Does Free will exist?

Everything we do is essentially useless as our decisions are subject to the genes we were dealt expressing themselves within a given environment with said genes displaying a deterministic pattern, if free will is merely an abstract concept and not objective truth.

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And? Play the game or go home.

But if Free will doesn't exist, "you" are not playing anything.

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Then if it bothers you kill yourself m8

Objective truth in itself is only a concept we talk about, but never actually engage with. You're not prepared to perceive objective truth or contextual objects on a physical level, considering your entire being is possibly entangled in quantum, and your very act of measuring (sight, touch, hearing, etc) has an impact on the results, rendering those who seek objective truth completely lost in a potentially infinite universe with a possibly infinite amount of truths the comprehend. Your ONLY option is to be okay with that. You'll never see a perfect sphere. You'll never be sure if the tree that just fell made a sound because you were there or not. You will always have to choose what you consider to be true.

Now consider free will (or a lack of). If it too lies within the unreachable realm of that universal perspective some like to philosophize about, then what? Well choose, of course. Choose the truth that serves your life the best, and hold onto to it until it longer serves a purpose to your life. Anything else is idiotic.

You require Free will to go against your self preservation instinct.

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The real redpill is that it absolutely doesn't matter.

Not bad.

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Oh look, it's the ancap Freud faggot again, "muh sphincter stage."

If genetic/biological imperative governs all of your actions, how would you have the self-awareness to observe it, comment on it, and criticize it? We're not mindlessly replicating ourselves like bacteria. Human beings have a collective will, multiple layers of consciousness, and decision-making capacity.

If free will doesn't exist, and everything is genetic imperative, how could anyone commit suicide? Wouldn't the programming kick in and force him to stick his benis in bagina and procreate? How can we opt for homosexuality, or abstinence?

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itt user shall freely shitpost

This is actually not a coherent sentence.

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Well does self awareness
necessarily prove we have Free will if a computer can determine our actions before we even conceptualize a movement?

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the path we walk is paved for us by others and on that path the only choices we have are when we come to a crossroads.

but do we walk, refuse to walk, or go off the path into the woods? do we try and make our own path?

these are all choices but ultimately, free will is a conscious decision. self awareness is a conscious decision. Many people live comfortably as machines because its easier for them this way. It's not good or bad, just a choice.

You're not answering my fundamental question. If we are just mindless self-replicating genes with no agency, how is it that we are capable of and in fact very often act in contradiction with the Darwinistic, biological imperative of the human race? There ought not be any wars, and we would be mindlessly fucking, partying, and breeding like mice. Except we have both light and darkness to us that animals lack. This is our intellectual capacity, the free will, and how it can both cooperate and conflict with the underlying biological will of natural selection and survival of the fittest, which we can't control.

Collective unconscious also has yet to be proven within the Scientific realm. But it is an interesting concept.

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The path appears under the steps of the walking one.

Then good. Your just a worthless fag, but don't worry it's not your fault!

I'm not asserting Free will doesn't exist, I'm sort of playing devil's advocate here. But hasn't war and social status been part and parcel of the Human condition ever since our ancestors started banging rocks together to make fire? You're also assuming that a cognitively complex activity such driving a car or pursuing a hobbie is free from the deterministic environment are material brains are subject to.

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typo*such as*

You seem overly emotional from a discussion where I have not asserted a strong position. You may want to reflect on that.

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No what your doing is making the same damn thread over and over that's been made a million times before.
Right now you have a choice to not do this.
But instead you act as though you have no choice and continue to spam pseudophilosophy


I thought you said we have no will, how can I reflect on "anything" you scrotum?

Nothing in psychoanalysis is scientifically verifiable. Picking between Freud and Jung, or even taking the third option and rejection psychoanalysis altogether, it's like finding a favorite flavor of ice cream. You feel it in your gut. Jung built on whatever basis he shared with Freud and creating something infinitely more compelling and which answered so many questions for me, while at the same time creating a few others.

You can't scientifically verify the collective unconsciousness any more than id, ego, and super-ego. It's a matter of what feels true to you.

My theory on why Jung surpassed Freud yet is overshadowed by him in academia, is that the Jews hate that an uppity goy like Jung trumped a Hebrew at his own game. Like you told me the other day, Freud is a "Jewish icon." That can do a lot to explain why Jung is so overshadowed and we learn nothing about him in government school.

Why are you so emotionally charged over the notion that Freewill may not exist?

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>Implying I believe in free will
You are an actual Israeli aren't you?

What ever makes you sleep at night.

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The subconcious mind exists, you can't access the integral for of your thoughts .

I believe it's an emergent phenomena.
I just have lots of actions available to me creating the illusion of free will.

However, I believe you to be of semitic ancestry due to argumentation style.

>Does Free will exist?
>Everything we do is essentially useless
No, there is a purpose. You may think the purpose is useless, but there is a purpose.
>as our decisions are subject to the genes we were dealt expressing themselves within a given environment with said genes displaying a deterministic pattern
But this does not make the resulting actions useless.
>if free will is merely an abstract concept
It's not an abstract concept. The concept of free will helps highlight how we cannot observe the origin of our thoughts and thus buy into the illusion that we are free.

Are we the originator or just a wire.

>Objective truth in itself is only a concept we talk about, but never actually engage with.
Engage? Objective truth can only be experienced by the one that is omniscient. The rest of the us have to settle for bounded rationality.
> Your ONLY option is to be okay with that. You'll never see a perfect sphere.
Yeah, you're right.
>Well choose, of course.
There's not "real" process of choice in the known universe. Everything is pre-determined. Your "choice" appears to be a choice only because you cannot observe the way your thoughts originate.

In practice, you are a videogame character with one life and no continues.
It's actually pretty easy to live when you see things in terms of stats and progress.

No thanks autist, the simulation theory is retarded and an infinite regress.

So some people have had free will but you don’t? Sorry buddy can’t relate to that one

Save more brainlet memes dude
They’re really funny and original and you really help show how smart you are when you spam them

That actually could make a lot of sense, but I suppose even suicide(with out a metaphysical explanation) is determined.

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quantum physics prove free will exists. determinism was debunked decades ago.

Only a conscious being could fool itself into believing it's non-conscious, it CANNOT work the other way around, non-consciousness cannot create consciousness nor the illusion of consciousness, because that in itself requires consciousness.

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Does it actually exist? No
Is predicting the entire algorithm of human thought possible yet as to be able to predict all possible actions? No.

So it doesn't fucking matter. It's free enough.

I don't really think we understand what consciousness truly is, other than the fact that we all experience it. Perhaps after A.I becomes consciousness, we might get a better understanding of the previously aforementioned subject.

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Or perhaps after A.I becomes conscious*

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AI can never be conscious, it's logically impossible. It has no more ability to become concious than a washing machine. It doesn't matter how much code, how much computing power, you will never get "true" consciousness, only something that mimics it. It will never have a subjective experience like we do, no matter how convincing it may look.

>look at my I'm arbitrarily deciding that my organic logic algorithm can't be replicated!

Lol, you're not special. Your just a bunch of pathways being run.

My non-conscious pathways have "chosen" to respond to your post created by your non-conscious pathways by saying that you're a non-conscious faggot and if you were actually conscious you'd be a faggot like that as well. If you take offence to this comment please don't blame me for I am simply the puppet of these non-conscious pathways. I also consummated with your mother last night but it wasn't me it was my non-conscious pathways, so again, be mad at them not me.

Wow, that was gay as fuck. Do you feel smart? Because you're not.

Sorry, I don't associate with non-conscious people. Go be non-conscious somewhere else.