Ok, so ive read here from you that the elite worship pic related...

Ok, so ive read here from you that the elite worship pic related. You've told me they sacrifice children and rape kids in her honour.

Though non of you, has ever explained what Ishtar worshipping actually consists of. There's like at least 1000 different anons who say that "the truth is out there", and post the symbols and say what the symbols mean, but there is no coherent narrative other than spooky shit and a lingering claim of these symbols being powerfol for being old memes.

But nowhere do you go point by point what does these beliefs entail and how do they differ to current western trends of thought and belief. It really seems to me more and more, that you are just 20sth year old acne boys with ego issues who try 15yo ugly girl strategies for getting attention by projecting depth. Am i right?

If not explain it to me please, but answer my questions, i even went as far as reading SnowCrash and i still don't fucking get what Ishtar and the Whore of Babylon has crap to do with power, or why is an "occult" godess when her role is not only taken but purified by the image of the fucking Virgin Mary.

Attached: depositphotos_127567426-stock-illustration-the-stylized-goddess-ishtar-the.jpg (898x1024, 129K)

Other urls found in this thread:


She's the original Satan, back before Christianity stole aspects of stories from Babylonian and Sumerian culture and even the Egyptians, like the great flood and the 10 commandments.

What's her name?


>What's her name?
I guess you didn’t make it to OP’s second paragraph.

2 books I would suggest are The Satanic Witch, and The Satanic Rituals by Anton LaVey.
Both are unironically more informative than the Satanic Bible itself, and they can all be found on Amazon for less than 10 dollars a piece.
A lot of modern day Satanic worship is done in the manner in which it was taught in those books, the Grimorum Verum is a good read on the topic as well.
Also when researching try looking the goddess up as Inanna and not Ishtar, both names are applicable but will yield different search results depending on the author of the source of information you find.

>before Christianity stole
Wouldn't you agree this stories are everywhere? Aren't they maybe just old memes?

Can you explain it further?

Also "She's the original Satan" what do you mean by this? "Satan is actually good guy"?
Or the less woke "Satan represents goddess of nature who the patriarchy subdued with its phallocentric religion"?

Do you think human sacrifice is okay? Would you like to be flayed and burned?

>original satan
hahahahahaha just make it up as you go!

Innana, Ishtar, Izanami, Ixchel, Satyavan , Eurydice, Lot's wife, etc, etc

Godess of Fertility, goes into hell to be cool/gets kidnapped but loses her powers, has to be rescued but rescue kinda fails so she can only come back to the world in Spring but has to return in Winter

>patriarchy subdued with its phallocentric religion
Its actually a very big misunderstanding. Patriarchy is always marked by goddess worship, i.e. Virgin Mary or so, not by fallocentric cult of male god.

Attached: 4d0[1].jpg (800x600, 82K)

>Mesopotamian mud farmer deities

Go be fertile somewhere else...

Attached: pastoralist.png (2518x1024, 468K)

It can't be summed up a tweet. Listen to Bill Cooper Mystery Babylon. All 45 hours. Then you will have an idea of where to start.

This is one of the false idols that Moses smashed, poured the ashes to a lake and forced the believers to drink the water to destroy it completely.

thats interesting to know, but doesnt change the fact that that argument is thrown around a lot as moral justification for getting into witchcraft and satanism


Attached: Ereshkigal.jpg (1660x2208, 1.04M)

So it's this easy? Just kidnap a few kids and sacrifice them at an altar to this lady and you get rich and powerful? This seems pretty easy to reproduce

Gee it's almost as though the Deus Vult LARPers on this board don't actually know very much about religion
>though it is a LARP so OP taking it seriously is also misguided

What I mean is the story of Lucifer/Satan was based on her
She makes the same journey in the lore, unfortunately many of the tablets from which her stories were translated were destroyed so we only have bits and parts to go off of as is
Here's the absolute shortest summary for you
She ruled over Heaven and was cast down to Hell, clawed her way up out of hell to then rule over the human domain and attempt to make her way back up to Heaven and rule over it again
She wasn't necessarily bad, she like most gods of old mythologies was just a personification of nature used to explain thr irregularities of human behavior, she had a temper and was prone to vengence, many lovers though one human in particular won her heart only to pursue other women in her leave causing her to cast him down to hell in a jealous rage, his sister sacrifices herself to take his place for half the year which is an ancient explanation for why we have seasons, in the winter Inanna is cold and sad due to the absence of her beloved Dumuzi, in the summer she is warm and joyful at his return, etc.
She also ruled over planets Venus and Mars, since she was a goddess of both love and war, her essence is split up into those separate characters in later mythologies
A very wide amount of modern day literature is even based on her actually, she was a really important goddess in regards to all mythologies and relgions to follow after
There's a lot and I'm not the greatest at explaining it, all I can say is keep researching user, it's just one of those things that makes more sense the more you learn about it

she's just one that one section of the elite and their thralls worship, other elites and their thralls worship other individual archons
it's not much different from india, different hindu tribes worship different individuals of the 8 gods as their patron god
playing elona would probably help you gain insight into the whole thing and how it works

Ereshkigal was her sister who ruled over the underworld, though I've also heard the interpretation that Ereshkigal was supposed to simply be an extension of Inanna herself as she's supposed to be the goddess who gains rule over all domains

>goddess of both love and war

Any idea how this dual role came to be or how these roles fit together in the old Sumeran religion? Because from today's perspective it looks a bit weird to me.

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>Anton LaVey.
Kill yourself.

what really?? all this time the owl lady was Innana's sister? are you sure? when i google Ishtar i get the owl lady too

no but i see it outside too, its not this boards larp, its a thing cool 25yos do for depth-signal

As far as i know she descends to hell at her own will, but each gate she crosses she is expected to leave one clothing item behind. One she gets to the end she is naked and all her power, derived from her clothes and makeup, is gone, she is left bare bodied.
There she is enslaven and never allowed to return.
Then some dude comes in and makes a deal with the underworld godess to have her back cause without her the world was not fertile anymore and everything was dying.
Underworld Godess allows it for 6 months every year.

It seems to me like you are mixing stories here, completely forgetting Enki, and making a goddess worship of what is essentially a fertility meme that is mirrored in every other religion ever.

Spanish video about sumerians and real annunakis info

Jewish copy and paste sumerian and babilonias religions.

Human sacrifices, sexual orgies,canibalism begins pagan rituals making catholic people call everything pagan satanism.


is there a worse way to hold snakes?

sorry, Dumuzid

Probably because of duality, one could say all emotions are the same and just passion with different personalitys, war and love being dualistic and complete opposites in nature was probably what caused them to go hand in hand, like the cliche eternal battle between hope and despair

its not love, is sex, or rather, rape

blood and semen, bodily fluids

>taking La Vey seriously


The statues had such wonderful bimbo tiddies back in the days.

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Alex filmed the whole bohemian thing back in the 80s...

That's Innana, not moloch you absolute "Argentinian"

Ishtar is Nut

Her name means Irrigation and Nut is seen wearing a Vessel upon her head of Irrigation.

Hence The Star tarot card is associated with The Pheonix, 8 pointed Star and Irrigation

Attached: The Star.jpg (171x281, 14K)