Business idea: we round up all the non-whites and concentrate them in camps so they can’t infect society

Business idea: we round up all the non-whites and concentrate them in camps so they can’t infect society.

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Funny, because that's exactly what we're going to do to you in 30 years.

Business Idea
Buy a bunch of land and do not let strangers on it.

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So you admit you deserve it.

Would you like to invest in my business user? I can help you set up your own franchise.

What are you going to call these camps where you concentrate the non-whites?

Safe spaces. Guaranteed to work.

Yep, this ones going in my cringe compalation

Close - segregated safe spaces

>round up all the non-whites and concentrate them in camps

t. homeless american

You’re the only one cringing you self sterilized, onions infused, pencil neck, unwashed, white knight, treasonous, leg shaving, prostate stimulating, weed smoking, proud feminist, race traitor.

Greetings my European ally

The absolute state of Leftists.

Autocorrect changed onions to onions


What we should have done is went with Polk's version of the map and also kept Philippines and Cuba after annexing them. THEN we should have rounded up all the blacks and spics left over and send them to the Philippines. Then granted them independence.

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And they all die from an accidental gas leak.

Just realized you can’t say s.o.y on Jow Forums or it automatically gets changed to onions.

Brainlet detected

now combine that word with boy.

selamun aleyküm

Oy vey could you just imagine
Been a few weeks now gordie

Jesus no, get me out of that shithole.

Im fucking in.
110% baby

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Op is a so᠌yboy.

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This still might work

There are more nonwhites, good luck white subhuman you’re going into the camp

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We can also make them review new pesticides so their time isn't wasted fucking around in there. Time is money.

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I’m going to personally escort you to your new home


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Animefags go along with them

Like it. It is of course a moral duty of every compassionate human being to ensure that vulnerable people experiencing systemic racism, anti-semitism, islamophobia, homophobia, trans-phobia and fat-phobia can access the protective and care services of a Segregated Safe Space.

Pic related, meeting the needs of marginalized people in a SSS.

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sounds good to me OP

1) Whites voluntarily intern themselves in concentration camps due to racist guilt
2) slowly expand these voluntary camp borders

Great idea OP. But you don't want those camps to be a burden. So include enough land inside the camps for the prisoners to grow food for themselves, and demand that they do so. Make sure no-one can get our OR IN, no collaboration amirite?

It’s the Christian and moral thing to do

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