Say something nice about anarchists

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they cook a mean fried rat

They're not (((progressives))).

they mean well "heart is in the right place"
usually not much real life experience

If they could just fuck off and stop being smelly junkies with no organization or purpose i could take them seriously

>They're not (((progressives))).
Is this bait?

they have cool hair
but their music sucks NSBM and DSBM is far superior.

i laughed a little to hard at this. cheers lad

I like them more than Commies.

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He’s @anarchoprole if you wanna check him out. He’s rather special.

at least most of them dont racemix

also many of them arent even retarded, they are just surrounded by the wrong people

easy to spot and kill

They allow us to 100% keep them in check because they're too mentally destroyed by decades of drug abuse to realize that the only reason their gatherings are allowed is that they're 100% infiltrated

Fuck you I won't do what you tell me.

He looks like he could be a decent looking regular guy if he didn't have the pozzed hair and that hideous shit in his ear.

Aaaaah, they make great target practice?

That's not an Anarchist but a welfare leech.
Hitler was an Anarchist.

Staunch cryptoanarchist here.
The Internet needs to be free (as in liberty).
Lol who gives a shit about the offline world, damn normies

It only attracts the cream of the retards retards.

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they are very enthusiastic

Pssht, conspiracy theory: the interwebs is built on top of the offline world, with so called "servers" that span around the whole world, clustered in "data centers".

The internet is an anarchist, or it used to be. Do I win an internet today??

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Through cryptography and similar technologies it's possible to create a decentralised Internet overlaid across the current internet that is impossible to take down, censor, or control, without destroying the whole damn thing.
Habeeb it.
In 20 years the Internet will be unrecognizable.

They are commies. They just want to skip the dictatorship of the proletariat stage and go right to a stateless society.

These days you can only be anarchist inside your four walls. We were a lot further in the 18 and 19 hundreds.

They are often white

Like a lot of people they want to ignore human nature.
>yey anarchy reigns supreme! we are finally free! hmm what's with this group of guys with guns giving us orders?

they make okay fertilizer

If they got their way it wouldn’t be illegal to shoot them

>Hitler was an Anarchist

Anarchists will be the first to die in an actual anarchy.

He was at heart.