Does Jow Forums believe in freedom?

Does Jow Forums believe in freedom?

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freedom from niggers


fucking is okay, marriage isn't

white wife, black mistress has been the winning formula since before the revolution. just make sure you get her tubes tied first.


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Yes, that's why we should kick out everyone who wants to infringes it aka. niggers

interracial marriage should be ostracized and shunned

Freedom of association and dissociation.

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How many blacks does your country have, somewhere around 10 blacks all spread across Seoul. Also, Should you not be playing Stracraft?

not only do we have refugee niggers from africa but american nigger GIs, american nigger teacher GIs, South African nigger teachers (South Africa is an approved country for english teachers), and tourists.

I've dated three different black girls over the span of maybe five months here (alongside white and Korean). Two GIs (one nurse and one military police) and a Bahamian political science grad student at one of the universities around here.

just like the neanderthals the black race will soon be extinct as they're bred out of existence. it doesn't go the other way where we're bred out.

Do you believe that people have the freedom to provide information about the dangers of interracial relationships?

Planting white seed in darkies is ok

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For white men


If I don't have the freedom to create a fascist state then what freedom do I have?

My African wife is the best. I'm waited on hand and foot, she gives it up whenever, and she never asks for anything other than house supplies.

American girls are straight up trash compared to her.

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Moar black queens getting colonized pls

depends freedom needs to be limited sometimes if its for the common good

forgot black qt

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Would you ask that same question of some dude about to fuck his cousin? Outbreeding is as selfish and bad genetically as inbreeding

On the down side there is the Aids.

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The world is deterministic thus there is no freedom in any sense or form.

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The better formula is white wife, asian mistress.

Lol, by that reasoning you have diabetes, alzheimers, depression, obesity, lack of testosterone, and the like.

I'm just saying that most of the girls I know from the US are trash and most of the Africans are fucking wicked nice. YMMV

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even better formula is to fucking allow polygamy mates, Aryan Islam when ? muh wives

to a degree. if muh freedom autism gets in the way of building/fixing society then it becomes a problem.

polygamy is destructive for society. having a major imbalance in mates leads to too many males without a purpose in life and thus they choose to seek purpose elsewhere (destructive terrorist groups). unless you are putting them to use by fighting wars and expanding territory it will crumble society. monogamy is the way to go.

Subhuman Amerimutt nigger mongrels. You are an abomination

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No I don't really believe in freedom. In fact, it doesn't really exist, we all just choose different things to be slaves to. God, money, our selfish desires.
The constant mindless pursuit of freedom, as if it were the end all of mankind, is part of the reason why we have devolved into degenerates.
A man, in particular is never free. He is bound by his land, bound by blood, bound by responsibility to his family and homeland.

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Freedom as we know it in the west is an idol. True freedom is freedom from sin and the freedom to do God's will.

Good don't make me bake a fucking cake for faggots and don't try to tell me what weapons I can own.

Just don’t come cry afterwards

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I used to, then I realised nobody else did. Nobody wants to be free or responsible, they want to be controlled and coddled, never being held accountable.

Democracy is designed for homogeneous societies, dont pretend its useless when it fails under nignogs and bean goblins