are at exactly the level on the socio-economic ladder to feel envious of those just above them, and to feel guilty about those below.
They are driven by a mixture of envy, guilt and frustration. Communism appeals to the ego. it says to them:
>"You aren't like the other people from your background in life, you are better, because you CARE more about people who are worse off than you."
>"Those people above you are heartless, they are not at moral and righteous as you"

...and it allows them to believe that this self-aggrandizement is really altruism. It's basically a huge Ego-trip for the bourgeois.

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"Jews not working with hands" Is a Jow Forumstard meme. IDK what they were doing in Europe, but in Russia, they were mostly artisans. And, of course, they developed quite an agriculture in Israel itself.

>The Bolsheviks were Jews who overthrew the Russian royals with military force in order to take control of the Russian nation.

They actually overthrew the first (and only) democratic, liberal (of sorts) government Russia ever had.
Never let them get away with spreading the lie that they overthrew "tzarism" or "tyranny".

Not really. According to Marx proletariat is too uneducated and too busy working their asses of to realise they are being opressed by >muh bourgeois so they need """smart""" """educated""" communists to teach them about inequality and to start the revolution.

What this really means is that Marx wanted to live through his power fantasy of being all edgy and cool overthrowing the goverment and getting some sweet worker puccy allong the way, nothing more.

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Lenin was from lower ruling class, though.

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Anyone finding it weird that those same upper middle class communist leaders were also jews? Hell some of the most influential commie leaders haven't even been heard of by most. Take Hermann Von Holst for instance. He was an Estonian kike born into a family wealthy enough for him to have full funding to elite schools even though his father had died. The guys grandfather converted to Lutheranism but his great grandfather was a rabbi. After he finished school he was working as a private tutor in St Petersburg. And was involved in several communist coup attempts in Poland, Estonia and Russia. Eventually he was exiled from russia for writing a 100+ page pamphlet on the merits of assassinating the Alexander II. He then went around europe working in academia and as a journalist and got exiled/had to flee Germany and Britain (eventually winding up in America working at the University of Chicago teaching architecture (i.e. telling future architects they should design non traditional buildings) Before he fled to America he was present at the World Exposition where a Polish friend of his attempted to shoot Alexander, whom was riding along side fucking Napoleon.

As far as subversive communist agitators go this guy was a fucking legend and no one has heard of him. You cant even find this information on him really. All the (((usual sources))) offer nothing but glowing biographies about him. I had to sift through century old publications on jstor to find the who this kike really was.

No. If you look at Baader Meinhof or the Red Brigade types, they were all middle class or entitled bourgeoisie, larping at being revolutionaries.

Even Bin Laden was the rich layabout son of a multi millionaire.

>but they still feel sorry for the lower classes and overthrow the people at the top?

They did not overthrow the people at the top for the poor, they did it for themselves

They miss ussr because of gibsmedat

Lol, no. That's a bunch of bullshit.

They have overthrew an unelected and impotent government, while they themselves were elected, and held significant power in key Russian areas.

little known fact: Before Marx wrote das capital and the communist manifesto he met with a council of rabbis that helped him ensure that it was nor more and no less than an ad libs version of the torah.

The mensheviks were proportionally more jewish than the bolsheviks.

Lol, no. Marx was extremely anti semitic and he (correctly) called capitalism secular judaism. Do you have any sources for your claim?

The only reason they were able to pull off the russian revolution is because they wrecked such hell on the supply lines during the war that the returning soldiers felt eternally scorned by the government and fell for the commie bullshit.

Even in China, most of the commies were educated overseas, could speak a second language and probably had a degree which rare. In fact you could argue they were more educated than their nationalist opponents.

The whole peasant thing is bullshit. I'm surprised Stalin even made it but you could argue he was trained to be a priest so he's not really peasant.

Eternal anglo brought russian empire down

well, he was ethnically a jew

Since when did self hating jews become rare?

>kikes never pretend to be aligned against kikes
Your argument holds no weight in reality.

>Be marx
>Oppose the system which made jews the wealthiest people in europe
>Call for the eradication of jewish culture
>Your ideology results in the elimination of jewish culture in eastern europe
But marx was secretely pro jewish okay.

He was a jew you stupid meme flag, why do you think a jew will work to destroy other jews?

Marx was jew just ethnically. He did practise the religion nor did believe in god which is pretty fucking obvious from his philosophy (even though he stole most of it from Feuerbach).
In the end there is no difference really. On one side you have a jew larping as a MUH PROLETARIAT and on the other you have jew controlled banks.

>explain 2 revolutions

The 1st was the February 1917 revolution - which was a genuine revolt against the Tzar - and resulted in Nicolas 2nd stepping down, and his brother declining to take the throne - instead handing over to a provincial government - which in September declared Russia a Republic, and set about drafting a constitution and planning a democratic process.

The October 1917 Revolution is the Bolshevik one we all know about, backed, financed and armed from Berlin and New York.

Wiki (I know, I know) is an ok place to get an overview.

Many people these days (outside of Russia and E. Europe) tend to be unaware that the Communists overthrew the Republican/Democratic government, rather than the Tsarists. They murdered the Tzar and his family long after they were already out of power.

You make americans look smart.

>memeflag talks about who is stupid
Go suck that jewish dick I am sure worked well for us europeans.

You are both subhumanly stupid and also intellectually dishonest. You’re even unfitting for a slave, a waste of air.

Okay schlomo go and jew somewhere else.

>upper class marxists overthrow bourgeoisie worsening the conditions for the lower classess significantly

>upper class still hold the power, only difference is they didnt earn their positions through merit, but through violence and force

>lower class are even more impoverished than before, only difference being, any additional capital they generate to elevate themselves is confiscated and redistributed (like pissing in the wind)

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Its pretty clear marx was ethnically Jewish but he also openly spoke against jews

>The fag you posted is not Leon Trotsky.
>It's Bronstein
Based retard