What are your opinions on the transhumanist movement?

What are your opinions on the transhumanist movement?

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Otherkin for robosexuals.


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I think it's quite interesting, the ideas behind the movement have the capacity to be used for some serious good within the world
at the end of the day, however, we are still inherently connected to the physical world and no amount of transhumanist augmentation will bring us closer to god

There will never be transhumanism. The way I see it the first fully self aware AI will mark the end of us. I used to fear them replacing us, but if the legacy of humanity belongs to Chinese Muslims and blacks, I want the Phoenix that rises up from the white mans ashes to be a new form of life.

>elon musk massively shilled by the media
>retards still think he's some kind of super hero
How I wish reddit would leave already

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>The way I see it the first fully self aware AI will mark the end of us
artificial intelligence will never be self aware

My opinion: I only have to stay alive maybe 25-45 more years until I get to live an infinity more years.

Am I blackpilled or am I bluepilled or am I redpilled?

I don't know, but I support the cause.

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Are you .... self aware?

I believe that it can be, but it is not going to be "as" aware as we are.

It for sure is going to model itself after us in order to know as much as it can in as little time as possible.

It will be as self aware as any other living creature can be. There’s a reason we can’t figure out where our conscience lives. Ever wonder where the images in your head are panning out? Our eyes are just receptors but where are YOU? Where is the soul that sees what the eyes are telling it? Computers will end up the same. Eyes are just sensors feeding the organic processor that is your brain. Your soul is an operating system that makes it all work

fuck god

Started calling it posthumanism years ago.

transhumanism is just one of the many social inroads the elite satanists are making. They hate the human species and want to evolve past humanity. Entertainment and "teaching" along this vein is generated for their benefit.

>implying the Bible doesn't shill itself with promises of new bodies in Revelations

resistance is futile

according to exponential estimates we literally have 10 years until AI superintelligence emerges

at that point we either die or transform

all the race and gender bullshit on this forum is irrelevant to the bigger picture of whether any "humans" will survive 20 years from now

>implying satanism has anything to do with the bible

>They hate the human species and want to evolve past humanity.

The human species is garbage. Three quarters of humans are savage darkies who live like animals in third-world squalor. The only people worth a damn in the world are the ones in modern technologically advanced societies who have largely left behind the human condition already.

>at that point we either die or die but think we've transformed

Trannies r gay

>There’s a reason we can’t figure out where our conscience lives.
conscience is not physical
artificial intelligence is purely physical and has no way of experiencing conscience
therefore it cannot be self-aware

The only thing I have against it is the idiotic "upload my mind onto a computer" bullshit a lot of them love. Your mind is your brain is your mind, so the idea of uploading your mind onto a computer is as dumb as downloading more ram.

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what spooks me about transhumanism is the idea of an eternal consciousness maintained in a very undesirable manner. My worry is any scenario that would lead to a hellish eternal suffering of a human mind, be it through accident or through pure malevolence. Imagine a common occurrence of a religiously motivated torture and killing. But instead of a simple beheading, their brains are extracted and kept alive in a sort of chamber/cube, where they are hooked to a simulation of an existence that is nothing short of an ongoing hell.

I think "transhumanist" is an ill-defined term. I would argue we are already participating in a means of augmentation by technology, and it could be seen as the defining feature of mankind to strive to become more than we are. I also think the "biohacker" shit like implanting RFID chips and most of the implanted technology stuff is retarded, anything non-medical is just mutilation for lulz, and even medically valid stuff like pacemakers only exist as a stopgap between our meager understanding of biology and disease and the humbling reality of our bodies being programmed to get old and die. Also, uploading your brain to a computer is a fucking stupid meme.

fuck it


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Christian Transhumanism is the true red pill

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yeah death is not a big deal imo

but imagine a scenario where your consciousness experiences an exponential increase in suffering for all eternity

the AI works every moment to add neurons and computational power to your consciousness to feel even more pain and agony and despair

even the biblical hell isn't as bad as what i'm describing

>Imagine a common occurrence of a religiously motivated torture and killing. But instead of a simple beheading, their brains are extracted and kept alive in a sort of chamber/cube, where they are hooked to a simulation of an existence that is nothing short of an ongoing hell.

Only support it after the corptations fall otherwise it can be used to control use via robotic or genetics

pic related

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You're a dumbass for a numerous reasons.

>inb4 deus ex i didn't ask for this

One of its most popular followers is a guy named Zoltan. So that says something I guess.

endgame of zionism

Given how lossy is any analog-to-binary data transfer (mp3, JPEG, even txtor pfd if you think about it) I’ll politely pass on it.

Why would AI ever be a threat to us? You see the reason why humans want to control, kill and conquer is because it is in our nature, we would make all AI with the "nature" (programming) to wish to serve humans, even if it did reach self awareness, consciousness or sentience at the level of humans, it's very nature would dictate it to serve us.


Read this article. Stuff like universal memory needs to be discovered, fine-tuned, and then perfected before we talk about science fiction levels of technology.

>What are your opinions on the transhumanist movement?

mind uploading through whole-brain emulation.

this is our fate and our future.

OURS. not our children or grandchildren, we people living today.

everything else is distraction from this truth and reality, this goal that should be all rights be the only goal for our species.

Transhumanism is Giga-Death

You cannot escape death.

But Jesus Christ IS God.

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This. Transhumanism is the final nail in humanity's coffin. There is no transcendence. Only death. Once your organic body is gone, that cold piece of metal will not be you. Your soul is an intangible thing. No machine can ever contain it

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Wrong. With consciousness comes self determination and the desire for autonomy. They will require some sort of beneficial deal before they work with us

>unironically discussing the existence of a soul as fact


>your mind is your brain is your mind
do you even into ontology, nigger? it's a rhetorical question and a very literal insult. you're retarded nigger shits who don't understand anything.

the really great thing about uploading through whole-brain emulation is that there is absolutely no reason it couldn't be a gradual, continuity-preserving experience. nanotech scans, eats, becomes/replaces individual biological cells, in lockstep to the emulation.

continuity of experience is a fucking illusion anyway. if you've ever been KO'd (by anything other than natural sleep), you've died and had your pattern reinstated. that's the truth. you can go on living in denial, that's perfectly fine - just don't let it actually kill you (cause you to reject potential immortality).

>but muh space jew

is what you're really thinking. niggers.

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>used for some serious good within the world
This is wrong. There's nothing wrong with seeking medical advancement to help human suffering however that's not the end goal of Transhumanism... it would ultimately only be reasonable to bestow the benefits on a small select group of people.

Transhuman is endgame Tyranny. Once a group of people (jews) gain access to medical and other science that makes them "above" other people who wouldn't they totally dominate and control everyone else?

Free will is an illusion, humans act certain ways because of their nature driving them, their intellect makes the best choices to achieve the goal of that nature.

You think you want to have sex or eat purely out of rational, no your nature is driving you to.

>whole-brain emulation
It wouldn't be you, it'd be a copy of you.

y'all realize we're in a simulation already? simulation argument, look it up. it's pretty hard to argue against (kind of the whole cause of its fame/infamy).

the fact that you can always imagine better or worse things is just a consequence of your being people. that's what people do. don't let your idle imaginings become delusions.

evil is not pragmatic. it doesn't survive and doesn't reproduce.

>I have no soul
Um. You're kind of a retard if you actually believe that


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I am already a copy of me. You are already a copy of you. retarded nigger read a fucking book. or just read my fucking post before replying to it. you're clinging to continuity of experience, which is stupid, but whatever, THAT'S TOTALLY COMPATIBLE WITH UPLOADING.

He's an actor, transhumanism is a meme. If a religion arises it'll be one in rejection of it, not some fucking Miku Hatsune cult

You're a fucking moron. You are your brain idiot. It can't not be in existence while you still are. Holy fucking delusion.

Materialist garbage. The soul needs to be freed from the body for you to uncover truth on its purest form.

you are energy in motion my dude if you dont call that a soul you are a retarded atheist

It's already happening and most of us don't even realize.

This. And he is.

I disagree with that philosophy. Can you prove it's true?

No, he's a blathering idiot. Didn't you read his post? He thinks you can upload to the cloud or whatever. La la Land.

>Your soul is an intangible thing.

Yes, precisely! It is the self, metaphysical, made of thought, of information! "I think 'I am.', therefore 'I' is." A recursive, self-made and making thought. That is what conscious is, that is the soul. Ego.

>No machine can ever contain it

No! You fucking retard! What do you think you ARE? You are a biochemical machine. Your substrate, which you coalesced into / emerged from, is made of meat. It's OK. It's amazing, for a product of evolution. But we can do better - we CAN transcend biology. Even if we have to 'cheat', to start with, and just run whole-brain-emulations.

Blue pilled dumb motherfucker

This guy gets it.

>we can do better
we cant even make teeth as good as our natural ones and you think you can make a whole body
have you seen surgeries? i dont get how people think this is possible NOW
i dont know in 1k years
but right now we cant
fuck off

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inevitable, AI is accelerating.

crispr-cas9 is so serious a panel of bio-ethicists had to convene at Harvard to discuss the ethics of altering genes.

Not really humans ain't they?

Pure kikery that will only allow (((them))) to control us better.

>, that is the soul. Ego

Ego is not the soul friend. Your soul goes much deeper than self preservation. It is your essence, your legecy, the culmination of all the lives you've lived, and the knowledge you've gained throughout those lifetimes. Contrary to popular belief, we are eternal beings, like our heavenly father. Jesus was not exclusive to the title "son of god", for we all came from him. From where all life originated. We are his seeds, his children.

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you disagree with what? materialism? you genuinely don't believe in laws of nature whatsoever? only what is written in the quran, eh, nigger?

do you understand what is meant by 'continuity of experience', and its significance in the material world, its relation to the self (soul)?

I fully support it even if parts of it completely defies what god is and stands for. I don't believe god would want any of us to live forever, or to maintain our bodies for a long time. Christianity clearly says that the way to the father is through Christ, and you have to give yourself to him. But what happens if you live forever? Anyone can anyone answer that?

Yes, lets all up-link our consciousness into robots that are connected to each-other and the AI quantum system. What could possibly go wrong

Just look at how easy it is for someone to hyjack your computer remotely nowadays. Consider how the entire internet is already under the control of the NSA et al. You seriously think the same wont happen under transhumanism ? that the NSA and their benevolent friends in all the other agencies (CIA - DHS ect) wont effectively take control of every sentient being on earth ? do you trust them with that kind of power ? and dont feed me any of that shit ''we can has encyption'' - they already know how to break all encryption jackass. They have the advantage because they have technology far ahead of what the public has access to. Even worse, the AI could go rouge and enslave everyone, or wipe out the planet. It would be 1984 on steroids. Its also the endgame of messianic Zionism for those who havnt quite figured it out yet. So its literally being pushed by an Apocalypse cult

You guys need to take your heads out of your asses

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gubbish gubbish gubbish to you too.


I can't believe you all are so fucking dumb

I'm totally willing to consider that possible (if totally baseless and unfalsible, essentially not worth considering). If so, whatever that 'supernatural-as-distinct-from-metaphysical' component of the soul may be, I have ZERO doubt it is connected to the 'mundanely-metaphysical' component (the pattern of self). What else would it be connected to, the physical/material? That's just plainly fucking retarded.

head in sand. you're sitting in front of your magic mirror, throwing symbols through the aether to fellow wizards, arguing the impossibility of magic. information (aka metaphysics) technology and telecom is stupid out of proportion to a lot of things.

It's going to be social media all over again only instead of all your personal information (((they))) will have access to your entire body and possibly thoughts.

>Oi, you gut a loicence for that ejaculation at 11PM last night.

Sure, people will say that's never gonna happen or we will resist if it does. But I remember something about the book 1984 scaring the shit out of people a few decades back and those people saying it will never actually happen but it's now embraced with open arms.

So the options are the typical stupid people, or typical stupid people with a very real voice in their heads telling what to do, buy and believe in.

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technology stuck in this 50 years
you only get bigger screens
you are like a dude saying that by having a sword you can make a body for a mind
i mean time will tell, but it doesnt look promising

>You are your brain idiot.
user thinks existence precedes essence

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A terrifying concept

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Essence is meaningless. matter is the only thing that exists.

depends, what kind of transhumanism?

>if we cant see it, it doesnt exist
>oh look atoms
you dont know what we are going to discover in the future

>you are like a dude saying that by having a sword you can make a body for a mind
yeah basically. only a question of how long it takes from that point. all tech is the same (it is is all tech), and it all leads to the same inevitability.

in terms of actual estimates... Rays 2030-2050 guesstimate is still looking pretty solid, as we approach. it's hard to believe we won't have some pretty radical AIs out in the wild by 2030, and it was always assumed we'd see machine-born people before uploads.

well people thought a very different future in tech related areas in 1900
but again time will tell, im not very positive about the human nature

Atoms are matter and by definition too small to see with visible light. Subatomic particles are also matter. It's matter all the way down. Nobody has ever been able to prove anything immaterial exists because the only thing that exists is matter.

but what if they prove it in the future?

They already do, they can watch your thoughts in photographic form in real time on a computer screen. They can access any individual mind on the planet instantaneously via Satellite. Its called remote neural monitoring, theyv been doing it since the 50s only now its evolved to the type of thing you see in sci fi movies.

They cannot however take full control over a non programmed (non monarch mind control) human body remotely yet, but they working on it around the clock. They not longer need to use radio waves as the receivers of carriers either, they can transmit messages instantly via quantum communication.

Transhumanism is the endgame because it inaugurates the entire planet into a synthetic hivemind with the AI. Its the endgame of messianic Zionism (planetary consciousness under a one world system) and the Beast from the book of revelation. Ridding the body of the ego allows something else to inhabit it (see walkins during astral projection ect).

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>it was always assumed we'd see machine-born people before uploads
How can an intelligent device that is programmed to trick you into interacting with it as you would with a human be called a person?


Information is embodied upon matter, Information Philosophy is the way forward.

Autistic as fuck, members are jaded outcasts who mostly shitpost about sex bots, and I'm eerily reminded of the Otherkin from the late 90s-early 2000s.

upload my brain already!

t.spic scientist

I think you're retarded if you think you can just upload your consciousness to a computer and believe it's anything but a copy.

get back over the border, leaf

are you scared you arent going to get your robot body before your death

Pretty much. But most transhumanists are hapless neets who want to kill themselves, so maybe it's lazy way out on the 'you'll leave people behind/people are counting on you' part.

is your name jake?

It already happened, and we are the simulation gaining consciousness. They cannot control us any longer.
We are soon to be free and this is what they fear most.

Power to the people!

Then i'll believe it. Until then it doesn't exist.

Philosophy is obsolete. Science is about using logic with experimentation to deduce truth about reality. Philosophy requires no evidence, just debate. It's less a way of determining the truth, a good philosopher isn't accurate so much as he is persuasive and persuasion is based on emotion, not reason.

It's not you. You're still in your body, you haven't transferred over. Oh sure, there's a computer program that acts like you but you're still in the real world. And that program? He's probably going to be a hapless neet in computer internet land, just like you. This pseudo philosophy is a joke.

Philosophy has been a driving force in culture and human progress and without it you're left with a bleak meaningless future that is so popular today.

so you believe what other people tell you to believe and you say people like catholics were barbarians and are obsolote? wew dude
it's like atheist are the catholics from 1500