People on this board unironically voted for Trump and didn't realize all the hysterical pro-Trump threads were just shitposting.
I know. It's actually hilarious when you think about it
It’s all just one big joke isn’t it?
bready gud
I’m a big trump supporter but it’s time for us to move on and start looking at how we’re going to reconcile our movement when he gets impeached. His entire presidency has been a massive disaster and unless we get him out of office there will never be another right wing movement in this country.
If you don't support Donald Trump you literally support Clinton
>drive-by niggerposting
I agree anonymous poster.
expert level samefagging you fuckin queer
Fucking Nerd
Sorry sweety the president can't do that. Drumpf is going to be impeached within the next two months
We're now investigating the investigation that investigated Trump instead of any crime of national importance. Like, i dunno, kid fucking, private serve yourself file dispensers, weapons trafficking, drug trafficking, money laundering, organ theft, etc. etc.
Go suck Putin's dick you RUSSIAN bot.
they already agreed to it
>the president can't do that
He can and he did
and that just means he will be impeached even faster. He's forcing his staff to commit even more crimes
>the man who embodies all constitutional executive power can't instruct the executive branch to open an investigation
What fucking planet do you live on?
I'll say this much: If November 1 comes around and Republicans still haven't laid the smack down on the coup cabal, Republicans are going to lose the House. Trump knows this.
You are totally right, (((user))). Look, fellow white people, if we want to be on the right side of history, we need to do the right thing for the right wing. Who's with me?
People don't seem to understand how powerful the US president actual is. Obama himself rarely used it to potential, except for DACA which despite the effort of Trump is hard to get rid of. That is power. Power for your changes to last to the next administration and beyond.
B-b-b-but he can't have TWO scoops! That Is a-a-against the rules! WAAAAH
Fact: Tony Podesta still not charged.
Fact: McCabe still not charged.
Fact: Even Eric fucking bike-lock Clanton is still a free man.
Fact: Reality Winner is literally the only person who's had to pay some consequences.
If this is the state of affairs in the days before the midterms, Republicans will lose.
I have never seen such obvious faggotry from the left as I have in this thread. Do you guys even try hard anymore? Trump is not being impeached, you shit posters are faggot queer liberals.
You do realize that even if you change your faggot flag you still have the same ID in this thread right? You absolute dip shit.
>Fact: Tony Podesta still not charged.
Indictments may be sealed
>Fact: McCabe still not charged.
He is now a cooperating witness
I still don't understand how someone named their child Reality Winner. How could she not end up in jail? You would live your entire life teying to live up to your name. How could a human named REALITY WINNER not end up in jail and have their entire life fall apart?
Not only are they faggot queers, they are fucking retarded faggot queers.
Well, put it this way: If that's the case and if it's all still hush-hush come midterms, the effect is going to be precisely the same as if it's not happening at all.
Right? Why is this so hard for burders to understand?
Babby's first day on the job, clearly
Wow I've never seen a schizo alternate between a nigger and a faggot before
Everything about her story is weird af. Wouldn't be surprised if the deep state just used her as a cover for someone else and if she's sipping cocktails in the Bahamas right now.
Mods, you have the power to stop this faggotry.
KYS fucking samefag bitch
Suck a dick, faggot
>The (((Justice Department))) will investigate whether the (((FBI))) did something bad to )))Trump(((
Oh look, (((they))) found """"nothing""""
World keeps spinning.
I think Republicans in Congress are gonna dump as much as they can. They have to time it right to make sure they don't shoot their wad too early so Democrats have time to adjust
I voted for him because of the shitposting.
I'm going to vote for him again in 2020
Good luck with that. Stock up on crayons, tide pods, tissues, and playdoh for your safe space snowflake.
Jesus Christ, just change your ip.
Your boss cant tell you what to do.
>Fact: Even Eric fucking bike-lock Clanton is still a free man.
clanton has been arrested, charged, and is going to trial. he is looking at 10 years behind bars.
Rosenstein is just trying to buy Muller some time. Don't fall for his dirty tricks.