South Carolina first state to legally define the criticism of Jews or Israel as anti-Semitism

> (B) For purposes of this proviso, the term definition of anti-Semitism includes:

> (1) a certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews.

> (2) calling for, aiding, or justifying the killing or harming of Jews;

> (3) making mendacious, dehumanizing, demonizing, or stereotypical allegations about Jews

> (4) accusing Jews as a people of being responsible for real or imagined wrongdoing

> (5) accusing the Jews as a people, or Israel as a state, of inventing or exaggerating the Holocaust;

> (6) accusing Jewish citizens of being more loyal to Israel

> (7) using the symbols and images associated with classic anti-Semitism

> (8) drawing comparisons of contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis;

> (9) blaming Israel for all inter-religious or political tensions;

> (10) applying double standards by requiring of it a behavior not expected or demanded of any other democratic nation;

> (11) multilateral organizations focusing on Israel only for peace or human rights investigations; and

> (12) denying the Jewish people their right to self-determination, and denying Israel the right to exist


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Other urls found in this thread:

WHY is SC so cucked?
>Cuck Gowdy
>Poo Haley
>Lindsey Grahamnesty
>Neocon nigger Scott

SCfags, explain yourselves

> (8) drawing comparisons of contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis;
Is this the sign that is the sign?!?

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top goy

Why would people who want such laws be on Jow Forums?
I don't think anybody from SC is on this board.

> (B) For purposes of this proviso, the term definition of anti-Europidism includes:

> (1) a certain perception of Europids, which may be expressed as hatred toward Europids.

> (2) calling for, aiding, or justifying the killing or harming of Europids;

> (3) making mendacious, dehumanizing, demonizing, or stereotypical allegations about Europids

> (4) accusing Europids as a people of being responsible for real or imagined wrongdoing

> (5) accusing the Europids as a people, or America as a state, of inventing or exacerbating agricultural Slavery;

> (6) accusing European descendants of being more loyal to Europe

> (7) using the symbols and images associated with classic anti-white sentiment

> (8) drawing comparisons of contemporary policy established by our Democratic Republic to that of the Nazis;

> (9) blaming European-descendant populations for all inter-religious or political tensions;

> (10) applying double standards by requiring of it a behavior not expected or demanded of any other democratic nation;

> (11) multilateral organizations focusing on European-descendant peoples only for peace or human rights investigations or reparations; and

> (12) denying the white and Caucasian people their right to self-determination, and denying America the right to exist

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I'm starting to think Trump is a child molester just like the fucking rest of them. Is hope truly lost?

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That would be nice. Say what you will but European-style socialists are pretty crafty when it comes to defending their in-group interests.

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there are only 5 million people in the whole state it's got an awful climate too a really miserable fucking place filled with miserable fucking idiots

We need a SC user to deliberately be arrested and charged under this new legislation so we can get a Supreme Court challenge. This will be struck down immediately, if not....

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holy kek
that's worse than us

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> it passed the state House of Representatives by 103-3

>accusing the Jews ... of real ... wrongdoing

you guys better stop this shit before it snowballs

wouldn't this basically make like 50% of people in SC "anti-semites"?

What the fuck can we do? If we protest, our faces get plastered all over the news, our lives ruined and still nothing will change. If we try to ignore it in our businesses, we lose funding. Seriously, I'm asking what the fuck do we do? Because it's starting to feel pretty fucking hopeless

Send those senators a link to It's purpose is to be counter-semitic. It's purpose is to enlighten the public about the Jewish Question. JimmyRustler is mean't to rustle. Use it wisely, but most of all, use it hilariously.

ZOG must be stopped if we hope to save the west. The TRUTH must be found out or we will be slaves.

Mossad agents are everywhere

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Anyone criticizing Israel’s foreign policy is a anti-Semite

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You've got to call out Jews all day, all the time. Fuck them, and their rules. Remember how flamboyant and annoying gays were to get there degeneracy spread.

Well you've got to be just as annoying with the Jewish Question. Fuck them.

Are you surprised?

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Didn't the Supreme Court recently say that hate speech is protected under the first amendment? Nothing will happen, if anything, it will make people hate the kikes even more

Israel’s foreign policy not all jews

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> the bill’s champion, State Representative Alan Clemmons, is both a Republican and a Mormon. He seems to have made it his cause to be more pro-Jewish than most Jews are [...], last year he even went so far as to attack the pro-Israel J Street PAC for being anti-Semitic
> As for the current bill, he claims that he introduced it due to the recent rise in anti-Semitism across the United States, and specifically in response to bomb threats that were made in early 2017 against Jewish institutions in South Carolina. (Apparently, Clemmons didn’t get the news that many of these bomb threats were in fact made by an Israeli Jew.)
We're reaching levels of good goyim that shouldn't even be possible.

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this is straight up concern trolling

Little known fact
Wiemar Germany had laws against anti-semitism

>South Carolina Democratic Senator Brad Hutto, who opposed the bill, said its proponents were trying to inject the state’s lawmakers into a foreign policy debate.

>“If state government has a role, let’s just say we’re against discrimination,” Hutto said.

>Joe Cohn, legislative and policy director for the non-partisan Foundation for Individual Rights in Education, said the legislation would insert “a tremendous amount of censorship onto college campuses around discussions of Israel and its policies.”

This is anti-American and unconstitutional. The Democrat is correct about it being another overreach of lawmakers into speech, specially foreign policy debate. South Carolina is trying to compete with Commiefornia on being the most anti-American state. Complete garbage.

They literally DID run the slave trade. Period. Fact.

>Californian boomers and North East jewz moving en masse to the Carolinas

I wonder if this has anything to do with that. Yikes.

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That’s their goal. American deepstate wants destruction of US. Israel’s deepstate mossad wants destruction of Israel, Order out of Chaos NWO

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SC fag here. I actually work in the state house. This bill has no chance of passing. Jow Forums overplaying shit as usual.

Also, nobody here likes Lindsey Graham. He only gets voted in due to old boomers blanket voting R on the ballots. However more and more people are becoming aware of his cucked antics and should get voted out soon

The democrat is correct. How is this not unconstitutional?

Where is the ACLU... oh.

And then what do I do once I'm homeless, nobody wants to hire me and I'm just a rambling bum on the streets?

Gee could it be because I'm concerned?

Black man in English colony was the first slave owner, matter of fact blacks owned slaves too
>pic related

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>(3) making mendacious, dehumanizing, demonizing, or stereotypical allegations about Jews as such or the power of Jews as a collective;

>stereotypical allegations about Jews as such or the power of Jews as a collective

>(4) accusing Jews as a people of being responsible for real or imagined wrongdoing committed by a single Jewish person or group, the state of Israel, or even for acts committed by non-Jews;

>real or imagined wrongdoing

>(12) denying the Jewish people their right to self-determination

1000 suns

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I want to believe but nothing good ever happens here

You're delusional.

> The bill is expected to be signed into law by Governor Henry McMaster, who has already pledged his support for it; assuming it is, then unless it is challenged by the courts, it will go into effect as planned.

Hilton Head fake American silicone boobs isn’t that good?

The Republicans can kiss every election in the future goodbye if they keep this Jew shit up. Supporting Israel at the expense of our Constitution had crossed the line.

>This bill has no chance of passing

What am I missing here?

>South Carolina legislators had attempted to get the law passed as a separate bill last year, but while it passed the state House of Representatives by 103-3, it then stalled in the Senate due to concerns that it violated the First Amendment. The bill’s backers managed to bypass this difficulty by attaching it as a proviso to the state budget for 2018-19, which passed the Senate on April 12, 37-4

Good thing first amendment protects hate speech and virtue signalling legislation like this has no say in America.

The bill is an anti-discrimination bill that only enforces already existing legislation with an emphasis on Israel. I guarantee you the courts will strike this down, it's simply unconstitutional. It also cannot be enforced; you can't be arrested for free speech in America. It's a symbolic law ushered in by neocons to appease the chosen people

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what percent of scfags know Graham is a faggot

Sayanim is masculine or mixed plural (an all-female group would be sayanoth); singular is sayan.

It's getting harder for people to deny that Jews run our country.

dependent on ((who)) the judges are.

How much in donations has he received from Israel?

I don't know a single person that likes him. Everyone loves Gowdy and Haley though

sc must be sued and the lawmakers removed and forcibly imprisoned. this law is entirely unconstitutional
>muh hate speech discrimination nonsense
Total bullshit, there is no such thing as hate speech.
Death to all anti-free speech niggers.

they are not even baiting... they are literally telling our government what to do...

I can only explain this in one way... they actually overthrew the US decades ago but keep the pretenses to avoid the war because they can not win it due to very limited population of their own, but they easily can control a small group of people who seem to be in control.

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SC reporting
Fuck you Svenhommad

I want to die

This place is full of fucking Church of Christ, Baptist, Televangelists who believe that Israel will bring the return of Jesus if we give $6 gorillon every second.

Most people here don't know what goes on and in terms of Christians here it's boomers who are like "HE'LL YEAH BRHTER I WERE IN THE MARINES WE GOTTA DEFEND THE LORDS LAND!!!"
Conservative here is literally Jow Forumsthedonald with "I'm not racist but lel based black man!" and talking about millions of problems but never ever wanting to do anything about it. Just good old Southern pride stuff and you'll get the vote.

They overthrew this country in 1913. It's been a slow decline ever since. Our society is full of (((dual citizens))) who actively work to undermine the US. Most of our government receives money from Jews, which is why so many (republicans in particular) bend to Israel.
Laws such as this are ultimately a good thing for us; it forces Americans to wake up faster to the JQ.

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I live in SC. NSA check my IP.
1. The holohoax never happened but i wish it would again.
2. jews created ursury, which will be the downfall of western civilization.
3. all communists are jews. all communists should be killed.
4. jews are the scum of the earth.
5. israel is the cause of instability in the middle east, and they frame the western world by dominating international finance and by holding us hostage with nuclear weapons.
6. jews are pretty much the worst thing ever, and i would celebrate if they all died pretty much instantly. or slowly.

owo hate speech isn't illegal fuck you NSA.


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>accusing Jews as a people of being responsible for real or imagined wrongdoing

> (10) applying double standards by requiring of it a behavior not expected or demanded of any other democratic nation;

uhmmmmmmm..... there's something foreboding to this shit, like they're trying to extirpate their Jewish identity from it's "fellow white person" association just before the shit hits the south african fan here in the coming decade

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>accusing Jews as a people of being responsible for real or imagined wrongdoing
>real or imagined wrongdoing
>real wrongdoing

South Carolina is a shit hole. I thought North Carolina was bad. Then I crossed that state line...

Well, South Carolina had the most jews in the US back in the civil war era, so it makes sense

states rights! :^)


The Jewish Vilification Act

>first Confederate state becomes the goyest state

Jesus fuck.

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Its not like we got to vote on this. Like everything else kike related it was snuck in over night

So a SC declares they recognize people hate jews. Yippy skippy.
user: "jews are greedy fucks that lied about the holocaust!"
SC: "Hey, that's anti semitism!"
user: " So?"
SC: "..........."

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>(4) accusing Jews as a people of being responsible for real or imagined wrongdoing
>(4) accusing Jews as a people of being responsible for real ... wrongdoing



So am I still allowed to shitpost about kikes or what?

Americans are jew slaves.

you would know faggot

Mate, its not like London passed a law saying that "being angry at Muslim terrorists is anti-Islamic hate speech".

South Carolina basically just outlawed any criticism of a Jew of any kind. You can never speak about the UK again.

The article acknowledges Jews didn't ask for this, some are even worried it could backfire. It's the doing of turbocuck good goys who thought they were doing the right thing. Dems are evil but normie Republicans are just retarded.

>I'm starting to think
Trump has been known for years to be among Lolita Express clients

This is retarded. You can tell kike from the roof of your house all day in SC and all they can do is say "That's anti semitism!"
This is the state legislature sucking dick is what it is. Speech is free.



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So long as you're just a lowly peasant with no influence. If you're a teacher or business owner say goodbye to your livelihood.

Not anymore. There's no free speech in SC now and soon the same will be true in all the other states. They have the dems and most of the republicucks. Trump is the biggest jew slave.

im from SC and i had no clue this was being pushed through its fucked but why here like i live outside myrtle beach which is sodom but the rest of sc is pretty based why not california doing this before us i guess its all the neocons who suck israeli dick

Be honest. It's the christians. Christians worship jews. And it's going to spread to the other states soon. Why wouldn't it?

SCfag here, didn't even know this shit was in the works, what the hell?

Aye fellow SC. How far outta MB are you? I'm near Florence and shit here is FUBAR. Only time I ever go to MB is during the winter because no niggers are there (and sometimes on the 4th but not recently).

I mean ill be fr i attend church but Im having least with the system im not an atheist by any means but for instance my anglicancuck preacher has stickers of the Israeli Defense Force and stars of david on his car an he always brings jews up so...its kinda fucked in the bible belt at least with the jewish question

im from pawleys a little south of myrtle if u know where it is a little resort town. Basically all white since its beachfront.

U in hs in florence I have a good bit of freinds and family up there

literally how can whitoids even dream in compiting

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Nah man, i'm a little outside of Florence, but nobody knows my town name so I just say im in Florence to avoid confusion. I bet pawleys floods like a bitch, how did ya'll fare when Matthew came through? We had 8 feet of water in the back pastures around where i'm at in some of the lower areas with about 2 feet of running around around the house.

Christianity is a slave religion.

>don't do banking goy... we will take care of that
>don't allow your priests to have children goy...
>yes goy all humans are worth the same now go and save so nigger christians in africa

Christianity allowed the jews to break down the strong pagen Roman Empire and it prevented euros from doing banking so the jews got a monopoly on that. If you're a christian you serve the jews.

not bad actually i got the fuck out of town and went to greenville but all our house are on stilts pretty sure its zoning law but must of the water drained off to the waccamaw the storm surge was gnarly though a lot of my freinds surfed it niggas almost died.

this. Most law schools are filled with likes because they need to control the courts to continue being parasites

Yeah im considering baltic and germanic paganism or at least uncucked christiainty I think the concept of god is pretty constant but i want to worship him in a traditional way according to my ancestors and traditions considering my father is estonian and my moms parents immmigrated from germany for the auto industry.

Shit man that ain't bad. My pops and I were locked in the property for about a week before anyone could even get to us. We had miles of trees down, shit was fucked in all directions. I think I had some pictures around here if you wanna peep em.

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>say bad things about joos in sc
>oy vey you cant do that
>take long ride down to kirkland
>get classified as level 3 for hate speech
>get sent to lee or leiber

wew no thanks moving out this state

This smells like lobbyists.

Fuck those goddamn cocksucking kike motherfuckers. Never knew a kike to turn down something free, there's some free speech for you oven dodgers. Pork.

Sure I saw some of the footage and was appaled florence county took it in the ass. Yall alwasy get fucked with the flooding